The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 80

<< Well sorry, >> he spat out, << But I'm not exactly sure how much your word exactly stands for. >>

I felt a malicious grin spreading over my lips as Chief Carter walked into her office, signaling for me follow, I turned back to Sampson, my body blocking his entrance.

<< I guess you're just going to have to find out. >> I said, with my signature sardonic smirk. << Don't you just love the thrill of uncertainty ? >>

Sampson's lips thinned out as he glared at me angrily. I simply shrugged as I went to shut the door behind myself, pausing when his hand shot out and prevented it from closing.

<< Excuse me, »> he snapped, << But I think I should be able to get in on this too. >>

I gritted my teeth before faking a grin. << I don't think so, Sampsy. >>

With that, I slammed the door in his face, and flicked the lock for good measure. Sampson instantly gave up, as he didn't even try knocking after he was locked out. By the time I turned around, Chief Carter was already seated, and watching me with an amused expression. While it seemed as though we were on the same team, something about Chief Carter made me feel the need to be cautious.

<< Have a seat,» she said with a smile.

I forced one back at her before sitting down on a nearby chair.

<< So, >> I started, «< What's your plan ? >>

She folded her hands formally before she began to speak. << First, after you give up whatever information we need, we're going to need to get you out of here as soon as possible. Even though the Kings will be locked up, I don't want to risk anything. >>

The tone of her voice was indicating that I should trust her, and see that she was trying to help-

If only she really knew how many times I have heard that fucking tone.

I merely nodded my head in agreement, although I knew she was only using me for the information.

I didn't mind the whole escape plan though. If anything, I desperately needed a fresh start, and there wasn't a chance in hell I'd get one in London. I needed out, and Chief Carter was going to do that for me. So I guess, in a sense, we were both using each other.

<< I'm going to offer you a fair amount of money, so that you'll be able to start a proper life for yourself wherever you intend to go. I had all your belongings packed up from the gang's house, so if you-<<

<< Burn it all, give it away, I don't want any of it. >> My tone was sharp and lethal, and closed off, not allowing any room for discussion.

Chief Carter hesitated at my words, before she continued. << Okay well then, after today is over, I will give you the money and a free plane ticket to wherever you want, and we will part ways forever. >>

I nodded my head stiffly at the word, << forever. >> I hadn't actually considered the fact that I'd be leaving London for good. The concept had clearly not been processed properly; was I really going to leave the place I grew up, forever? Did I even have the strength to do that?

This was my home. Everything I knew was here, and I was about to just abandon it all.

<< Of course, >> Carter continued, not noticing my inner conflict, << If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to just ring us. We'd be happy to help, that is, but you'll need to understand that at some point we'll have to cut our ties. >> I scowled at her words, << What makes you think I'll need any help? >>

I was looking for a fight, that much I could tell. Bitter resentment filled me with every breath I took, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was mad. I was fucking angry.

<< You're just a child. >>

That too.

I stood immediately, my eyes ablaze. << Don't you dare tell or even call me that. I am not a child. And if you're so hell bent on making me out to be one, what does that make you? Striking up a life changing deal with a child? Who the fuck does that? >> My tone was lethal and venomous as every word leaked from my mouth.

I wasn't a child. I had never been a child. That was just it, and it was something she could never understand, not in a million years.

<< Listen, Evie, »> my skin bristled at the use of my nickname, and I felt an urge to wrap my hands around her neck and strangle the life right out of her.

<< If you can't handle this, I suggest you walk out of this office right now before I'm forced to have you arrested myself. Don't forget that you're just as bad as the men in that room. >>

Her attitude had changed. She was no longer the woman trying to convince me that she was doing the right thing. She was now Chief Carter, who was a police woman desperate for revenge.

The thought of that made my mouth start again, a rant building that I could not suppress.

<< That's the thing. You are doing this all because of revenge. Not with the intention of making London a better place. No, »> I barked out a harsh laugh, << That is not the reason at all. You are an angry, hurt, little girl who is so obsessed with destroying the ones who destroyed her life. But let me tell you one thing, you will never be satisfied. Not a day will go by in which you don't think about your dead family. Why? Because they are fucking dead and there is not a single thing in the world that will change it. Not even revenge. >>

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I sat down as I finished, my chest heaving as I fought to contain the fire within myself.

Her lips were set at a tight line, and her beady eyes raked over my shaking form as she allowed my words to sink in.

I felt my hand reach out for the shiny, small, metallic object on her desk, giving myself something to play with as I breathed deeply and painfully. I hadn't realized how much that rant would take out of me, but I was glad I got it off my chest. << What you said is true,» She finally spoke, surprising me. << I will never get my family back, and I will let this insatiable need for revenge be my own destruction. It is too late for me to turn away, frankly because I haven't had this realization like the one you have clearly had. >>

My fingers delicately traced over the outline of the object in my hands I listened to her words, struggling to focus on what she was trying to say as millions of thoughts raced through my mind.

<< This has been on your mind for a while now, that much is obvious. So tell me, why have you decided to go through with this hopeless revenge. Turning over the Kings to me won't take back the betrayal you feel, we both know that. I'm just curious as to why you have agreed to help me. >>

I felt a smirk slide onto my lips as my cold eyes met her curious ones. << While I criticized your antics, I never said I was any different. Like you, I'm just a hurt, little girl who is going to let revenge tear her life apart. But I suppose that doesn't matter that I am destroying myself. Why? Because for a split second there, I know I will feel the slightest bit of satisfaction, and that-<< I paused looking her dead in the eyes, »is what revenge is all about. >>

We sat there, staring at each other like two enemies who have agreed on something for the first time. I watched in sickening fascination as she laughed loudly, a smile breaking out across her face. «You're bloody brilliant, »> she whispered in awe, << It's a shame you won't be able to work with me after this. >>

I couldn't help but notice the hope that laced her tone, and the question that hung with her words. Shaking my head slightly, I gave my answer.

« After this, I'm going to leave. I won't need any help; so don't expect me to ever contact you again. I'm going to start a new life for myself, wherever that is, I don't know. And you, you should do the same. >> When she shot me another smile, I knew I had broken through to her. She was on my side now. I could have made her done whatever I wanted at that moment, because I was now the one with the power.

I watched her carefully as she lifted her phone, indicating that the plan was set in motion, and that a car was to be ready and waiting for me in ten minutes. She looked me over once more before letting out a soft laugh.

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