The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 54

It was impossible for someone to genuinely want to help me. This was a game, one that I would not lose. Sebastian was trying to toy with me- that's all.

I limped into the bathroom, and collapsed against the counter. My reflection was more than cringe worthy, and my stomach was twisted in knots. I felt almost nauseous as I slid down to the ground, my entire body shaking violently. It was my instinct to not let anyone get close, because in the end, people were just unreliable, untrustworthy fools who would rip a young girl's heart out and stomp on it carelessly and happily. Don't believe me? Go ask my parents-

Oh wait, a bitter laugh bubbled through my lips, they're dead.

My mistake.

<< Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide >>

I was bitter, sickened with ill resentment.

Shaking with unleashed rage, I acted without thought and found myself standing in front of Eric Hook.

I felt my stomach twist with an onslaught of emotions as his body stirred at the sound my footsteps. Dried blood speckled the walls and floor, and the metallic smell filled my nose upon my entrance.

I felt my body seize as he lifted his head, his cold eyes meeting my own. A demonic laugh fell from his lips, and I considered running from the room, as I done just the other day.

<< Well, well, well, back so soon? I'm beginning to think you might like me, Miss Summers. >>

And instantly, I regretted my decision on coming back to the devil himself.


His body was slumped against the wall, a simple yet effective chain holding him hostage within the room.

My heart was pounding, almost threatening to fall from my chest. I was dizzy, nauseous, and my breathing was much to unsteady for my liking.

<< Why? » Though my voice was a mere whisper, it echoed through my head as if I had screamed it.

His dark green eyes peered up at me, as a sickeningly twisted smirk danced across his lips.

<< Why what? >> He asked, although it was clear he knew what I was asking.

I growled lowly, tightening my hands into fists. << Why did you not shoot me? Why would you think I have nothing to live for? Who are you to be the judge of me? Huh? »

My voice was shaky, and uncontrollable. I was fighting to mask my emotions, but it seemed almost impossible at that moment.

Eric chuckled; his beaten and bruised faced taking on a sardonic expression.

I felt as though I was going to pass out at any second.

«Your eyes, » he hissed, << your eyes said it all. >>

I felt myself freeze as I processed his words.

Could it be true? For one second there, did I drop the veil and reveal myself for who I really was? Nonsense.

<< Ah, ah, ah, » he tutted, << denial is only natural at this moment, but you should know one thing. >>

I waited impatiently, and motioned for him to continue.

Smirking, he spoke loudly and clearly, << My entire gang was killed, because of you. If I wanted to get revenge, I would have just killed you, as I would have done to any other person. But you see, death brings the end of life, and it is the most miserable thing one can encounter. >>

<< What are you saying? » I snapped, fed up with him dancing around his point, like it was some game to him.

His smirk deepened and he stared straight into my eyes as he spoke. << I wanted to ruin you, to take the one thing you valued; life, and bring upon eternal misery. The thing is, letting you live, that's greater than any kind of punishment I, or anyone, could have ever dealt to you. >>

I choked on air as he spoke, and quite literally felt the color drain from my face.

<< You're a tortured soul, Evelyn Claire Summers, and I've never seen someone as miserable as you. >>

I gaped at him, blood rushing through my ears and clouding my senses. Black spots began invading my vision, and I stumbled backwards.

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With one last look, I turned and fled.

Away from Eric, away from his sinister smirk, and demonic eyes.

Away from his words.

And away from the truth.


<< So what brings you, my love? » The sarcasm that dripped off his words made me grit my teeth in anger.

In a voice unfamiliar to myself, I spat my words out at him. << You know exactly why. >>

Though I wasn't so sure that he actually did.

As if to prove my inner thoughts, there was a flash of confusion that crossed Eric's expression before it was quickly replaced by an arrogant look.

« Of course, »> he murmured, << it all makes sense now. >>

I frowned at his vague response. The frustration was igniting within me and I was well aware that it would only be moments before I completely lost it. << And what, >> I snarled out, unable to control myself, << makes sense now? >>

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