The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 35

Maximus POV.

Days turned into weeks and my obsession with finding Felicity consumed me. I had become paranoid, seeing objects move when they weren't moving.

One evening, I sat in my chambers, my eyes scanning the room for any hint of movement. My obsession with finding Felicity had consumed me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

I was staring at the door. "Come on, Felicity. Just come back to me," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, I heard a creaking noise, which sounded like footsteps approaching my door. My heart raced with anticipation. Was it really her back? But the noise stopped, leaving me disappointed and unsure if it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I poured two glasses of wine, my hand shaking slightly as I did so. Hoping it would calm my nerves.

As I sat down, I noticed a crack in one of the windows. I jumped up, startled, thinking it was Felicity trying to sneak in.

"Hello?" I called out nervously. But there was no response. I couldn't be sure if anyone was even there, but the thought of Felicity being back was driving me insane.

I sat back down, taking a sip from my glass. Suddenly, I saw a vase move in the corner of my eye. My heart racing, I got up to investigate, only to find that there was nothing there.

"Felicity?" I cried out, my heart racing with excitement. But as I approached, there was no one there.

I sat down, waiting for Felicity to walk through the door.

But she never came.

I was feeling my grip on reality slipping away.

I also thought I saw her everywhere. It was driving me mad.

I was feeling like I was slowly losing my grip on reality. "Felicity, where are you?" I whispered to myself. I couldn't go on like this.

One day, as I was walking through the castle courtyard, a woman caught my eye. She had long brown hair and was wearing a green dress- just like Felicity. My heart raced as I approached her. "Excuse me, have we met before?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Excuse me, have we met before?" I asked, my voice shaking.

The woman looked at me confused. " No your highness! I don't think so, I'm just a homemaker here."

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." I said, feeling disappointed.

As I walked away, I heard murmurs from the people around me. "He's gone mad," I heard one of them whisper.

My anger flared as I heard their words. How dare they whisper behind my back and call me mad? I am the rightful ruler of this kingdom!

I turned to face them, my eyes blazing with fury. "What did you say?" I demanded, my voice echoing through the courtyard.

The people fell silent, fear evident on their faces. One brave soul stepped forward. "Your highness, we were just-"

"Silence!" I yelled, cutting off their feeble excuse. "How dare you speak of me in such a manner? You have disobeyed and insulted your king, and for that, you will pay the price."

I gestured to the guards standing nearby. "Lock them in the dungeon. Let them think about their insolence until they apologize and beg for forgiveness."

As the guards dragged the people away, I seethed with anger. How dare they question my sanity? I was not mad, I was driven to find Felicity and nothing would stop me.

I vowed then and there that I would stop at nothing to find Felicity, even if it meant punishing those who stood in my way. No one would dare question me again.

But deep inside myself, I couldn't deny the truth. I was losing my mind. I knew I needed to find Felicity soon or risk losing my grip on reality altogether.

I knew I had to get a grip on myself before it was too late.

I went to see the royal physician, hoping they could help me. After a detailed examination, the physician concluded that I was suffering from a severe case of delusional disorder. It was a mental illness that made me believe in things that were not true. I was horrified by the diagnosis, but the physician assured me that with the right treatment, I could recover. She prescribed medication to help stabilize my thoughts and referred me to a therapist. I was soon attending regular therapy sessions to deal with my obsession and delusions.

"Your Majesty," Marcus, one of the councillors, approached me. "We need to talk."

"What is it?" I asked, impatiently." Did you find Felicity?"

"It's about the kingdom. We fear that your obsession with finding Felicity is causing unrest among the people. They are beginning to question your leadership."

"I know what I am doing," I snapped. "And Felicity is not just anyone. She is the key to restoring peace to our land."

"But you've been searching for weeks, Your Majesty," Marcus pointed out. "Surely there must be a point where we consider that she may never be found?"

I glared at him. "I will not give up on Felicity. She is out there somewhere, waiting for me to find her."

"But at what cost, Your Majesty? You must consider the impact this is having on our kingdom and on you."

I didn't want to hear it. I was desperate to find Felicity, no matter the cost. But deep down, I knew Marcus was right. I was beginning to lose sight of what was important.

As the days went on, my paranoia continued to grow. Every time a woman with brown hair walked by, my heart would race. I couldn't escape the feeling that Felicity was near.

One day, as I was walking through the castle gardens, I saw a figure in the distance. I couldn't quite make out who it was, but my heart was pounding in my chest. Could it be Felicity? As I got closer, I realized it was just a gardener tending to the garden. My heart sank.

I was losing hope. Maybe Felicity was gone forever. Maybe she had never existed at all.

But I couldn't accept that. I knew she was out there, waiting for me to find her. And I would search for her until I found her, no matter the cost.

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