The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 112

Blair POV

"Send her back to her old pack, I don't want to see her face anymore" the man snarled, his chest heaving up and down.

"I can't," Braedon said, as I looked at him sharply.

I admitted I didn't want Liandra hanging around either. I was in full agreement with her mate that she should be returned to Alpha Cody.

"Why not? She doesn't want to remain with her mate?" I asked Braedon confused "Why should she be allowed to remain?" It made no sense to me. She had no family here and now she had no mate.

He gave a sigh. "Because the laws state that if it doesn't work out between mates, they are still to be allowed to remain in the pack if they desire. I can't force her out, no matter how much I might want to, even as the king. It would set a bad example to the other packs."

I wanted to groan out loud. Screw the laws, I wanted to yell, but Braedon was an honorable man and I couldn't ask that of him. I swallowed hard. Liandra's mate looked pained. "I'm sorry," Braedon said "but if you want to transfer to another pack" he suggested and the man shook his head looking resigned.

"No thank you, I'll just avoid her like she seems to be avoiding me, seeing as I can't seem to find her at the moment to even talk to her and she's not answering my mind-links," he said heavily "but I think you should know, she seems to have an obsession with you Alpha King Braedon. She never stops watching you" he murmured, "as though she's waiting for the right moment to pounce."

I clenched my jaw. Braedon gave the man a small smile. "I appreciate your heads up and I will keep a close eye out. Now if you will excuse us" he prompted and the man sighed and quickly made his way back out, shutting the door behind him with a sense of finality.

"Poor guy" I commented sadly.

Braedon exhaled "I should have known she wouldn't stick to being his mate. It was all a ploy in order to remain here. She was just biding her time," he said dully.

"Well if she thinks she's getting her grubby little hands on you, she has another thing coming," I said possessively, making my mate laugh out loud.

"Trust me, she doesn't stand a chance getting close to me," he said leaning back in his chair as I stood up and made my way to him, sitting on his lap and cupping his cheek.

"I only have eyes for you" he breathed as I wriggled on his lap, causing him to inhale sharply.

"You better" I murmured "because you are the only one I ever want looking at me," I told him with annoyance.

He smirked at me "Feeling jealous?"

I shook my head in denial and then leaned forward, pressing my lips gently against his, as his arm wrapped around my waist, pushing me against his chest, tingles running down my spine. I moaned, feeling his hand caressing my back, and let myself get lost in the sensations of him touching me, his lips kissing me with a tenderness I couldn't describe. Another knock on the door had us pulling away with Braedon cursing under his breath. "Remind me to lock that bloody door" he grumbled.

I laughed and went to move, but his arm shot out, preventing me. "No" he growled.

I raised an eyebrow as he turned me so I was sitting and facing the door. "Enter" he sighed.

Julia poked her head in. Braedon looked at her like he was about to tear her head off. Julia was unfazed. "We have a bit of a situation King Braedon," she said delicately.

"What kind of situation?" he asked.

James, who had remained silent till now spoke up "How about I take care of it?"

Braedon looked at him with gratefulness. I blushed. I had forgotten he was even there and James smirked, winking at me. "The thing is, well um" Julia stammered, not looking like her immaculate self "Liandra just um, well she, she..."

She what? We eyed her suspiciously and Julia paled even further, looking like she was going to be sick. Whatever it was, it wasn't pretty. What had happened to make Julia look like this?

"She killed herself. She was just found with her wrists slit, with silver so they wouldn't heal, in the forest. The poor thing must have been distraught after rejecting her mate" Julia began to sob as I stiffened "She was already weak. I don't understand why she did it" she added.

I frowned. This made no sense. How did somebody so arrogant and cocky as Liandra, suddenly just kill herself? It was irrational and went against the grain of the woman I knew. Braedon picked me up gently and set me on my feet. James's expression was grim. "I'll mind-link some warriors to keep everybody back so we can survey the scene," he said tightly "I doubt she killed herself" he added, confirming what I already knew.

"Do you think it was her mate? He was angry when he left" I murmured.

"No, he wouldn't have had time," Braedon said grimly "and he's not the type, trust me. He was just mad but he wouldn't go this far. No this was somebody else. Blair stay here, I don't want you to see this. Liandra was a warrior, so it's surprising somebody was able to get this close to her."

James's gaze sharpened. I sensed he and Braedon were silently communicating with each other. I swallowed hard. I might not have liked Liandra but she was a human being. She didn't deserve this. Was it some strange coincidence it had happened on the same day that Braedon's sister had arrived or was there more to it? Was this related to everything that had been happening to me? Had Liandra stumbled on the perpetrator and been killed before she could offer up the information? I felt my thoughts becoming conflicted as Braedon began to head for the door, Julia sobbing wildly.

"Do not leave the pack house" he told me over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed "I'll send Sierra to you. She's the only one I trust right now."

I nodded and watched him leave with James, Julia looking wrought as I silently handed her some tissues before she left. What had Liandra done, to make somebody angry enough to kill her?

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