The Palace Beast

Chapter 34 - Abezethibou

Kingdom of Maxis The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the cobbled road. A flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder came close upon each other. Thunder roared and lightning flashed across the sky. "Where is the king?" Gerald asked rushing into the main palace building.

He has been soaked in rain with the other guards that went to Sax village with him. They were just coming back from their search when they met the rain on their way home. The thunder roared and roared over and over again. Their search for the emaciated and doglike-looking creature with gray skin and pale and the flesh is hairless seems unsuccessful.

Many deaths have been recorded before they could get to the Sax village. Houses have been torched down with flames as many villagers attempted to scare the creature away with fire. It was sad when Gerald walked the streets of the village seeing many houses in flames. Most of the houses were built with woods and some with muddy bricks. The wood houses were torched down whereas the muddy bricks survived the flame.

The creature is still out there and will strike again if the guards did not find it. Fear has made many villagers in Sax leave. Out of the goodwill of Gerald, he has left some of his ranking officers in Sax to look out for the creature and to protect the villagers.

"My king," said Gerald as he took a bow before the king.

"I can see the rain met you." King Afa said as he makes his way to his throne. "What's the status in Sax?"

"Forgive me, my king, we couldn't find the creature and we are still on it," Gerald replied.

Kingdom of Wex In the darkest corner of Kings Charles' chamber, Kay was seated on the floor behind the curtain. She flashed back on what happened last night between her and the king. How King Charles threatened her life with a sword. She was lost in her bad memories of last night. She knew quite well that King Afa won't do such to her. She slowly leaned back, resting her back on the wall.

Suddenly, a thick red smoke started making its way into where she was seated. "Oh no!" she exclaimed jumping to her feet. "The chamber is on fire!" she exclaimed again rushing out from behind the curtain.

"Ahhh!" she screamed falling back to the wall. She thought she was sleep-walking on seeing a one-winged man standing at the center of the king's chamber. The wing is red in color. The man was nice looking with a pretty face but there are two horns on his head and his eyes were red.

"Don't be scared. I will not hurt you," he said turning off his red demon eyes. "I am not here to hurt you." He added walking closer to Kay.

"Stay away from me." Kay cried out running back to the curtain.

"I said I am not here to hurt you. I am here to help you." He echoed as he moves towards the curtain and unveiled Kay.

"Please, spare my life... Please, I beg of you." Kay cried out. She then went on her knees with her hands joined together. "What do you want with me?" she muttered with a quivering tone.

"I want to make you the new Queen of Wex. How about that?" said the one-winged man. "By the way, I am Abezethibou." He added stretching out his hand towards Kay.

Kay thought she was still caught in the nightmare of what King Charlesdid to her last night. She was forced to have sex with the king, even though she wanted it at first but later relented. The king threatened her life with his sword. She thought all that was a dream and needed someone to wake her up from her sleep.

'I can't take this anymore; someone really needs to wake me up.' Her thought seizes to exist as Abezethibou stretched forth his hand towards her to help her up. Taking Abezethibou's hand, she felt the realness. 'Oh no, this is really real. Or is this really my thought that is playing me?'

"You have nothing to worry about." Abezethibou smiled.

"Perhaps I am still dreaming."

"You are not dreaming I am real and so is what happened to you last night." He said with his eyes fixed on Kay.

"What do you want with me?" Kay asked with curiosity and fear.

Her eyes were fixed at Abezethibou and she was ready to push him away and run for her dear life. But she did not have the courage to do that. 'He might come after me and slit my throat, I can't just run away from him.' She was lost in her thoughts and buried in fear. 'What will a creature like this want with me?'

"Why do you want to make me queen over Wex when King Charles is still alive?" Kay asked with curiosity.

"Charles' ancestors made a path with me when their rival died without a son. I helped them and made them royalty over Wex. But ever since they reigned, they cut me off and destroyed my place of worship they erected for me. They stopped sacrificing bulls and ram at my temple. My anger has reached beyond the red Sea and I am here to make them pay. His ancestors used me to become kings and then forget about me. Such I will not tolerate. I have come to dethrone him and enthrone someone who will please me and lead people to my worship house. That person is you, Kay. I saw what he did to you last night and this is the right time to make him knee before you. I glory in taking his sons and stripping him of his wolf gene." Abezethibou narrates.

"Oh no, this is insane. I do not understand this. You are confusing me and I need to be spoken to in a clear way that I will understand." Kay replied glancing at Abezethibou and then she boldly asked, "Tell me, who are you and why will the king make a path with you?"

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