The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 87



I slowly started to regain consciousness, my head pounding with each passing moment. I could hear Felicity's voice screaming my name and crying on my chest. I coughed, my throat feeling dry and coarse. Felicity lifted her head in disbelief. "Maximus, is it really you?" she asked, her eyes wide in shock.

I looked at her, confused for a moment before my memory rushed back. "Felicity," I managed to say, relieved to see her alive.

Tears streamed down her face as she hugged me tightly, her embrace causing me to wince in pain as she hugged my shoulder wound. But I didn't care, as long as I was alive and with her.

She kissed me for a long time before we separated, both of us out of breath.

"Oh my God, Maximus, you're alive!" she exclaimed, still holding me tightly.

Suddenly, Ava appeared beside us, with our baby in her arms.

"Whoa, hey guys, hold on!" Ava coughed, suddenly appearing beside them. "Let's give the guy some space to breathe."

Felicity pulled away from me, her eyes filled with tears.

"I... I thought I was gone," I said, struggling to catch my breath.

"We thought you were gone too," Felicity replied, her voice breaking. "But you're not. You're here with us."

Relief washed over me as I smiled weakly, grateful to be alive and with the woman I loved.

"I don't know how to thank you guys for saving me," I said, my voice hoarse.

"Hey, we're a team," agent Brown said with a smile. "We don't leave anybody behind."

I reached out my hand, and he took it, helping me sit up. All the other members of LOJ approached me, I could see the disappointment on Kyle and Adrian's faces, they were hoping I was dead, but sorry for them, it took more than that to beat me down and even more to kill me, I was the lycan king, the one and only.

They all huddled together as we processed what had just happened.

As I sat there, cradling my baby, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude for Felicity. She had been through so much, yet she still managed to bring a little bit of light into our lives.

"So, what happened to Zephyr?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly with fear and curiosity. "Where was he and how did you manage to kill him?" I asked my brow furrowed in confusion."

Felicity took a deep breath before answering. "Well, after you were knocked out and stabbed, he started chasing us. And then, out of nowhere, a huge dragon appeared and lifted him up in the air, and threw him off a cliff."

My eyes widened in shock. "A dragon? Where did it come from?"

I sat there in shock, wondering where the dragon could have come from. "What kind of dragon was it?

Ava spoke up, "We didn't really get a good look at it, but Agent Brown said something about the caretaker of the LOJ subsidiary mentioning some creatures that could attack us."

"We don't know," Agent Brown replied. "But it could be the creatures the woman in charge of the LOJ branch spoke about."

We all fell silent as we remembered her warning about the creatures in the area. "What could have called the dragon?" I asked.

Kyle spoke up, "I heard that screaming attracts dragons. It makes them nervous and prevents them from resting."

Everyone nodded in agreement, realizing that Zephyr's constant screaming may have been what attracted the dragon.

"It doesn't really matter where the dragon came from," I said, trying to keep things positive. "What matters is that we're all still alive, and that monster is finally gone."

As we sat there talking, I couldn't help but notice Adrian's animosity towards me. It was almost palpable. I could see the hatred in his eyes. But I didn't let it bother me. I had more important things to focus on, like my family.

"I can't believe we survived that f*****g bounty hunter," Adrian said, with a tone that made it clear he didn't mean it for me.

I tried to ignore his hostility and instead focused on the conversation. "Yeah, we were lucky to make it out alive," I replied.

Felicity hugged me tightly, relieved that I was alive. "I'm so grateful you're here with us," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm fine now, thanks to you," I said, giving her a small smile.

Adrian let out a snort, clearly not impressed by the display of affection. "So what do we do now? We don't have much food left."

"I have some cereal and cold milk," Felicity spoke up, holding Phoenix close to her chest. "It's not much, but it's something for now." Phoenix started wailing, causing Felicity to quickly tend to him. "I'll change his diaper, it is wet," she said, trying to soothe the baby. Adrian rolled his eyes. "Great, we have a crying baby to deal with. Just what we needed."

I glared at him, not wanting to tolerate his negativity. "You know what, Adrian? You can leave if you want. We don't need your constant complaining."

He looked surprised at my sudden outburst, but quickly recovered. "No thanks, I'll stick around. Who knows, maybe it's your plan to keep me away so you can stay and kill them.."

I didn't answer him because what he was saying was absurd, and besides, I didn't have the strength to argue with him right now.

Felicity finished changing Phoenix our baby then came back to sit next to me and handed him to me, he was smiling.

I took him in my arms preventing him from touching my injured shoulder.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, Promise me one thing Max."

I nodded, wondering what else she could want from me.

"Promise me that we'll never let fear control our lives. That we'll always face the challenges together, no matter how difficult they may be."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I realized how much this meant to her. "I promise, Felicity. With all my heart."

I smiled weakly at her, grateful to be alive and with the woman I loved. "I'll never leave you, Felicity. I promise."

Suddenly, Phoenix started crying loudly, interrupting our moment. I handed him back to Felicity, who quickly fed him with cold milk and cereal, since there was no fire to heat the milk..

As Felicity cared for our baby, Adrian showed me the middle finger in anger before turning to talk to Agent Kim. I chuckled, knowing that he was just jealous of our bond.

"We should probably head back to LOJ subsidiary so I can get this wound treated," I said, motioning to my shoulder.

Molly, the nurse, stepped forward. "I'll take care of everything, don't worry. Just let me know if the pain is too much to bear."

I nodded, grateful for her help. As she began to clean and sew up my wound, I winced and gritted my teeth, trying to suppress the pain.

She stitched up the wound without any anesthesia,,causing a goddamn pain. But I endured it, knowing that I was lucky to be alive.

Felicity was right by my side, holding my hand and whispering words of love and encouragement.

Once the procedure was finished, Felicity took better care of the baby, she had stopped to encourage me to bear the pain, sge then continue to fed him with cold milk and cereal. Phoenix stopped crying and fell asleep. "I love you, Felicity," I said, holding her hand tightly.

"I love you too, Maximus," she replied, smiling warmly at me.

"We have to get out of here," Felicity said, looking around at the carnage caused by Zephyr.

"Yeah, I think you're right," I agreed, getting to my feet with everyone's help.

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