The Palace Beast

Chapter 5 - Getting Stuck

*** BEFORE ***

The captain of fifty steadied his horse, raising his hand above his head and issuing a stern command, "Halt!" Without hesitation, his men brought their horses to an abrupt stop, exchanging wary glances with one another. Something felt amiss; the usually treacherous rocky road appeared even more eerie today. Adorned in their gleaming armor, prepared to lay down their lives for their duty as valiant Knights, they couldn't shake the uneasy feelings that had settled upon them. "What is happening here?!" Princess Bonnie's voice quivered as she peered anxiously through the window of her carriage. She despised being forced to come to a halt, particularly when traversing such a narrow and rugged path. She was on a hurried journey to meet the Crown Prince of Wex, the sovereign ruler of the kingdom governed by King Charles. While she had never intended to embark upon days of travel to the Kingdom of Wex, she had relayed her message through a trusted messenger. The missive, carefully inscribed on parchment and securely sealed, indicated her intended location: the cherished inn in Saxon village.

With measured steps, the captain dismounted his horse and approached the carriage where Princess Bonnie awaited. His comrades, maintaining their positions, remained vigilant. Their suspicions harbored untold tales, too weighty for their lips. to divulge.

"My Princess," said the captain as he made a gracious bow, "the heavy downpour from last night must have caused a tree to fall, blocking the bridge," he explained.

"Why are your men doing nothing to move the tree?" Princess Bonnie scowled at him. "They should get to work. We don't have all day."

The captain swiftly turned and hurried back. "Alright, Knight of Maxis, we have work to do!" he announced, addressing the two knights. He ordered them to remain and guard the princess' cart.

"My Princess, I don't like the feeling I am getting," Maiden June said, her voice trembling and lacking courage in the presence of the princess. She was riding on the same cart as her.

"And what feeling is it that you have?" Princess Bonnie hardened her gaze, fixating it steadily on her maiden.

Maiden June lowered her head. "It's not safe for us to be out here this soon," she said, a mix of bravery and fear apparent in her uneasy heart.

The Princess's father, King Gilbert, has proclaimed it unsafe for anyone to venture outside of Maxis due to the kingdom being under attack by ferocious hairy creatures with menacing snorts.

This declaration was disseminated throughout every village and town in Maxis. However, the princess refused to heed the warning. Her mind would not be at ease until she beheld the Crown Prince and felt his lips upon hers once more. "You have nothing to worry about," she assured her maiden. "Everything will be under control as soon as they remove the tree."

Maiden June breathed a sigh of relief but remained unconvinced. Her thoughts weighed heavily upon her. She appeared downcast, though she hesitated to express further concerns.

"What is taking them so long?!" Princess Bonnie exclaimed in frustration, peering through the carriage window to see for herself. "Sir!" she gestured to the knight guarding the carriage. When he approached, she fired a question at him. "Why is it taking so long to move the tree?"

He respectfully lowered his head to answer. "I don't know, my princess."

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"Then go find out!" she ordered, furrowing her brows.

"I apologize, my princess," he spoke in a trembling tone, head still lowered. "My captain has instructed me to remain here and..."

The princess's nostrils flared as she stared at the knight. She couldn't believe he had dared to refuse her command. "Do not tell me you intend to disobey the princess?" she interrupted hastily. "You are aware that I could easily have your head served on a platter?"

The knight maintained silence, unwilling to challenge her further or defy his captain's orders. In Maxis, any knight who dared to disobey their commander regarding matters that pertained to the safety of the royal family or the entire kingdom would face execution by hanging.

Observing the knight's refusal to engage with her, the princess let out a loud hiss. "Come with me," she instructed the maiden, pushing open the cart door. She needed to personally investigate why it was taking them so long to move the tree. Pulling her regal robe up, she descended from the cart slowly. Glancing back, she cautioned, "Watch your step," displaying concern for her maiden's well-being.

Maiden June followed suit, heeding the princess's indication.

Princess Bonnie walked over and positioned herself in front of the cart carriage, narrowing her eyes and concentrating her gaze. However, her view was obstructed by the knights' horses.

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As she prepared to take a step forward, two knights blocked her path. "I apologize, my princess, but it is unsafe for you to..."

Cutting him off mid-sentence, the princess forcefully pressed through. "Try to stop me!" she snapped.

Maiden June hurriedly chased after her. "My Princess!" she called out, aware that her life would be in peril if the king discovered her presence and the princess rejected the knights' protection. She needed to err on the side of caution. Blocking the princess's progress, she spoke with a trembling voice. "Please, my princess, remain where you are. I believe..."

"If you don't move aside now, I will have you thrown into the dungeon upon our return," the princess interrupted, her face contorted with rage as she fixed her unyielding gaze on Maiden June.

Maiden June furrowed her eyebrows, bringing them closer together. Lowering her head, she complied with the orders she had been given.

The princess took the first, second, and third steps. However, as she poised to take the fourth step, a sharp howl pierced the air, causing her to start and halt in fear. Swiveling around, she trembled with apprehension. Before she could utter a word, the pitch of the howl escalated, soon replaced by furious barking.

Princess Bonnie cast a terrified glance at Maiden June. "Did you hear that?"

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