The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 53

The bullet shot through the gun and straight into his leg, making him scream out in pain. I didn't give him a second glance as I sprinted towards the hallway. Flinging open a door, I sprinted down the steps, nearly falling as I stumbled down the last few.

I let out a scream as I ran straight into a burly man. In my surprise, I dropped the gun in my hand.

The man acted quickly, and grabbed the gun that had fallen to the floor. Knowing that I put myself in a dangerous situation, I acted on instinct. My hands grabbed his shoulders and I kneed him in the face without thinking twice. Drawing back my fist, I threw it straight into his temple, like I had with Eric, and knocked him unconscious.

His body fell to the floor with a dull thud.

I wasn't expecting a second attacker, which was what threw me off. The punch sent straight to my face instantly had my nose gushing blood, and pain to radiate throughout my entire head. I collapsed to the ground, a scream leaving my lips as a kick was sent straight to my leg, but caught my ankle. Running away, or even walking, would be an issue now.

I hissed as the man leaned down to grab me, and my hand reached for the gun that lay beside the unconscious man.

Shooting him in the leg wasn't going to cut it. With a sickening realization, I attempted to fight him off, not wanting to shoot him.

I couldn't fight him off any longer, and when I collapsed to the ground for the second time, I had no choice but to shoot.

With a simple pull of the trigger, the man collapsed onto the ground, blood pouring from the open wound on his chest. I placed the gun to the side, knowing that by it's lightness, it's one and only bullet had been fired.

Standing up, the regret that was beginning to form in my chest was suddenly wiped away.

There was a gun in the dead man's hand.

This was no game- letting your enemy survive would only result in your own death.

Kill or be killed.


My head was pounding, and whimpers left my lips as I began to slowly regain consciousness.

The bright light above me made my eyes squeeze together but it seemed helpless.

<< You're awake. >>

At the sound of his voice, my eyes flew open.

<< Sebastian, >> my voice was croaky, due to its lack of use. << What happened? >>

He grimaced, and sat on the bed next to me, holding a bloody towel. I flinched as his hand rose to my face, using the towel to dab away the dried blood that previously had been cascading from my nose. «You passed out. >> His voice was empty, and his held no emotion.

Confusion began to build within my and I tried to sit up, only for Sebastian to place a firm hand against my shoulder, pushing me back down onto the fluffy pillows.

<< Do you know why you're alive? >> He sounded angry, and that made me worried.

<< No, >> I said quietly, afraid to speak up.

Sebastian let out a low growl. « Eric missed, on purpose. >>

I bit my lip, and finally spoke up. << Why? >>

<< He said that when he looked at you, there was nothing in your eyes. They were empty. As if you were welcoming death itself. >>

Sebastian leaned forwards, so that his lips hovered over mine.

<< He said that it looked like you had nothing to live for. >>

I choked on air as I processed Sebastian's words, and found myself being suffocated.

Could the reality of it all actually kill me?

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I shoved away from Sebastian, and stood up. He mimicked my actions, his hands grasping my waist.

<< Tell me Evie, »> Sebastian stated, leaning into me, dipping his head down so that his eyes were at level with mine. << Do you have absolutely nothing to live for? >>

I could have said Danny, or anyone I've ever known for that matter. But, when it came down to it all, I didn't have to << live >> for them. Danny had a great life, though it wasn't always like that, but now, he was happy. There was never a time where I was just happy.

I didn't grow up with loving parents, that picture perfect family, or even close friends. There was a time that I had Harry, but it didn't last.

Nothing ever lasted.

Nothing was forever.

Sebastian took my silence as an answer, and in response, he placed his lips over mine.

In contrast to Eric's hungry, devouring kiss, Sebastian's was slow and sweet, and had me leaning into him, eager for more.

<< I will always regret hurting you, » Sebastian spoke after pulling away, << and tonight, when you almost got shot, there was a moment where I regretted never getting to fully know you. >>

<< In fact, »> he said, << I don't know you at all. >>

I bit my lip, and peered up into his dark eyes.

<< I'm going to do it, »> Sebastian finally said, finality ringing through his words.

My brows furrowed in slight confusion as I tried to decipher what he meant by that.

<< I'm going to give you something to live for. >>

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My response was pure instinct. It came from the years of learning to be an emotionless, uncaring girl, who couldn't let anyone break her walls.

<< What if I don't want it? >> My tone was harsh, and I pushed myself away from Sebastian as I spoke. << What if I'm perfectly fine with living the way I do? Did you ever once think that maybe, maybe I am okay with death? Because maybe that's just the kind of person I am. >>

Sebastian let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head. << You act as though I'm giving you a choice in this matter. >>

I scowled, glaring at him. << Sebastian King, ruthless gang leader turned hero. On account of me. >>

I smirked, my hardened exterior fully intact. << How cute. >>

Sebastian only shook his head, making his way to the door. << Say what you want to say, I'm going to do this for you. >>

Just as he was about to leave, I found myself rushing to speak again. << You let me down today,>> I stated. << You told me you'd be my back up. >>

Sebastian's eyes narrowed, << I told you the plan and what might happen, I was going to try to be your back up-<< he paused and laughed, << You know what? Fine. I fucking failed you. >>

<< But I can assure you, I will not fail with this. >>

The door shut, leaving me alone with my haunting thoughts and worries. His determination was a threat against my walls. He wanted to break them down, and it was my instinct to not let him.

A sudden cloud of blood boiling anger loomed above me, making me clench my fists and release an animalistic growl. I was overwhelmed with fury and I couldn't think straight.

Everything was clouded; my thoughts, my judgment, I was blinded by my anger, which was being fueled by the unknown.

What was making me become like this? A thin layer of sweat was now coating my entire body, and my hands were clenching and unclenching in a rapid manner.

This fury, my undeniable rage, had only one source-

My past.

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