The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 56

Maximus POV. Dear


I am in disbelief and anger towards the news you have brought me regarding Felicity. You claim she was held captive by Alpha Zarek, and yet when I arrived at the location you gave me, I found that Felicity was not even there. Instead, I found myself in a fight with Alpha Zarek, a fight that I was forced to win in order to survive.

Do you understand the gravity of what you have done? You have not only failed me, but you have put my life in danger. I trusted you with this task, and you have betrayed me.

How could you have been so wrong? How could you have led me to a place where Felicity was not even present? I trusted you, Titus. You are my head enforcer, and yet it seems as though you have betrayed me. I cannot fathom how someone so close to me could make such a grave mistake.

Felicity is my breeder. She is a precious asset to our Lycan community. You should have paid closer attention to the information you gave me. Instead, your carelessness has caused me great anguish and frustration.

I will be expecting an explanation from you, and do not expect it to be accepted lightly.

I expect you to make amends for your mistake, Titus. I am disappointed in you, but I am willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Make sure Felicity is found and returned to me immediately. I will not tolerate any more mistakes from you in the future.

Consider this a warning, Titus. Do not let me down again. And I hope you run the kingdom well.


The Lycan King.

I finished writing the letter and sent it by my carrier pigeon.

I was really angry. I paced back and forth in the small cave where I was, waiting anxiously for a response from Titus. The minutes drag on slowly, each second feeling like an eternity. I can't help but think about what I wrote in the letter, hoping that I have said things very harsh.

My mind was racing with thoughts of betrayal and anger, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe that someone I trusted so deeply could have done this to me. The resentment I felt was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel like I needed some sort of closure from this situation.

As time continues to pass, I find myself becoming more and more restless. I paced even faster, each step echoing off the walls of the small cave.

After what felt like hours, I finally heard the sound of flapping wings outside the cave. My heart leaps into my throat as I eagerly rush over to see the carrier pigeon that has just arrived.

I quickly snatched the message from its tiny legs and read it frantically.


Dear Lycan King,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I have been meaning to write to you for some time to apologize for the recent events that have taken place. I swear on my honor as a member of your pack that I had no part in it. I know you have been suspicious of me, but I beg you to believe my words.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to regain your trust and prove my loyalty. I understand that trust is crucial between us and that any misstep can result in grave consequences. I assure you that my intentions have always been in the best interest of our pack, and I would never do anything to jeopardize that.

Please do not let recent events cloud your judgment of me. I am confident that with time, I can prove to you that I am a faithful and trustworthy member of our pack. Until then, I will continue to serve you to the best of my abilities and follow your guidance. And don't worry, your kingdom is in good hands with me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,


It was short and to the point, but it was everything I needed to hear. The relief floods through me, and I finally let out the breath I had been holding.


I crawled into the small cave, the walls pressing in on me. It was damp and cold, with a musty odor that I couldn't quite place. But something else lingered in the air, something familiar. It was a scent that reminded me of Felicity.

I followed the scent, my nose leading me further into the cave. The walls narrowed until I had to crawl on my belly, the scent growing stronger with every inch I moved forward. I could hear something in the distance - the sound of water echoing off the walls. It was then that I realized this cave must lead to a river or stream.

But I can't focus on that now. I had to find Felicity.

As I crawled forward, the scent grew stronger still. It was a complicated mix of fear and adrenaline, with a hint of sweat and musk. It was definitely her. She must be close.

"Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing off the walls. "Felicity? I know you're here. Don't make this harder than it has to be."

At first, there was nothing but silence. But then I heard a rustling sound, and suddenly, a rat emerged.

My heart sank as the rat scurried towards me. I couldn't believe it - all this effort and it wasn't even Felicity. I had been so sure that I was getting closer.

As the rat neared, I drew my sword. I was angry - not at the rat, but at myself for getting so sidetracked. I swung with a powerful blow, and the rat was no more.

But my fury didn't dissipate with the rat's death. I stood up, my head hitting the low ceiling of the cave. The pain fueled my rage.

I had to find Felicity. I had to make her pay for what she had done.

At the same time, my carrier pigeon returned with another letter from Titus which said: "Felicity has been spotted in the neighboring kingdom. And that she's been seen with a male."

My heart thudded painfully in my chest at the mention of another male.

I still continued to read :" But the rumors suggest that he's an alpha, specifically alpha Zarek, and that Felicity is with him willingly."

My blood boiled at the thought of someone stealing what was rightfully mine.

I clenched the letter tightly in my hand, my jaw set with determination. I knew what I had to do. I had to go to Alpha Zarek's castle and bring Felicity back, whether she wanted to come willingly or not.

My mind raced with thoughts of what she could possibly be doing with another alpha. Was she really with him willingly? Or had she been forced into it? I couldn't bear the thought of someone taking advantage of her.

I made my way towards the exit of the cave, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and anger. I would not let anyone stand in my way. I would do anything to get Felicity back.

With a firm resolve, I mounted my horse and set off towards Alpha Zarek's castle. My mind was focused on one thing only - bringing Felicity back to my kingdom.

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