The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 119

King Braedon POV

The pack was not exactly as I'd pictured as I held my mate's hand in my own. I glanced around with distaste, taking in the various buildings all in a state of disrepair, including what I surmised was the omegas quarters, while the pack house itself was large, ostentatious, and in excellent condition. I fought back my anger as I greeted Alpha Richard, pretending to be nothing more than a simple traveller with my wife, Blair sporting a pretend ring on her finger in order to make the disguise more real.

"Alpha Brad" Alpha Richard greeted me cordially, dipping his head and looking at me with narrowed eyes "It's a pleasure to have you here at our pack" he added, drawing forth his wife.

His wife was beautiful, with long golden hair and icy blue eyes. She was tanned and had long legs and small hips. She held out her hand and I gently shook it. "The pleasure is all mine" I answered gravelly. Luna Regina gave a slow smile. Blair was ignored. I fought back even more rage, but my mate was placid and calm. "So you are traveling to the Rocky Mountain pack to visit family," she said with a bit of derision in her voice.

The rocky mountain pack was hundreds of miles away. "Yes, my brother and his wife are expecting their first child and I wish to be there for the birth" I answered easily. To access the complete chapters for free, visit Job They looked a little taken aback. I guess Alpha's generally didn't lower themselves to such things in their minds. I felt my mouth go dry.

"Well that is very compassionate of you," Luna Regina said with a small hint of sarcasm "considering your Alpha status."

I was hiding most of my aura, my hair dirty and my clothes worn, secondhand ones in order to give the impression that my pack was a poor one. Blair remained silent, clad in simple jeans and a shirt, further enhancing the impression I wanted to make. "Thank you," I told them.

"Well of course we must get you situated. You are more than welcome to stay for the next few days while you rest and recuperate" Luna Regina said calmly, her eyes focussing on Blair "Your mate is very lovely" she added and I tried not to stiffen at her comment, while Blair smiled kindly at the Luna.

"Thank you for the compliment Luna Regina," she said smoothly and the Luna smiled approvingly.

They motioned us inside and Luna Regina led us upstairs to the top floor where Alpha's and their visitors typically resided. She opened the door to a spare bedroom and we stepped in. "I'll have your bags brought in" Luna Regina informed us loftily as Blair's eyes remained wide, gazing around the room in shock, while I remained unaffected, used to such opulence.

However, Blair's reaction was a good thing, adding to our story and causing Luna Regina to become less suspicious of us. "Please make yourselves comfortable and then, we would be delighted if you would join us for dinner," she said sweetly. "It would be an honor" I told her and she nodded, closing the door and then heading downstairs, my ears pricked until I was satisfied she was gone.

Blair sat down on the large four poster bed with a sigh. "At least the room is comfortable," she said with a moan.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't forget the reason we came to the Silver Fog Pack in the first place" I reminded her.

"I know," she said grimly "Did you see the omegas? How they all look? They are all in the same state."

I gave her a nod, my jaw clenching. All of the omegas we had come across looked haggard, their clothes practically falling off of their skeletal frames, dark circles under their eyes, their skin pale, their bones jutting out of their skin. They looked starved, malnourished, and exhausted. "Remember that we can't do anything just yet. I still need to discern where the breeding cottages are" I said "and there are too few omegas for a place this large, which means"

"That those that are missing are being used for breeding purposes" Blair supplied hollowly.

She sounded sickened by the thought of it and I didn't blame her. I winced and then headed to the bathroom, quickly doing my business and then heading back out. There was a knock on the door.

I opened it, to see an omega standing on the other side, Blair's luggage hauled up in her arms. "Just place it on the floor and we will bring it inside," I said quickly, frightened she might collapse from the strain.

The woman gave a watery smile "Thank you but my instructions were quite clear. I was to bring the luggage inside the room for our guests. I cannot disobey my Luna's directives" she said insistently.

I would have taken the bags off of her, but she looked fearful, glancing over her shoulder and I sensed that she was being watched from a distance. Reluctantly I stepped back and allowed her to bring the bags in and place them onto the floor. "I will be right back with your bags Alpha Brad," the omega said wearily, looking exhausted.

Blair looked at her sympathetically. I saw she was about to say something to her and subtly shook my head. I couldn't afford for her to let the omega know who we were or even give any hints we weren't who we said we were. Blair looked saddened as she tightened her lips and stared at the ground. I sighed. I knew this was going to be hard on her, but I hadn't realized how difficult it was going to be. My mate was so kind-hearted and compassionate. This was literally hurting her, not being able to help the woman.

The omega quietly backed out of the room. Blair let out an exhale and looked at me with guilt on her face. I held up a hand "I know, but we will help them, remember that" I reminded her tersely "You just need to hold on until everything is taken care of."

Her eyes shimmered as she held back tears. I wondered if seeing the omegas in such a state was bringing back bad memories and instantly crossed to her, grabbing her and embracing her tightly.

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