The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 129

Third Person POV

"f**k" Brynn cursed, slamming her hand down on the desk and glaring at the two men who stood there with their heads bowed, her lips curled back in a snarl "You f****d up big time. I can't believe you allowed yourselves to lose our girls" she hissed while the men blanched "do you have any idea how much money this is going to cost me?" she exclaimed loudly, her hands in the air, her gaze incredulous.

She could not believe their stupidity in coming here. What if they had been followed? She was itching to tear their heads off and she bit the inside of her cheek, attempting to maintain some semblance of control while her mate looked on, also stunned and a little flabbergasted at the news they had been given.

Her mate Ashton sat there, looking just as angry, while her mother Bianca, sat idly in a chair examining her nails, looking placid, but Brynn could sense the simmering anger underneath. Her mother had put a lot of thought and effort into this operation and had used some of her valuable contacts in order to provide them with some much needed supplies, from other packs that had excess girls they deemed unworthy to belong in them. She had brought her mother in on the plan when Bianca had come snooping and her mother had never been more proud of her daughter's initiative. In fact, it was she who had come up with the suggestion of using rogues as well in order to be able to fulfill the demand coming from so many Alpha's wanting to continue with the breeding program.

Her claws slowly slid out from her nails. "It wasn't our fault, one of the girls changed into an Alpha wolf" stammered one of the men, swallowing hard and gazing at Brynn beseechingly, pleading with her to understand the predicament they had been in. They had, had no choice but to run. But Brynn was not known for her mercy and both men knew they had made a vital mistake in coming here.

Brynn's cold blue eyes glinted as she scoffed at them "The girls you took and transported were merely rogues, omegas, and wolfless. Do you mean to tell me there was an Alpha wolf magically hiding in their midst? What lies" she snapped, rising to her full height as the men cowered "you're merely trying to hide your ineptitude because the women somehow escaped. Do you think I'll grant you mercy for this?" she demanded icily, a small smile curving onto her lips as the men blanched, glancing sideways at each other, their eyes tinged with panic. Neither of them were a match for an Alpha or a Luna, let alone a previous Luna. They gulped.

Ashton let out a low growl of his own, standing and towering over the warriors who shrank back. They were from the Silver Fog Pack and tasked to bring the women here from their pack. The warriors swallowed hard, looking desperately at the doorway while Luna Bianca smoothly stood and moved to prevent them from leaving, blocking their exit and raising an eyebrow at them as she smiled at them with amusement.

"You had one task and you failed at it. That is more than grounds for death" Ashton's voice was cold and callous.

He was unrepentant for what he was about to do. His whole demeanor was uncaring and ruthless. He had truly changed with Brynn's influence and Bianca smiled, approving of Ashton and the man he had now become. "We're telling the truth" the warrior protested, half-heartedly, starting to feel resigned and desperate.

"Even if you were, why did you run away?" Brynn said, examining her nails which gleamed beneath the lighting on the ceiling "Were you so cowardly that you thought running here would allow you to live?" she mocked, her voice high and shrill causing the men to shake their heads, their bodies trembling with fear. Brynn shook her head at them, smiling widely. The warriors knew their time was up but it didn't stop them from attempting to flee. Their instinct to fight or flee kicked in but it was already far too late.

The warriors began to back away but they didn't get very far. One gave a strangled noise as he felt sharp claws pierce through the back of his throat, blood spurting from his wounds and he collapsed to the ground as his colleague looked at him in horror, sensing that he was about to be next. He tried to shift but was too slow as Brynn gave her mother a wicked smile and licked her lips, stepping out from behind the large desk and attacking, plunging her claws into the other warrior's chest, ripping his heart out and throwing it to the ground as his eyes went blank and his body toppled to the floor, Brynn giving it a kick for good measure. She looked down at the fallen warrior with disgust and disdain. What a pathetic man, weak and cowardly. She would have to be more careful with who she entrusted with the girls in future she thought idly and it would be a long time until she transported any girls from the Silver Fog Pack again. She could not run the risk of being discovered. A fresh bout of anger overtook her.

"Imbecile" she spat and turned to her chosen mate, who raised an eyebrow, Ashton looking much more calm now that the men were dead and no longer posed a threat to their illegal distribution of women being discovered. "Was that really necessary?" he asked mildly, wrinkling his nose.

"We couldn't have them going back to their pack or worse, deciding to spill the beans to someone on where they came from. This was for our own safety" Brynn said nonchalantly glaring at him.

Ashton sighed but privately agreed. These men had known their fate the instant they had stepped onto their lands and would make an excellent example to anyone who tried to abandon their post in the future. He and Brynn had worked too hard, with Bianca's help, for their profitable business to fail. Whoever stood in their way would be neutralized, and even those in their own pack would be dealt with, some already placed in the depths of the dungeon for their attempts to undermine the Alpha and Luna.

Bianca grimaced, glancing at the chaos and mess in the room, the smell of blood permeating the air. Perhaps she could have restrained herself a little better, but the damage was already done. She shrugged nonchalantly and gave her daughter a considering look. Brynn had no trouble interpreting it. She knew immediately what needed to be done and began to do what her mother required, and to be honest what she and Ashton required as well. One could not conduct a meeting with dead bodies on the floor of their study after all she thought with bemusement. It simply was not becoming.

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