The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 37

Felicity POV.

It was Peter.

Peter smiled at me, his eyes twinkling in the light from the hall. "I'm here to help you, Emily," he said.

I was relieved to see a friendly face.

As Peter stepped closer, I could see him holding something in his hand. "What's that?" I asked, squinting in the dim light.

"It's your baby, Emily," he replied, offering the bundle to me. But he noticed my hands were tied.

I gasped in surprise and joy as I saw my baby. "How did you know?" I asked, tears beginning to prick in my eyes.

Peter shrugged. "I heard the guards talking about how they were going to separate you from your child. I knew I had to do something."

He untied me and handed me my baby. I took him in my arms and I hugged my baby tight, feeling a rush of gratitude towards Peter. "Thank you," I whispered. "Of course," he said with a smile. "Now we need to hurry. Alpha Zander will be back any minute."

"Peter, how did you find us?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"We don't have time to talk about that now, Emily," he replied. "We need to leave before Alpha Zander returns."

"But... Peter, how did you know about me and my baby?" I asked, my heart racing with curiosity.

I have my resources," he replied with a grin. "But right now, our priority is getting you both to safety."

He motioned for me to follow him. He crept along in the shadows, keeping an eye out for any guards. I followed close behind, my heart racing with every step.

I clung tightly to my son, grateful to have him back in my arms.

We continued on in silence, both of us on high alert for any sign of danger.

As we made our way towards the exit, I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing it to snap loudly. I froze.

My heart leapt into my throat as I looked up to see if anyone had heard. But to my relief, we remained undetected.

Peter turned to look at me, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

Peter turned to look at me, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

I nodded, my grip on my baby tightening. "Let's just get out of here," I said.

We continued on, moving as quietly as we could. Finally, we reached the door of the building, and Peter pushed it open just enough for us to slip through. We sprinted away, not looking back until we were safely out of sight.

I turned to Peter, tears streaming down my face. "Thank you," I said again.

He smiled at me. "No need to thank me. I couldn't help Ava, and just for this I couldn't let you down. Just stay safe, okay?"

I nodded, holding my baby close. "I will."

With that, we went our separate ways, grateful to be free once again.

My legs felt like they were made of lead as I trudged through the deserted streets. We had been on the move for hours now, and exhaustion was starting to set in. The weight of my baby, who had fallen asleep in my arms, added to my fatigue. I needed to find a place to rest and hydrate, or I would collapse soon.

As if on cue, I spotted an abandoned building with a faucet outside. I practically ran towards it, ignoring the fear of being caught. My hands trembled as I turned the faucet handle, hoping that water would come out. To my relief, clear liquid gushed out, and I cupped my hands, gulping it down.

The water tasted slightly metallic, but it was the best thing I had ever tasted. When I had my fill, I sat down, leaning against the wall, and watched my baby as he eagerly suckled my b****t. A feeling of intense love and protectiveness coursed through my veins, making me forget the horrors that had occurred in the past months.

I closed my eyes, soaking in the moment of peace. It wouldn't last long, and I knew that. But right now, I am grateful for this small respite.



As I opened my eyes, a sudden noise made me jump. I quickly covered my baby and looked around, my heart racing. But it was only a stray cat, rummaging through a nearby garbage bin.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I peered at the cat, feeling a pang of sympathy for its plight. Like me and my baby, its were also struggling to survive in this cruel and unforgiving world.

I have been on the run for several months now.

But how long could we go on like this?

I shook my head, trying to push away the dark thoughts. For now, all that mattered was keeping my baby safe and fed. I hugged him close to my chest, feeling his soft breath on my skin. "We'll do it," I whispered to him. "I promise."

Moments later, I heard the sound of footsteps and people talking. I immediately recognized Alpha Zander's voice. My heart raced as I knew they were looking for me. I quickly surveyed the area and saw the door of the abandoned factory. Without a second thought, I picked up my baby and ran towards it, hoping to find a hiding spot.

As I entered the factory, my eyes scanned the area for a place to hide. My heart was pounding against my chest as I found a corner to tuck myself in. I could hear the voices growing closer.

"Where the hell could she be?" Alpha Zander growled.

"Maybe she's hiding somewhere," one of his henchmen suggested.

"Spread out and find her," Alpha Zander ordered.

As they began to search, my mind raced with thoughts of how to protect my baby and myself. My heart was thumping so hard, I could hardly breathe. I prayed that I wouldn't be found. "Check over there," Alpha Zander called out.

I could hear footsteps approaching my hiding spot. My heart felt like it was about to stop beating. I held my breath, praying they would walk past me.


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