The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 39

Felicity POV

Panic set in as I frantically searched the room. I checked the dresser, the closet, and even under the bed. But my baby was nowhere to be found. My heart pounded in my chest as I stumbled out of bed and wandered through the darkened house, calling out his How could I have trusted a stranger I had seen in the forest?


I couldn't believe it. My baby was gone, and I had no idea where he could be. My mind was racing, trying to think of any possible explanations for his disappearance.

Suddenly, I heard noises coming from the living room. Laughter, voices... it sounded like there were people in their house. My heart pounding even harder, I made my way there, desperate for answers.

When I entered the room, I found Maria and her daughter Emma sitting on the couch. And there, in Maria's arms, was my sweet baby boy.

I must have looked a mess, with tears streaming down my face and my hands shaking. They looked at me strangely, and asked what was wrong.

"What's wrong with Sarah?" They asked with big eyes.

I didn't answer them. I was so relieved, so overwhelmed by the flood of emotions that I burst into tears. I had never been so scared in my life, and seeing my baby safe with Maria and Emma was like a weight lifted from my shoulders. "Your little one was crying, so I carried him for a bit," Maria said, her voice gentle.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and I shook my head. "He was crying? I didn't hear anything."

Maria's face fell, and she looked at me with concern. "Are you sure? His cries were pretty loud."

I ran through the night in my head, but I couldn't recall hearing anything. "I don't think so. Maybe I was just too tired to notice."

Sarah shook her head adamantly. "But you're a new mom, you're supposed to wake up at the slightest whimper."

I sighed, feeling like a failure as a mother already. "I don't know, I just didn't hear him. Thank you for taking care of him, though."

Maria nodded, but I could tell she was still worried. "Maybe you should get some more rest tonight. You have a lot of catch-up sleep to do."

She set the baby down in the bassinet she gave me and smiled at me before leaving the room. I watched her go, feeling grateful for her help, but also a little scared that I wasn't cut out for motherhood after all.

As I held my child close, grateful to have him back in my arms, I wondered how I could have been so careless. I vowed to never let my guard down again, to always be aware of where my baby was and who he was with. Because that moment of panic and fear was something I never wanted to experience again.

Over the next few days, Adam and his family took care of me and my son, making sure we had everything we needed. We talked and laughed together, and I couldn't help but feel like I had found a second family.

One day, as I was helping Maria with dishes, she turned to me and asked, "Sarah, how did you end up in the forest all alone? I know what you told us that night was wrong, that you were lying, but if you don't want to tell us it's fine, huh, we won't blame you. It's just to help you better."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to relive the painful memories. But something about Maria's kind eyes told me that it was safe to share my story.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to relive the painful memories. But something about Maria's kind eyes told me that it was safe to share my story.

And I also had regrets. I thought that if maybe I had told Ava the truth, she might still be alive and with me.

"I was sold as a Breeder to the Lycan King," I said softly. "I managed to escape, and now I have nowhere else to go."

Maria placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, Sarah. But you're safe now, and we'll do everything we can to help you."

As I looked around at the loving family that had taken us in, I felt overcome with gratitude. I knew that we were going to be okay, and that we had found allies in this sometimes cruel world.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Thank you so much for everything."

Maria smiled warmly. "Of course, Sarah. We're just happy we can offer you a home and safety."

I nodded, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly safe and at peace.

Over the next few weeks, I started to adjust to my new life. Maria and her husband, Adam, welcomed me and my baby with open arms. They provided everything we needed and treated us like family. Their daughter, Emma, even helped take care of my baby while I tried to find a job.

As I started to find my footing, I couldn't help but feel grateful to these kind and generous people. Their love and support meant more to me than they could ever know.

And as I put my baby to bed each night, I whispered a silent thank you to Ava. Though she was gone, through her sacrifice, she had permitted me the gift of a new family, and for that, I would always be grateful.

One day, I heard Adam and Maria arguing in the kitchen while I was washing dishes.

"You can't keep spending money like this. We have too many debts," Maria yelled.

"I know, but we need things for the house and for Emma," Adam responded.

"Well, you're going to put us in even more debt if you keep buying unnecessary things," Maria snapped back.

"I'm not buying unnecessary things, I'm buying things that we need," Adam retorted.

"But do we really need them? Can't we wait until we're in a better financial situation?" Maria asked.

"We can't keep putting things off. We need a comfortable home for us and our daughter," Adam argued.

"I understand that, but we need to be smart about our spending. We can't keep living beyond our means," Maria replied.

"I know, I know. I'll try to be more careful with our spending," Adam said, sounding defeated.

"It's not just about trying, Adam. We need to make a plan and stick to it," Maria stated firmly.

"I know. We'll sit down tonight and come up with a budget that works for us," Adam promised.

"Good. We need to start taking control of our finances before they control us," Maria said.

I tried my best to pretend I didn't hear anything, but I couldn't stop my ears from listening in.

Then, Adam noticed me walking in, and he quickly put on a fake smile. "Hey, Sarah. How was your day?" he asked.

"It was fine, thank you," I replied, trying to act as calm as possible.

Maria walked in and joined us. "We were just discussing some family matters. Everything is fine," she said with a smile.

I nodded, pretending to believe them. But their argument stayed at the back of my mind. I knew that I needed to find a job as soon as possible to help them out.

That evening, after putting my baby to bed, I searched online for job openings, sending out resumes to various companies.

The next day, I received a reply from a local store that was interested in hiring me. Overwhelmed with happiness, I went to Adam and Maria's room to tell them the good news.

"I found a job!" I exclaimed, beaming with joy.

Maria's face lit up with excitement. "That's great news, Sarah! I'm so proud of you!" Maria exclaimed with a big smile.

I knew that she was happy for me, but the thought of helping them pay their debts also gave me a sense of purpose.

Throughout my journey, I learned that family came in many different forms, and it could be found anywhere. I was grateful to have found my new family in Maria, Adam, and their children, and my newfound purpose in helping support us all. "I will finally be able to help you" I said, looking at our little house. "I found a job in the little shop down the street."

"Ooh! Sarah, I'm so proud of you. Congratulations!" She congratulated me, really delighted.

But my joy was short-lived when I realized Adam wasn't there.

"I wonder where Adam is," I said, looking around the room.

Maria shook her head. "I don't know. He disappeared yesterday and hasn't returned yet."

I frowned, hoping he was okay. Suddenly, we heard his voice calling for Maria from outside.

Maria's face lit up with relief. "Adam! Oh my goodness, I was so worried. Where have you been?"

I followed Maria outside, curious about Adam's absence, and saw a group of men dressed as Alpha Malachi guards.

My heart started racing, fear creeping into my mind. Why were they here? What did they want? Is it me they wanted?

Maria noticed my fear and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Sarah. We'll figure out what they want and take care of it."

But as they started walking towards the house, I felt a sense of dread wash over me. This might not end well.

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