The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 40

Felicity POV

As the group of Alpha Malachi guards entered the house, my heart was pounding in my chest, I felt my legs shaking.

I clutched tightly onto Maria's arm, as if that would somehow protect me.

I didn't know what to do or say. I was frozen with fear. Maria's comforting hand on my shoulder was the only thing keeping me from falling to the ground.

"What do you want?" Maria asked the men, standing up tall in front of them.

"Why are you here?" She demanded.

"We're here for the girl," one of the guards said, his voice cold and emotionless.

Another one stepped forward, his eyes stern. " You don't understand? We're here for the girl."

My heart dropped. They were here for me. Why? How did they know I was there?

Maria turned to me, confusion etched on her face. "Why do they want you?"

"I don't know," I stuttered, my voice barely audible.

"Why would you need Sarah?" Maria asked, confusion and disbelief etched on her face.

"It's not your concern," another guard responded, his tone menacing.

Maria's face crumpled with emotion as she turned to her husband. "Adam, what is going on? Please tell us."

Adam had a guilty look on his face. "I had no choice," he whispered to Maria, looking down at the ground.

"What do you mean?" Maria demanded, her voice rising in anger.

"I had to sell her," Adam said, his voice cracking. "We needed the money to pay off our debts."

Adam looked at us with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, Maria. I had no choice but to sell Sarah and the baby so we could pay off our debts. Alpha Malachi was searching for her."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut.

I felt the ground disappear from beneath me. Sold? How could he do this to me? And why did he do it?

Betrayed by the people I thought were my allies. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You sold her out?" Maria cried out in disbelief. "How could you do this? How could you betray us like this?"

Adam hung his head in shame. "I had no choice. We were out of options."

The guards moved closer to me, and I flinched away fearfully. One of them reached for my baby, and I clutched onto her tightly.

"Don't take her away from me," I begged, my voice shaking with fear and desperation.

But it was no use.

"Give us the baby, too," one of the guards said, grabbing my son from my arms.

I felt a sharp pain as one of them hit me in the face. I stumbled backward, disoriented and bruised.

I felt a sharp pain as one of them hit me in the face. I stumbled backward, disoriented and bruised.

Before I could say anything, the men roughly grabbed me, their hands bruising my skin. One of them pinched my baby, causing him to scream out in terror.

"Stop!" Maria yelled, her eyes wide with fear.

But it was too late. I was being dragged out of the house, my arms and legs flailing. I was being dragged away from the only people I had thought were my friends. I had lost everything - my home, my friends, my family. Betrayed and abandoned, I was alone in the world.

"How could you do this?" I sobbed as we were forced into a van.

"It's just business," one of the men sneered at me.

I tried to stop them, but it was no use.

As they drove away, Maria was left behind, tears streaming down her face as she watched me disappear. Betrayed by her husband and helpless to stop him, she was left to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. My mind raced with questions. Why me? Why did Adam betray me? And how was I ever going to get out of this situation?

As I sat in that van, helpless and alone, I felt a sudden jolt that sent my heart racing with fear. Then came the voices and noises outside. I strained my ears, trying to pick up what was happening.

Were we being ambushed? I couldn't help but worry. But all I could hear were muffled sounds.

My eyes darted around the cramped space, looking for anything I could use as a weapon.

But there was nothing. Nothing but my desperation and fear.

Suddenly, the car stopped. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that the worst was about to happen. I could hear footsteps outside, the sound of doors opening.

And then, as I watched through the window, I saw them. Alpha Zander and his men, looking powerful and menacing. My belly turned at the sight of them. Would this ever end?

"All of you, get out of the van!" Alpha Zander barked. "We're taking the girl with us."

"No way," I heard one of the men from the van say. "We're not giving her up. We're on our territory."

"I demand that you give me the girl!" Alpha Zander growled, voice muffled by the side of the van.

"She's ours, and we won't hand her over," came the reply from my captors.

"It's what we'll see!" Alpha zander said.

"You won't take her from us," my captors shouted back at alpha Zander. "We'll fight you before we hand her over."

A battle broke out, and my heart pounded with fear as I watched from inside the van. But then, just as I thought that all was lost, I heard a voice shout out, clear and strong.

It was alpha Malachi, in all his glory.

"Stay back Zander ! You dare to invade our territory?" he roared, his eyes blazing with fury.

His voice was deeper, more commanding.

"Ah, Malachi. I should have known you'd show up. But this doesn't concern you. This girl is mine to claim," Alpha Zander growled.

"This is my territory. You should have asked for my permission before taking something from within these borders," Alpha Malachi warned.

"You're not the only alpha in these parts," Alpha Zander said.

"Every wolf on these lands is my concern. And I won't let you get the girl," Alpha Malachi replied, his voice filled with authority.

At that moment, both alphas transformed into their werewolf forms. The sound of growls and snarls filled the air.

And with that, a fierce battle broke out, more violent and brutal than anything I had ever seen.

And I was caught in the middle.

"No!" I screamed, banging my fists against the wall of the van. "Please, stop!"

But my cries fell on deaf ears as the two alphas continued to fight tooth and nail. It was clear that neither was willing to back down, and the outcome was uncertain. I didn't know how much longer I could endure this terrifying limbo. As the confusion and chaos swirled around me, I realized that this was my chance. I could take my baby and flee, hopefully unnoticed in the chaos.

With a burst of courage, I scooped up my baby and headed for the door, hoping and praying that I could make it out alive.

But as I opened the door, I saw them. Two men of alpha Malachi, blocking my path.

I closed the door then reopened on the other side and discreetly left, my heart beating a thousand miles an hour.

As I fled, I could still hear the sounds of the battle raging on behind me.

I looked down at my baby Phoenix and whispered to him, "Don't worry, we'll get through this. I won't let anything happen to us."

But deep down, I knew that this was far from over. The battle was just beginning, and who knew what other dangers lay ahead?

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