The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 127

King Braedon POV

It didn't take long to discern Blair's location. She was moving, slowly, along a dirt road, and I instructed several of my men, to follow me, taking several cars from the garage of the Silver Fog pack, leaving the poor Gamma in my wake, my car practically racing as I clenched my jaw, determined to reach my mate. It was difficult to determine which pack she was being transferred to along with the other poor omegas. There were several in the vicinity and the road they were taking could easily lead to all of them. Damnit. I swore, slamming my hand on the steering wheel, pissed, and continued to drive recklessly, praying that Blair was unharmed. If she was injured, I would not hesitate to kill those who had dared to lay a finger on her. I was seething with rage and my wolf was ready to tear everybody close to her apart with one breath.

Kill them all. Find our mate and get her back to us, where she belongs. How dare they try and take our Luna Queen! We will show them no mercy for what they have dared to do.

She's not far from us now, it's only a matter of time. But is it me or has her location stopped moving so much? It's like she's flitting back and forth in a small area.

Perhaps the truck or whatever they were transporting her in has stopped?

But why? They haven't stopped at any packs if that's the case. They're literally still on the road? Something is wrong. Something must have happened but it doesn't account for why her GPS is bouncing back and forth and quickly too. Do you think they realized she was wearing a tracker?

I doubt it. This seems to be something else. I can't put my finger on it, but the way the GPS is moving is almost familiar. I would expect to see it if it was on you for example... I trailed off and both myself and my wolf had the same realization. She must have shifted into her wolf! But why now?To access the complete chapters for free, visit Jo b nib. co m.I had thought she didn't have one though. I hadn't sensed one, but my wolf was oddly silent on the matter. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, continuing to drive, but more cautiously now. Spill wolf. I thought that Blair wasn't capable of shifting | snarled at him as he made a small whimpering noise.

Well, maybe I might have sensed that she had a wolf that was hiding in the deep recesses of her mind and didn't say anything he allowed.

Why wouldn't you have told me or allowed me to sense it I snarled at him.

He huffed I thought it would be safer for Blair if I didn't say anything and allowed everyone to think she was wolfless. I didn't trust you not to let it slip she had one.

Wolf, do you have any idea how angry I am at you right now I growled.

I did it for her sake! I was looking out for our mate.

You should have told me. I could have prepared her for her shift! Instead, she's been forced to go through it alone snapped do you have any idea how painful that would have been for her without us by her side?

He went silent for a moment and then I felt his remorse flood through me. I snorted and then glanced down at my GPS tracker. We were almost there. I began to slow, stopping and opening the door as a large black wolf bounded towards me. I instinctively knew who it had to be and the wolf was magnificent. I was in awe as it bounded towards me.

I heard my men give a shout in warning, but my wolf was purring in my mind and showed no fear. The wolf was stunning. A pale black, with large clear eyes and a large bushy tail. Even though it was black, it was still very much feminine and gorgeous. She leaped on me and licked my face, making me chuckle as my men gaped in awe. I stroked its soft and silky fur as she nuzzled against me. I had no doubts in my mind that this had to be Blair's wolf. She was large even in comparison to my own wolf which was bigger. I felt my throat tighten as I looked even more closely at her, another realization dawning in my mind. How could anyone have abandoned her, knowing what she was? The question boggled my mind and I resolved to find out just who was capable of being so cruel as to let an Alpha baby grow up an orphan as I smiled down at my mate.

"You're beautiful," I said huskily, patting her.

She is, isn't she agreed my wolf, sounding like a puppy in love and dumbstruck.

You don't get to talk, I'm still mad at you I told him sternly and he pouted, continuing to stare at Blair's wolf.

Her name is Dusk he told me resentfully.

Dusk. It suited her. I scratched her ears and she snuggled her head against my bare chest. I was in awe. She was an Alpha wolf of all things. It should have been surprising but somehow it made sense. It explained why Blair was so good at fighting in human form and why she was so quick and agile while sparring.

The wolf backed away and I looked at her curiously as she began to yawn before putting her head on her paws. It was adorable.

She's tired from shifting. Not to mention she took care of the assholes who were transporting her. That would have drained a lot of her energy. She did well for her first time, did she not? My wolf commented, sounding slightly smug as he praised our mate. It hadn't escaped my notice that there were several bodies nearby in the woods that were clearly clawed and bitten by a wolf. Girls were tentatively approaching as Dusk fell asleep out in the open. They looked fearful, even as some of them patted the slumbering wolf and whispered thank you with wide eyes.

"Alright men, get these girls to the cars and begin to transport them. I want them taken back to Silver Fog Pack and assessed medically. Ensure they are given food and water. Anything they need, they get. Fresh clothes, showers, whatever. I know you have spare seats in your cars, which is why we took so many. Girls" I began to speak to the omegas who were beginning to crowd close together and stare at us mutely "I am King Braedon," I said in a slightly softer tone "I have just come from the Silver Fog pack which I believe you all belong to" I began and was interrupted by one of the women who sounded slightly panicked.

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