The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 103



The mall was teeming with a large crowd of people as we stood just inside the entrance, Sierra's face etched with determination, as was Josie's. The two warriors who had come with us, stood behind, subtly trying to stay out of our way. I touched my pocket, feeling the bank card and my phone that was resting in there comfortably. I licked my lips, feeling apprehensive as I saw the wide smiles on the two girls' faces. They looked ready to do some serious shopping while I had only come with one goal in mind. Was it too late to back out now?

"What's your poison?" Sierra drawled and I looked at her with surprise.

What on earth was she talking about? Josie giggled. "Sorry, what?" I said dumbly and Sierra gave a huff.

"I mean what are we shopping for" she said patiently "Shoes, handbags, clothes, jewelry, alcohol, all of the above?" she suggested with a wink.

Oh. I guess telling them would make sense. But I blushed just thinking about it. I mean how did I describe what I was wanting without sounding overly suggestive? Too late, Sierra noticed the blush on my face and pounced, her eyes widening as realization dawned.

"Oh my god" she exclaimed "You came here for something else altogether" she teased as Josie's head whipped around "Girl you came here for something to seduce your mate with."

I cringed. My head turned to look at the two warrior men who were pretending not to have heard her. "Keep it down" I hissed embarrassed as Josie giggled loudly "And is that so bad? I mean, I'm not sure what I'm looking for" I admitted.

Besides, wouldn't this make Sierra angry? She had feelings for Braedon didn't she? I eyed her suspiciously, but her eyes were twinkling and she was fighting back her urge to laugh. "Aren't you mad?" I asked her unable to help myself.

For a moment she eyed me back and then slowly shook her head. "I was living in a fantasy world thinking that King Braedon would make me his Luna" she admitted in a resigned voice, lowering her head in a show of shame "and I realize how foolish that was now. I feel like it's time to let go of what cannot never be and hope to find my mate instead. Besides" she said with a flip of her hair and her eyes staring fixedly into mine "I happen to like you as strange as that seems" she joked and all of us girls laughed.

"You didn't come here for s*x toys did you?" Josie asked making Sierra and I stare at her incredulously "Because they don't carry those sorts of things here, you would have to go to a specialty store and then..." she trailed off as she saw the look on our faces.

I gaped and Sierra's jaw dropped open. Josie stared at us defensively. "How do you know that..?" Sierra spluttered.

The two warrior men began to look distinctly uncomfortable as the crowd of people continued to surge past us, leaving a wide berth as several women ogled the attractive men with their eyes.

Josie's cheeks turned bright red as she floundered. I clapped her on the shoulder "Never mind, but for your information, no I didn't come for that" I said slowly, although it did bring certain images to my mind.

Who would have thought innocent Josie wasn't quite that innocent? I looked at her with admiration as she continued to blush. "I actually just want to get some lingerie" I admitted shyly.

Sierra's eyes cleared "Oh that," she said with a shrug and a complete look of nonchalance on her face "Too easy. There are several lingerie stores in the mall. Depends on what look you're going for" she added, eyeing me.

Say what now? Lingerie was lingerie, wasn't it? What was she alluding to now?

I looked at her hopelessly. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. My ideas of seducing Braedon were going out the window now. I hesitated and wondered if this was worth all the headache. The two warrior men were staring studiously at the ground, the tips of their ears red. I prayed they weren't mind-linking my mate.

"Well are you going for the more demure kind of look" pressed Sierra, seeing the confusion on my face "or more sexy and racy?"

"Or are you looking for a naughty costume?" chimed in Josie, also attempting to be helpful.

The men looked at each other with desperation, clearly wishing they could leave and unable to.

"Um, I don't know, just something a little seductive without going over the top," I said feeling embarrassed.

You could probably have fried an egg on my forehead by now. Josie and Sierra were looking at each other and silently communicating. "Let's go to Seductive and then try Victoria's Secret," Sierra said, grabbing my hand and dragging me along with enthusiasm while Josie nodded in agreement.

Well at least we were off, I thought with a sigh. The two men, Buster and Baxter, I think their names were, kept up easily, before staring at the store as we stopped outside Seductive, which had lingerie-clad mannequins in the window and rows and rows of various lingerie as far as the eye could see. I glanced at the men who looked so uncomfortable as they glanced uneasily at each other.

""Do you want to stay out here?" I asked them kindly.

They looked like they wanted to take the offer but Baxter shook his head "King Braedon was adamant about keeping you in our sights at all times Luna" he said lowly. Both men looked as though they would rather go to the gallows then step foot inside the store.

Shame. I felt sorry for them as we all trudged into the store. Sierra pulled me straight away to the babydoll section while the men stood in the background, trying to look at the ground in an attempt to ignore the panties and bras surrounding them. Josie giggled. A saleswoman approached the men with a kindly smile, causing Sierra to laugh and me to smile at their awkwardness.

"Can I help you?" asked the woman "Are you looking for a gift perhaps for your partner?" she asked with enthusiasm. The men looked at each other. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were together" the poor saleswoman hastily apologized and the men looked indignant as Sierra began to laugh and clutch her stomach.

"They're with me" I interrupted her, rescuing the poor men while the woman looked at me with shock in her eyes.

"Oh," she said faintly and then pointed at the girls "Would you like me to get some extra salespeople?"

"Oh no," Sierra said wickedly, putting her arm over my shoulder and beaming at the woman whose nametag read Susan "We're all partners of Blair here and she's the only one buying lingerie today. She needs something to flatter her figure and really draw out her seductive side. I think that a vivid red or maybe a hot pink might suit her, how about you?" she said and I fought the urge to kill her as Josie began to giggle in the background.

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