The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 76


Haala. She may have aged slightly, but there's no doubt about who she is.

"It has indeed, Alpha Enrique. My enchantment had one flaw... Yet I thought it was foolproof."

"But it really isn't. I guess luck was shining on me when I decided to get some pastries and cakes for someone," I answer, watching her intently. I can see her aura around her. The power that emits from her.

I understood the deception spell. If one looks for what's hidden, they cannot be found, but unintentionally it's possible to stumble upon it, in this case, her. She was always paranoid, as if running from someone or something. But seeing the way she looks uneasy, I wonder if it is me she's always run from? Although that makes no sense.

She looks tense as she stands there unmoving. "What is it that you desire from me that you seek me so desperately?"

"I understand you do not want to get into our affairs, but I need your assistance. You are the only witch in Puerto Rico of your calibre... So tell me, Haala, will you help me?"

Her eyes flicker a deep green, a flash of annoyance in them. She bows her head, to my surprise. "Do you mock me when you know I cannot refuse you?"

I frown as I slowly advance towards her. I understand my pack members fearing me, like Diego... but for her to be afraid...

Why? She owes me nothing, and I am not my padre. Yes, many witches were killed doing his bidding... but I am not him.

"I am requesting your help. It is not a command even if you live on my land, but I would be grateful if you do agree to help me," I say quietly. Does everyone think so badly of me?

"You are El Rey Carmesí. Your wish will always be our command," she replies, her eyes flashing with fear and something else as she leans back. I stop in my tracks.

One thing I know about witches is to pay attention to every little thing they say. There's more to that. "Explain," I command. "Why would you listen to me simply because I am El Rey Carmesí?"

She looks up at me almost curiously before her eyes widen and she smiles humourlessly. "The most dangerous thing possible is not knowing what you possess... You have no idea what power you hold, do you, Alpha Enrique?" "No, but I think you do. Tell me." This time, I plan to get the answers.

"If it is your command," Haala says bitterly.

"It is a request, not a command," I say, knowing I'd rather she understands and helps willingly. My father spent most of his life commanding others to obey him. That's not how I am going to demand respect. I'll fucking earn it.

I step back and sit down at one of the tables, taking out a cigarette and lighting it as I put my feet up on the table, showing her I am not going anywhere.

She watches me before she takes a deep breath, shaking her head. "The answers lie before you..."

"I'm sure they fucking do. Doesn't mean I will change my mind about wanting you to tell me them though."

She frowns at that before she sighs in exasperation. "You are born from the blood of Hecate. You are her very own lineage. You are a descendant of Roja herself."

"I'm listening." I remark, taking a drag on my cigarette.

"Hecate did not wish to associate herself with your line because, although you have magic running through your veins, everyone knows men succumb to the l**t for power far faster than women do. You, Mi Rey, are a sorcerer, meaning you possess magic. The only sorcerer currently in existence in this world, for no man can possess magic save the descendants of Roja."

My eyes glimmer as I stare at her. Magic?

I don't think so...

"Like your father before you possessed. That power you have is one that you can use without the need for spells. Magic that grants you power over us - the daughters of Hecate. You have the power your father had, a power you accepted when you took your oath and accepted your title as El Rey Carmesi. The very same power your father used to bless his people with and what helped them-"

"Mask their scents and grant them speed? I remember how their fur was on fire... the wolves that seemed to be made of magic and fire itself..." Vague memories of seeing such a thing as a child hazily fill my mind.

"Exactly, he created the wolves of fire. Blessing ordinary wolves with powers beyond their imagination."

So, it was not the Djinn... I had thought as much. And the wolves of fire was the title for the army padre had built... not another name for the guardsmen.

I sit up straight, dropping my legs to the floor and lean forward, remembering something from back then.

"My father also had many witches under his command, were they..."

She nods. "Yes, because none would defy a sorcerer's command. Perhaps a few were willing, but I assure you most were forced to do his bidding... and they lost their lives in the process."

"So, the witches obey the sons of Roja like a wolf does his Alpha..." I remark, blowing out a string of smoke, my eyes glimmering as I let the revelation sink in. "Then... is that the reason that you are hiding in fear? That I will command you to do my biddings?" "I already lost my daughter. I did not want to lose anyone else...." Her gaze flickers to the kitchen, and I c**k a brow.

"Do you have more family?"

She looks uneasy before she nods. "Y-yes."

I nod, not pushing her. Whoever it is, is hiding, possibly by magic. "Fear not, I don't want anything from you that will endanger your life," I promise quietly.

"Don't you? Is it not what your kind always wants? Don't us witches always suffer for your kind?" she asks accusingly.

"Not for me. However, correct me if I'm wrong, but you just attested that I am also of your kind."

"You misunderstand. You are one of a kind, Mi Rey... you are not one of us."

Her cold words don't even affect me. She's not saying anything I don't already know. "Understood. It does not surprise me. I often feel I don't belong anywhere. Your revelation only proves that I was born to walk this earth alone. I won't take any more of your time than I already have, I just have a few questions."

She does not want me here, and what she has said plays on my mind heavily. What does this mean for me?

"The guardsmen. What do you know about them?"

*The guardsmen are born from fire, they are said to be your protectors. They will kill for you, and if you wish, they can unleash havoc upon the world for you. Or they might just destroy your world if you fail to tame them first. Or they might." "Tame them?" I ask as I stand up, making her tense a little.

"Control them with what you do not possess, Mi Rey. The Ash Stone."

"Do you know where it is?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "I'm afraid I do not, but I am certain you will figure it out."

My stomach sinks, so she doesn't know... She glances towards the door, and I know she wants me gone.

"Very well... I will leave soon. Tell me do you know anything about a monster called a Crawler?"

"It does not seem familiar, why do you ask?"

"A... friend of mine, acquaintance... guest, whatever has been attacked by these creatures of darkness. They come from the otherworld, made of darkness and feed upon fear and rage. If you are not reading this novel on Job nib .com, some paragraphs are incomplete. Their target is a woman not of this island, and I was wondering if you could give me something to work with if you have any idea of what they could possibly want from her." "Ah... the darkness from my Herina's vision."

My heart skips a beat, a vision?

"Your daughter had a vision?" I ask, "One that included these monsters?"

She observes me intently, chewing on her lip. "You do not know of the vision."

It's a statement not a question.

"Clearly no. And it was one that involved me... tell me Haala, is that why you hide from me. Thinking I might want to know more or what?"

"Or that you will blame the omen on my daughter.


"Who knew of the vision? Who was it told to?" I ask, trying to calm the bubbling rage within me.

"Given. She drew it and it was passed from her hands to your carer. My daughter asked for you, but you were not brought to her but he reassured her that he would make sure you get it." Hugo?

My stomach twists as another sharp sting of betrayal rushes through me.

"What was the vision of?"

"Of the woman you speak of, the foreign queen who has set foot here. While you are consumed by the darkness - or as you call them, crawlers. She is the one who holds the light. I only caught a glimpse of it and it has been far too long. It could depict anything depending how you look at it."

I don't know what to reply... I will be consumed by them? Does she mean I am bringing the darkness... my stomach churns with unease.

"So are you telling me that I am the one who is putting her at risk?" I ask quietly.

She tilts her head, "Do you want me to speak the truth that benefits you or the truth that benefits her?"

"The truth that benefits her," I answer instantly. What kind of question is that? Obviously I'd f*****g choose her.

"Then stay away from her, for the more time you spend with her, the more that darkness shall bury its claws into her. Now you have asked enough, make sure to pay me for my time," she says crisply, the words leaving an odd feeling inside of me. My mind is a storm. As I thought... keeping her here, I'm only hurting her in more ways than I thought.

"So, if I stay away from her, she'll be safe... that's all it takes, right?" I ask, needing to be sure.

Silence greets me and I turn around, only to see the room is now empty.

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration as I toss down some money irritably before I slam my hand on the table.

Where has she gone?! I was not done!

I close my eyes, exhaling slowly, before opening them and staring up at the ceiling.

I will not let anything happen to you. When this summit comes, I will not bring you back.

I head to the door, wanting to return. The lack of sleep and the exhaustion of the day are catching up. And above all that... maybe, just f*****g maybe, I needed to see her to calm the storm brewing within me...

The bell on the door tinkles when I open it, and it's like I'm stepping out of a time capsule.

"Excuse me, Alpha, you forgot this."

I turn to look at the girl, who might be in her early teens, as she holds up a paper bag that smells pretty good, promising lots of treats.

"Thank you. How much do I owe you?" I ask, wondering if this is the witch's daughter. Who once again I have no name for.

"You have already paid plenty. Goodnight, Mi Rey..." She bows her head before disappearing and I leave the shop, getting back into my car and driving towards the villa, the witch's revelation swirling around my mind...

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