The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 43



I stood there, gazing at the golden bracelet in my hand, my mind racing with questions.

How had it ended up here?

I laughed at myself for even considering the idea that Felicity could be the famous woman pursued by many alphas. Sure, she was beautiful and kind-hearted, but she wasn't special enough to warrant that kind of attention.

"No, no, that's just crazy. It can't be her," I said out loud, trying to shake off the thought and convince myself. "She wasn't pregnant when she ran away from my castle disobeying me. And she wasn't that special to be pursued by many alphas. It's just a coincidence." But deep down, I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in my gut. What if it really was her? What if she had moved on and found success without me? I couldn't bear the thought of her thriving without me in her life.

I continued to stare at the bracelet, turning it over in my hand, trying to find some clue as to how it had ended up here. The initials "M..B" (Maximus Blackwood) were engraved on the back, a reminder of the captive she was to me.

I knew that I had to find out the truth about the bracelet and whether Felicity was still out there, somewhere.

But even as I tried to convince myself, my mind kept wandering back to Felicity. Had she really been here?

Shaking my head to put my thoughts in order, I took a deep breath and set off to find some answers.

I sighed, knowing that I had to find out the truth. I couldn't let this go. I pocketed the bracelet, my mind already racing with plans on how to track down Felicity.

With determination fueling my every step, I set off to find some answers.

"I need to find her," I said to myself, determination fuelling my every step. "I need to know the truth."

Something told me that Felicity wasn't too far away.

Without a second thought, I continued to search for any other clues that could lead me to her.

I stepped carefully over the corpses of the men on the ground, my eyes scanning the forest around me for any sign of Felicity or the woman that cause this. I knew I was getting close.

As I made my way through the forest, my senses was on high alert.

Soon, I noticed a dark silhouette moving through the fog in the distance. My heart raced as I approached, cautiously calling out, "Who's there? Is it you, Felicity?"

The fog made it difficult to see, but I could sense the figure starting to flee. I followed quickly, my heart pounding in my chest.

The figure stopped, and I closed in on her, but as I got closer, I couldn't make out his face. My hand went instinctively for my knife, my heart pounding with anticipation. Was it Felicity, the woman who caused the fight, or someone else entirely? My heart pounding, I quickened my pace, calling out to the person. "Felicity? Is that you?"

As I got closer, the person started to back away, and I followed him through the fog. We moved deeper into the forest.

Eventually, we arrived at a crevasse, and the person came to a halt.

The person stopped, and I moved closer, demanding to know who she was.

I could hear the person's breathing heavily, and I knew that he was afraid. I stepped forward, my voice calm and steady.

"Who are you?" I demanded, adrenaline fueling my senses.

There was no response, and I grew more and more agitated.

"Answer me!" I shouted, taking a step closer to the person.

Still no response. I felt my anger rising. Who was this person, and did she have a link with Felicity? I was so caught up in my rage that I didn't notice the person's face until it was too late.

As I looked into the person's eyes, I was shocked to see that it was Felicity.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a wave of emotions washing over me. Anger, confusion, and another feeling that I couldn't put my hands on, a weird feeling that I've never had before, all mixed together in a confusing jumble. "Felicity?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Is it really you?"

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Felicity standing in front of me. I had been searching for her for months, and there she was, just a few steps away. "Felicity?" I called again out to her, striding towards her without giving her a chance to answer. But suddenly, a person got between me and Felicity, blocking my path. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded, trying to push past her.

The person refused to budge, protesting that she had to protect Felicity from me. "You don't understand," I said, my voice rising in anger. "I need to talk to her. Now."

The person looked at me with a steely gaze. "I know who you are," she said. "You're the Lycan king. And I'm not going to let you hurt Felicity."

I recognized the person's face as one of my former prisoners, who was part of a rebel group trying to depose me of my throne. "You're making a mistake," I growled, trying to intimidate her. "Move out of my way, or you'll regret it."

But the person stood her ground, unafraid. "I'm not afraid of you," she said. "You're nothing but a bully."

I laughed at her insolence, and pushed her aside. "Get out of my way, or I'll make you regret it," I said, advancing towards Felicity.

But the person got up quickly and put herself back in front of me, preventing me from passing. "You're not going anywhere near her," she said, her voice firm.

I was getting angrier by the second. "You can't stop me," I said, trying to push her aside again. "Felicity is mine."

The person waved at Felicity, telling her to run away. Felicity listened and fled. I was seething with rage, and wanted to follow her. But the person taunted me, saying that I was weak, and couldn't face her.

"You think you're so tough," she said, with a smirk. "But you can't even handle one little Lycan like me."

I was incensed by her words, and told her that once I was done with her, I would catch up Felicity.

"I'll do more than that," I promised. "Once I'm done with you, I'll track her down and make her pay."

But she just smiled and said, "Good luck with that, your majesty. "You'll need it." She said A with a knowing smile

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