The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 111

Blair POV

Braedon was in a foul mood all night and wasn't in much better as we got up in the morning. I felt a sense of resignation and rage emanating from him. "Was her mate a fated one?" I asked him as we walked downstairs and he shook his head, glancing at me wryly. "No, he was chosen, but I'll lay bets they didn't mark each other."

So pretty much a boyfriend then. That didn't seem so bad to me but Braedon was fuming. We sat down at the dining table and ate our breakfast in silence.

Braedon motioned for me and James to follow him to the study. We settled down in our seats when there was a tentative knock on the door. "Enter," Braedon said tiredly.

Julia opened the door, a woman beside her. I looked at the woman with curiosity. She did not resemble Braedon all that much. Perhaps she resembled one of her parents, with her raven black hair and dark blue eyes? She gave a stiff smile as Julia looked at Braedon apologetically "Sarah has arrived" she said quietly.

Braedon motioned for the girl to come in. She couldn't be any older than nineteen. But why did she seem so damn familiar? Then it hit me. She was one of Brynn's friends at my old pack. One that had visited often from another pack. I stiffened. She hadn't been one of the nastiest tormenters, but she had taken part occasionally. The girl's eyes widened when she saw me and without thinking she pointed directly at me "What is she doing here?" she said sourly.

Braedon glanced between me and his sister. There was a look of hatred in my eyes and he narrowed his eyes "I take it you two know each other" he said calmly.

"She's nothing more than a pathetic mutt and loser," Sarah said with disdain "Don't tell me she's your mate," she said loudly.

I gave a low growl that came out of nowhere but Braedon slammed his hand down. "She is my mate and you will afford her the proper respect. I don't know who you think you are Sarah but this is the only time I'm going to let that slide. Now why didn't you stay with your so-called chosen mate?" he said snarkily "You were so in love with him" he added coldly. She looked down at her hands "he cheated on me" she said in a low whisper "with another girl."

Despite my anger, I felt a pang at how forlorn she sounded. Braedon took a look at her neck. "Did you mark each other?" Tears came to her eyes "Yes but we rejected each other, so it's gone now" she whispered.

I felt a pang. It must have been excruciating to feel the mark dissolving off her skin. Once the mark was there, it was meant to stay but when it came to chosen mates it was still possible for the mark to disappear if you rejected one another afterwards. It was why so many of us wanted to find our fated mates. Sarah looked down at her hands.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I told her sincerely, making her eyes widen in surprise "This must be heartbreaking for you." Braedon didn't look convinced. "What are your plans now?" he demanded "Do you intend on staying or are you going to leave the second you fall for another useless man who has no intention of staying around?"

I winced. Braedon wasn't mincing his words. Sarah's lower lip was quivering and I could see how hurt she was with how Braedon was treating her.

"I plan on staying until I meet my fated mate" she breathed, widening her eyes "Please believe me this time Braedon, I'm tired of being disappointed over and over again."

He scoffed and I nudged him none too gently. "Braedon," I said firmly "be a little kinder, after all, she's been through enough. Sarah" I said gently as she looked at me in shock "Of course you are welcome. You are Braedon's sister after all. Do you need help settling back in?"

She shook her head "No. I have a room that's always kept for me. My clothes are being shipped back and I have everything I need. I'm sorry for my comment Blair and I know that what I did back then was not nice, in time I hope you forgive me" she exhaled. I was tentative. She hadn't been the worst of all of them. "Leave," Braedon said hoarsely and his sister bowed her head and then quickly left, tears shining in her eyes.

"Braedon" I scolded "what's gotten into you?"

He shook his head "You don't know what she's like. The second she falls in love, she'll be hightailing it out of here again. She's a hopeless romantic and there's no reasoning with her."

Was that such a horrible thing? Some wolves went a whole lifetime without finding their fated mates. Perhaps Sarah was worried that would happen to her.

I bit my lip "Maybe this time will be different" I said.

He groaned. There was another knock on the door and then a man came barreling through. I recognized him as Liandra's mate and raised an eyebrow. Braedon was fuming. "You're supposed to wait for a damn answer" he snarled at the man. I had forgotten his name. It was either Toby or Cody.

The man was glaring "that b***h rejected me" he hissed.

Braedon's eyebrows shot up "I take it you mean Liandra" he murmured.

"Yes, her" he snapped, "said I wasn't worthy of her and she rejected me, just like that! How am I not good enough" he said, clearly distraught.

The man was upset, not angry. Braedon looked at him sympathetically "I can't force her to remain mates with you. Did you even mark each other?" he asked quietly.

Now that he said it, I couldn't remember if they had.

"No," the man said testily "She kept saying she wanted to put it off until she got to know me better. The mark on her neck was merely henna" he growled, "to convince people she had done it."

Ah, that was weird but oh well. Braedon grimaced and ran a hand through his hair "As much as I sympathize with you, I don't know what you want me to do" he said slowly.

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