The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 66

Sebastian's breathing had slowed, telling me that he was just as exhausted as I was. I felt my eyelids droop, fatigue covering me like a warm blanket.

Just as I was about to allow my eyes to close, I felt the undesirable twist in my stomach as realization settled in. My body instinctively flew upwards, only to be pulled down my Sebastian's arm. How could I have been so stupid?

A gasp mixed with a small scream left me as I struggled under Sebastian's grip, which caught his attention immediately.

<< Wha- What in the bloody hell is going on? » He grumbled, removing his arm from me and rubbing his eyes tiredly, now focusing on my upright shaking form.

<< You idiot! >> I cried out, shooting out of the bed as soon as I was released.

<< Excuse me? » Sebastian, now full awake, asked.

<< I knew it ! >> I cried out, slamming my hands against his bedside table. << I knew I shouldn't have let this happen, and- ugh! >> I screamed out, << So reckless of me ! >>

Sebastian stood up, his eyes narrowed and darker than usual. << Don't you dare try to blame this all on me, »> he snapped, not understanding what I was trying to say. << It takes two to... to... to have sex, »> he muttered after dismissing the forgotten phrase.

I shook my head at him, << Tango, >> I muttered quietly.

<< What? » He asked instantly, frowning at me in confusion.

<< It takes two to tango,>> I responded, my eyes meeting his, << But it only takes one to put on a bloody condom. >>


The car ride to the drug store was dead silent and awkward nonetheless. Every now and then I would shift uncomfortably, allowing my eyes to dart to his emotionless expression. I felt the familiar swarm of butterflies fill my stomach as he parked the car, quickly going around to open my door.

I offered him a weak smile and began to walk towards, only to be stopped by the sound of a light chuckle.

<< Would you calm down? >>

I spun around rapidly, my arms extending as I swayed to the side. << Excuse me? >> I questioned, my brow instinctively rose as my voice took on a sharper tone. Sebastian merely continued to smile at me, a teasing look flashing in his eyes. << Sebastian King, I swear to-<<

« Ah, » he sighed, << there's the Evelyn I know. >>

I folded my arms tightly across my stomach, a physical cue for him to explain himself.

With a slight shake of his head and a small smirk, Sebastian said, << You're acting weird. >>

<< What are you-<< I began to protest, only to be cut off by him.

<< The small smiles and the shy attitude? The Evie I know has fire and an overbearing attitude. She would have kicked my ass after realizing that I had forgotten a condom, which in my defense was not my fault since you practically jumped me. You're acting weird and I don't know if it's because we fucked-<< his voice dropped and he took a step closer, << but for my sanity can you please cut it out? >>

I stared at him for a few moments, processing his words in my head before allowing myself to react.

That's right, I actually thought before reacting. Now that doesn't that my reaction was any less reckless than usual.

<< Oh, I understand, »> I said, my cut sharp and icy. << So you want me to beat the shit out of you right here because you decided to let your dick control you? Is that it? Because I can do that right now. >> Sebastian's eyes widened slightly, his eyebrows creasing in slight confusion.

<< Because of course it doesn't matter, I mean hey we only fucked, »> I continued, << that's not a big deal in the slightest. >>

I felt my blood boil as a slow smirk grew across Sebastian's face. Before I could do anything, he had me pushed up against the brick wall of the building, his large frame covering mine and effectively trapping me.

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<< You're mad, >> he stated, << because I said we 'fucked.' >>

My lips instantly parted as I just about to defend myself, but Sebastian cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth.

<< You don't get to be mad at me for that, because it's true. We fucked. Now, I've never taken you for a sentimental girl, but if you thought I was going to say we made love, or any of that, you're wrong, because we didn't. >> I gripped his hand tightly ripping it from my mouth.

<< You don't know-<<

<< But we can, >> he whispered huskily, his hips slamming into mine, << we can make love if that's what you want. » His hips began rhythmically in a tantalizingly slow manner, making heat rise within me, and a deep blush to form on my cheeks. << I can slow it down for you, »> he told me, << I can make you feel every second and every touch. Is that what you want? >>

He knew what he was doing to me, that wasn't even a question. Taking a deep breath, I narrowed my eyes and him and placed both my hands on his chest.

<< What I want, >> I said, leaning into him, «< is to get some birth control before we have little Sebastians and Evelyns running around. >>

With a quick shove to his chest, I managed to escape and free myself of the cage he had me trapped in. Turning on my heel, I had just made it to the door before he spoke again.

« A little Evelyn. »

<< What? » I asked irritably, facing him.

His eyes met mine, and he gave me a light smile. << I'd want a little Evelyn. >>


If you're loving the book, is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you!

I felt my annoyance and frustration grow rapidly as the store clerk moved at a pace worthy of a snail. My hands tightly gripped the box, effectively showing my nerves and anxiety, while Sebastian smirked down at me.

<< Would you stop that? >> I finally snapped, looking up to glare at him.

His smirk only deepened as he responded. << Stop what? >>

I scowled and focused my glare back to the clerk, who was staring impatiently at me, as if I had been the one wasting her time. I scoffed at him, and dropped the box onto the counter, ignoring the way the corners of his lips twitched into a smirk.

<< I sure hope you're not in a rush, »> he taunted quietly, « because from what I've heard, these things don't always work too well. >>

Surprise shot through me, but his comment seemed anger Sebastian more. He yanked the boy by his tie over the counter; leaving his legs dangling helplessly in the position Sebastian put him in.

<< Why don't you just do your fucking job and leave your comments to yourself? >> Sebastian growled, his vein bulging in his neck as he bit out his words.

The boy choked as spluttered for a few moments until Sebastian finally released him, allowing him to fall backwards and double over with a coughing fit. I watched in silent amusement as he rubbed his throat delicately, his snarky demeanor replaced by fear.

<< Sixteen pounds is all, » he rasped out, his eyes avoiding mine.

I smirked out of spite, handing him the money slowly while he shifted awkwardly, obviously uncomfortable in the situation Sebastian had forcibly put him in.

As he reached out to hand me my change and the box, my eyes caught onto something on his wrist. Now any normal person would have just walked away, ignoring the dark black ink that permanently stained his skin.

But I recognized that symbol, and from the twist in my stomach, I knew it couldn't be good. My hand instantly latched onto his wrist and pulled him forward a few steps, so that he was once again teetering against the counter. << What the hell is this? » I snapped, my nails digging into his skin.

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