The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 57

Felicity POV.

Ava smiled at me, and we all got up to leave the library. As we made our way out, I couldn't stop thinking about what my parents had discovered and why they had kept it all a secret.

But with the help of the League Of Justice, I knew that we could uncover the truth and bring justice to my parents. It was time to bring their unfinished work to completion, and nothing was going to stop us. As we got ready to leave the L.O.J HQ, Kyle looked at me with concern. "Are you sure you want to do this, Feli? It's dangerous."

I took a deep breath as I approached my brother Kyle, who was always overprotective of me. "Kyle, I need to go. You need me," I explained.

His brows furrowed with concern. "Felicity, it's not safe out there. Let me go with the others."

"Kyle, please. I know the layout of the castle and where Zarek's apartments are. I'll be fine," I reassured him, trying to sound convincing. " And besides, I have to find out the truth."

He hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between me and the door. "Alright, let's go!"

I nodded, determination in my eyes." Let's go!"

As I turned to leave, I felt a tug on my sleeve. It was Adrian, my dear friend.

"Felicity, can I ask you something?" he said with a gentle smile, holding my baby in his arms.

"Of course, Adrian. What is it?"

He glanced at Kyle and then back at me. "Would you like me to take care of your child while you're away?"

I was taken aback by his offer. "Oh, Adrian, that's really kind of you. Are you sure?"

He nodded vigorously. "I'd be honored to. And don't worry, I'll keep him safe and entertained."

I smiled, touched by his gesture. "Thank you so much, Adrian. That means a lot to me."

As I turned to leave once more, Adrian grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Good luck, Felicity. May the goddess be with you."

I returned his smile and leaned in for a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Adrian. I'll see you soon."

With that, I made my way out of the HQ, my heart racing with excitement and trepidation. This was it. My chance to prove myself to others and to myself. I had to make it count. I had to discover the truth.

As we made our way towards Alpha Zarek's chambers, I felt my heart pounding with anticipation. I knew that we were getting closer to finding the answers that we were looking for.

Kyle hung back, his eyes on me. "Felicity, are you sure you want to do this? It's dangerous."

I turned to him, feeling a sense of anger. "Of course, I'm sure. I have to find out what happened to my parents, and if Zarek is involved, then he's going to pay."

Kyle nodded, his expression serious. "Okay. But be careful. And if things get too dangerous, we'll get out of there."

I nodded, feeling reassured. "Okay. Let's go."

As we entered the castle, I could feel my heart racing. Memories of my time here flooded back to me, and I could feel a sense of fear and anger building inside.

We made our way through the corridors. I led Kyle and Ava through the halls, showing them the way to Alpha Zarek's apartments. We managed to sneak past the guards and make our way inside. Following my lead, we finally arrived at Alpha Zarek's chambers. Kyle went straight to work.

We found the chest exactly where I had seen it before. Kyle quickly cracked the code and opened the chest. We searched through it and finally found the book we were looking for. The book that I have mentioned. "That's it!" I said with confidence.

"Okay!" Kyle said.

As we flipped through the pages, we found diagrams, notes, and sketches that all seemed to be related to our parents' death. My heart raced as I read through the information, feeling closer than ever to the truth.

Just as we were about to leave, we heard footsteps approaching. We quickly hid in the shadows. Suddenly, the door opened.

We stood in the shadows, watching as Zarek and a group of guards entered the chamber.

"What are they doing here?!" I whispered urgently.

From what I knew, they weren't supposed to be here at that hour. Maybe after I left, it changed. I was anxious.

"We need to hide," Kyle replied, scanning the room for a place to conceal ourselves.

We quickly ducked behind a large piece of furniture, holding our breath as Zarek and the guards searched the room.

We hid with beating hearts, hoping that we wouldn't be discovered.

His men searched the room but, luckily, they didn't find us.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally left, and we emerged from our hiding spot.

"We need to get out of here," Ava said, looking around nervously.

I nodded in agreement, tucking the book under my arm. As we made our way back through the castle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration knowing that we were one step closer to uncovering the truth about our parents' death.

As I stood on the bridge, preparing to leave Zarek's apartments, my heart felt heavy. My mind was racing with thoughts of what had just happened, and what I needed to do next. But as I looked down the bridge, I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks. There, in a small cell, was Maximus.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a sudden surge of shocked sadness. What was he doing there? Why was he locked up? All these questions ran through my mind, but the only thing I could think about was how bad I felt for him.

I hesitated, not wanting to leave him there alone, but Ava and Kyle called out to me, urging me to hurry.

"Ava! Come! Hurry up!" They urged me.

With one last look at Maximus, I saw him raise his head and our eyes locked together. At that moment, it felt as if time had stopped and there was only us. My heart stopped beating and I felt my legs get sore, they went limp like cotton. But I couldn't stay there any longer. I quickly tore my eyes away, realizing that I had to leave. With a heavy heart, I turned and ran towards my friends, hoping that we could find a way to help Maximus.

The emotions I felt were overwhelming - from shock to sadness to love. It felt like my heart was breaking, and I knew that I had to do something to help him. With determination in my heart, I pushed forward, hoping that there was a way to set him free and make everything right.

I quickly joined Ava and Kyle at the exit and we made our way out of the castle.

But suddenly, a group of guards appeared in front of us, blocking our way. We were trapped.

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