The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 49



As I searched through the dense forest, my frustration grew as I realized that I had let Felicity and Ava slip away from me. How could I have been so foolish? I was the Lycan King, the most powerful and feared among my kind. And yet, these two mere omegas had managed to outsmart me.

My annoyance turned to anger as I spotted a figure lurking in the shadows. "Who is going there?" I demanded, my voice booming through the silent woods.

The figure emerged from the darkness, his eyes glittering with challenge. "Maximus," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "I hear that you're on the hunt for a certain former slave of mine."

My eyes narrowed at the mention of slaves. "What business is it of yours?" I growled.

Malachi smirked, clearly enjoying the power dynamic between us. "Let's just say that I have my own reasons for wanting her back."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by myself. "What reasons would those be? Why is she so special?"

Malachi's smile turned cruel. "Let's just say that she was a very obedient little thing," he sneered. "And I had some...unique ways of keeping her in line."

My blood boiled at the thought of him taunting me. "You're a sick bastard," I spat.

Malachi's expression hardened. "At least I don't go around pretending to be some noble ruler," he snarled. "You and I both know that you're just a tyrant, Maximus. A power-hungry monster who will do anything to maintain his grip on the throne."

I couldn't believe the nerve of Malachi to speak to me in such a disrespectful manner. Who did he think he was? I worked tirelessly to secure my place on the throne and maintain peace among our people. And for what? To be called a tyrant and a power-hungry monster?

I bristled at his words, feeling my rage building inside me. "Who are you to judge me?" I growled.

Malachi sneered at me, his eyes flashing with challenge. "The one you can't beat."

" Repeat a little to see!" I told him, challenging him.

As I glared at him, my anger simmering just below the surface, Malachi continued to goad me. "You're a coward and a bastard Maximus! Defeat me in battle and prove me wrong. If you win, I'll help you find that little pet of yours."

I was taken aback at his mention of my little pet. Who was the little pet he talked about? And why did he think he or she was lost? I shook off the confusion and narrowed my gaze at the insolent man standing before me. "Challenge accepted," I spat out, my hand instinctively reaching for the sword at my waist. I wouldn't allow Malachi to insult me any longer.

As soon as we clashed, I knew that I had the upper hand. Malachi was quick, but he wasn't as skilled as I was at swordplay. Within minutes, I had disarmed him and had him pinned to the ground with my sword at his throat.

To my surprise and frustration, instead of begging for mercy, Malachi began to laugh. "Oh, Maximus. You're such a fool. You think this was about testing your strength? It was about proving a point. You can't even protect what is yours" I was bewildered and angry, but before I could question him any further, Malachi spat out, "Find your pet yourself!" and spat in my face. I roared in fury and hit him hard across the face with the flat side of my sword.

As Malachi's men suddenly appeared from behind the trees, I realized that it had been nothing but a trap. A well-planned and well-executed one at that. I was surrounded on all sides, with swords pointed at me from every direction.

I gritted my teeth, refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing me flinch. "You will regret this," I growled, my eyes fixed on Malachi.

Malachi only grinned smugly in response. "I doubt that, Maximus. You're all alone out here. What do you plan to do? Transform into a wolf and run away like a coward?"

My hand tightened around the hilt of my sword, but before I could even move, Malachi gave a sharp whistle and his men charged forward.

I fought with all my might, my sword whistling through the air as I attempted to take down as many of my attackers as I could. But there were too many of them, and they were too well-trained.

As I was overwhelmed, a sharp pain erupted in my side as one of them managed to land a hit on me. I cursed internally, knowing that my time was running out.

But then, something inside me shifted. It was like a switch had been flipped, and suddenly I was consumed by a primal fury. My skin rippled and stretched as I underwent the transformation into my true form - that of a massive, hulking wolf.

I let out a low, rumbling growl as I stood up on my hind legs, towering over my attackers. They scrambled backwards in fear, but it was too late. With a swipe of my paw, I sent them flying in all directions.

I moved with terrifying speed and precision, my teeth and claws ripping through the flesh as I took down every last one of them. Malachi himself shifted into a wolf as well, snarling and snapping at me with vicious determination.

But I was the Lycan King, and I was not about to be taken down so easily.

"Looks like the Lycan King has finally decided to show his face," he said with a mocking tone. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. I'm going to beat you and make you beg for mercy, Maximus."

I chuckled, baring my own teeth. "You think you can beat me, Malachi? I've been the Lycan King for a reason."

Malachi turned in his wolf form, lunged at me, and we clashed in a violent frenzy of teeth and claws. We circled each other, trying to find an opening in each other's defenses. I landed a few blows on him, but he was strong and quick, and he managed to land a few on me as well.

"I told you, Maximus," Malachi snarled. "I'm going to make you beg for mercy before I kill you."

I laughed, feeling a surge of adrenaline. "You really think I'd beg for mercy, Malachi? You play smart, but you're not smart enough to take down the Lycan King."

I swiped my paw at him, sending him flying back. He crashed into a tree, and I pounced on him, sinking my teeth into his throat. He struggled and thrashed, but it was no use. "Please...." I heard him whisper.

As I dug my teeth deeper into Malachi's throat, I could hear him gasping for air. He was weak and his body was trembling, but still, I did not release him.

"You really thought you could take me down, Malachi?" I hissed, my voice dripping with a mix of triumph and contempt.

Malachi's paws were frantically clawing at my wolf's face, but it was no use. My grip was just too strong. His movements grew weaker with each passing second. "Please...." he gasped weakly.

I chuckled in response. "Speak louder, I can't hear you," I taunted.

Malachi coughed and tried to struggle, but it was a futile attempt. I could feel his body going limp under my grasp.

At that moment, I knew I had won. I had conquered the one who had dared to challenge me, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of pride course through me.

I tore out his throat with a savage growl, relishing the feeling of his blood dripping down my fur..

"You should have listened to me, Malachi," I said, standing over his lifeless body. "Never underestimate the power of the Lycan King."

In the end, it was I who emerged victorious. I ripped out Malachi's throat with a savage growl, relishing the feeling of his blood dripping down my fur.

As I let go of his lifeless body, I looked around me at the forest I had claimed as my territory. The trees towered above me, and the creatures that roamed within knew that I was their king.

In the aftermath of the battle, I was left standing alone among the carnage.

I was straight on my four paws and let out a deep, guttural howl. It was a moment of pure triumph and dominance, and I relished the feeling.

At this moment, I knew that I was truly the Lycan King - feared and respected by all who walked in my domain. And with that thought, I roared once more into the night sky, my victory cry echoing throughout the forest.

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