The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 77


I enter the villa, my mind still a storm of thoughts as I piece together all the things that have happened. The number of times she had gotten hurt around me... It was because I drew them to me...

I stop in my tracks when the smell of delicious food hits my nose, and the sound of soft humming reaches me. Her beautiful voice drawing my attention.

1 look towards the kitchen, remembering last night and close my eyes, turning away. How do I pretend everything is ok when I'm already preparing for her departure?

Hesitating for a second, I then walk towards the kitchen, the doors open and I quietly lean against the doorframe, watching her. She's wearing a dress that accentuates her thighs and waist, her back is to me and for a moment I appreciate her. She's like a ray of tight, bringing warmth, happiness and... love. Her hair, which reminds me of sand and the beach, is in a loose braid and when she turns slightly, there's a soft smile on her plump lips.

For a second, I wish I could keep her.

She would be the reason I would feel something inside of me, a reason to live, someone to call my own... but believe it or not... and I can't imagine myself ever admitting this, but I do not deserve this Rossi Princesa.

I will never risk her life, and never be the reason she suffers again.

"Will you simply stand there?" she asks softly, bringing me from my thoughts.

I glance up at her, realising her heart is pounding despite the fact she's continuing with what she's slicing.

A silence falls and I wonder what to say... last night I had shown more emotions than I should have... and what should have just been a moment of passion became something far more...

"I was wondering what you're making," I lie as I step into the kitchen.

She looks up at me and I instantly realise she's been crying.

As much as I want to go over and ask her who made her upset, I don't. After all, it's probably me for leaving her suddenly without even a message this morning.

"Oh just some food, I wanted to make myself useful," she responds softly as tension falts between us.

"I uh, I did pick up some pastries and things," I say, walking over to her and placing the bag on the counter.

"Oh! Thank you. I actually went to this café when I was jsearching for you when I first arrived." She smiles. "It's where someone told me about Club Jewels." Haala?

I cock a brow. "Oh yeah? Care to share who?"

She opens her mouth when her gorgeous eyes widen, and she shakes her head. "No. I can't tell you... you might punish them," she mumbles, looking at me suspiciously. Maybe.

"So you came to Club Jewels to find me?" I smirk.

She blushes and nods. "Yes, and then you were paying attention to that pretty woman in red?"


"Yes. Ruby."

A slow smirk crosses my lips. Is she jealous? I could reassure her she has nothing to be jealous of when she is far sexier and captures my attention more than anyone else ever has. To access the complete chapters for free, visit Jo b ni take out a cigarette and light it. "So let me guess, a middle-aged woman with dark eyes told you?" I ask choosing not to say more on the topic of the girls at the club. À place I don't even f*****g go to anymore.

What the f**k has she done to me?

"I don't remember," she lies with a pout.

"You do not know how to lie, Mi Amor. Tell me, did she work there?"

"If you promise to not do anything to her," she pleads.

Even now she's worried about others. I cock a brow as I brush the tip of my fingers through the hair that frames her glowing face. F**k, is she beautiful.

"You should worry more about yourself, not others," I say. "But I already know who it was."

"Oh..." she says.

So she had sent her to me... why? Why risk her life if she told me to stay away? I think bitterly.

"Enrique..." She steps closer and I instantly step back.


I see the confusion and hurt flash in her eyes as she looks up at me with tender eyes.

"What is it?" I ask, turning away from her slightly.

"I made food... are you hungry?" she asks. That's not what she wanted to say, but it's obvious she changed her mind.

I want to refuse her, tell her that I'm not hungry, but then I see the salad she's cut and the dishes she's taken out. The effort in everything obvious.

If I refused... it would break her heart... but if I accepted, it would give her a hope that does not exist.

""'ve already eaten... I just thought to drop this to you," I say quietly, motioning to the bag. "I have some work to do. I might not be back tonight, so-"

"Please don't shut me out," she whispers pleadingly, placing a slender hand on my chest.

I can't do this... not to you. You deserve more.

"How can I shut you out when I never let you in to begin with?" | murmur, playing with her hair, feeling like someone just punched me in the throat. My own words cut through me and that wound is only deepened when I see the hurt in her eyes. I take a drag on my cigarette, refusing to meet her gaze and look away swiftly.

"Look, I have things to do so I'll be heading out. Make sure you're packed for the summit," I say, glancing at her shadow on the ground and not at the woman herself.

"The summit is not for a few days. Why are you telling me to pack now? Won't you be returning here after your work is done or tomorrow even?" she whispers.

"I'm not sure, depends. I'm an alpha, Princesa. I have more to do than waste it here." I close my eyes, resenting myself for saying those words.

I really am a cabrón.

"At least eat before you go. I made so much food, it-will go to waste otherwise."

I turn back to her, and that is when I make another mistake. Seeing her standing there, how does one refuse a diosa?

"Well, since you went through the trouble, sure. You do cook welt," I remark.

A beautiful smile graces her face as she turns, her boobs jiggling as she hurries to the oven.

"I made roasted chicken as well as some steamed veg and roast potatoes..." she explains as she opens the oven door, sending a strong waft of the delicious scent through the room.

"It does smell good... but not as good as you. And I doubt it will taste as good as you do."

She smiles at me, her cheeks tainted with the colour of sin itself. I smirk slightly as I lean against the counter, watching her work.

Making her blush is fun, but watching her is also fun.

She's gorgeous and those killer curves are a distraction, like always.

I walk over to the table and sit down, putting my cigarette out as I wait for her to take her seat. After a few moments, she takes a seat gracefully.

"I'm sorry for all the burdens I have brought upon you," she apologises, placing food on my plate and I try not to stare at her breasts.

I cock a brow. "How exactly do you think you have done that?"

"The Crawlers, they are after me and I brought my problems to you... also I-"

"They are not a problem, remember I can destroy them now."

"Still, I made you leave your home and put your pack in harm's way..." She sighs sadly, but despite that her cheeks still remain tinged. "Thank you."

I pick up my fork, breaking into the chicken and take a bite. The sound of cutlery fills the silence until she speaks.

"Will you not consider the prosthetic?" she asks quietly as she takes a small bite of her own food.

I pause, glancing up at her. "I told you I do not need it."

"But it will make me happy..."

Don't use that on me, Princesa... "And why should I care about what makes you happy?" I ask emotionlessly.

She looks down for a second. "What will it take for you to agree to wear it?" she asks, her face full of conflict.

I look across at her, chewing slowly and tilting my head. "For you to promise me one favour." Just in case she tries to become difficult.

Her face falls, her heart thundering as she stares at me.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, Princesa, if I wear it, if I accept it, in turn I will call on you to grant me one wish, and when I ask for this favour, you will not break this oath."

Her heart is thundering as she stares at me, her eyes full of emotion. "To promise something so blindly... is that what you truly want from me in return?" "Yes. But the choice is yours. Do you wish for me to accept this prosthetic?"

She nods hesitantly.

She's smart and I know she's pondering all the cons, but I know her... she will agree.

"Very well then, I will promise to grant you one wish. I am certain you will not ask for something that will hurt me." She looks down, her breasts rising and falling rapidly. Why does that feel like she almost knows what I might ask of her?

"Great. So let's enjoy the meal. I need to head out again after this."

"Oh..." she looks disappointed for a second and I almost ask if she was missing me. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I hold them back.

My time is running out and I need her away and safe from here. As for the leader of the Crawlers that she saw in her vision, well, I have a plan.

I might just break that trust you have in me, Princesa, and if I do., Lo siento, Mi Amor.

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