The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 29

Felicity POV.

One morning, I opened my eyes to a bright, warm light streaming in through the open window. Confused, I sat up, rubbing my eyes and taking in my surroundings.

I shivered in my thin tunic and threw the scratchy blanket off, rising to my feet and going to the bars of the cell. As I approached, I saw a figure standing outside, watching me curiously. It was the Alpha. His eyes met mine, dark and intense, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of fear.

"Good morning," he said, his voice deep and commanding.

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. After all, I was still a prisoner in this cruel world.

I recoiled, backing away from the bar.

"Good morning!" I answered, my voice barely above a whisper.

I could feel his gaze piercing into me as he leaned in closer. His chiseled jaw set, his eyes dark and piercing. I could tell he was angry about something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what.

"So, tell me," he said with a hard edge to his voice. "Are you starting to fall in love with me?" He said, his voice laced with aggression.

I felt my heart race and stumbled over my words, trying to meet his intense gaze."I, uh, I don't know," I stammered, feeling unsure how to answer.

"You don't know?" he sneered, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration.

"I mean, I'm definitely attracted to you," I quickly clarified. "But I don't know if I'm ready to say that I'm in love with you yet..."

He let out a disgruntled and exasperated sigh, clearly not satisfied with my answer. His disappointment was palpable. "Well, you better figure it out soon," he growled. "I don't want to waste my time on someone who's not serious about me."

I felt a knot form in my stomach as his words sank in. Was he really that insecure that he needed me to profess my love for him after only a few days? He was definitely mentally ill, that's all.

"Look," I said, taking a deep breath. "I care about you, but I need some time to figure out my feelings. I can't just force myself to feel a certain way just because you want me to."

"Look," I said, taking a deep breath. "I care about you, but I need some time to figure out my feelings. I can't just force myself to feel a certain way just because you want me to."

He looked at me for a moment, his eyes softening slightly.

"Okay," he said, his voice gentling. "I understand. Just know that I really like you, and I don't want to lose you."

I felt a surge of relief wash over me. I had managed to coax him.

"I'm so glad you understand," I said, my voice shaking slightly with nerves.

He smiled at me. "Of course I did. I wouldn't miss a chance with you."

I felt a surge of relief wash over me. This was going to work. "You always know how to say the right thing," I replied, stepping closer to him.

He came even closer to me, his hand reaching up to caress my face. "You're so beautiful," he murmured, his lips inches from mine.

I took advantage of this moment to send my hand into the pocket of his cloak. My fingers brushed against something hard and cold, and I pulled it out. It was the key to my cell, too. I tried to keep it hidden from him. "What's this?" he asked, noticing the movement of my arm.

I froze for a moment, then quickly recovered. "Nothing, just... something I found earlier. It's nothing important."

He raised an eyebrow, but didn't press the issue. "Well then, I have to leave, my business awaits me."

I nodded eagerly, slipping the object into my own pocket. "Yes."

As soon as he left, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was all going according to plan. I clutched the key in my pocket, feeling its weight and the promise of freedom it held. I had waited so long for this opportunity.

With the key in my pocket, I waited for my chance to escape his grasp. Relief washed over me as he left. It was risky, but I couldn't endure his control any longer. The promise of freedom was too great.

I felt both excitement and fear as I planned my escape, hoping for a chance at happiness and peace.

Finally, the moment arrived. I waited one evening while he was busy. My time was limited, he would drop by to see if everything was OK with me or send one of his guards every about thirty minutes.

I slipped the key into the lock, my heart pounding with anticipation. With a click, the door swung open and I stepped out of the cell.

As I stepped out of that cell, my breath caught in my throat. I couldn't believe I was finally free, but I knew I had to move fast. I went straight to the window to check our depth - the very top of the king's apartments felt like a mile away. But fear wasn't going to stop


I quickly gathered the essentials - fat, curtains, and some clothes - and began tying them together to make a rope. I had to get creative, but I made sure it was long and strong enough to support my weight. I tied the rope to the edge of the bed, making sure it was secure before I started to lower the window.

I moved slowly, trying to be careful not to make too much noise. Even with my big belly getting in the way, I was determined to make it out. But as I went down, I soon realized that the rope wasn't long enough. It's almost as if fate was playing a cruel joke on me. I quickly made an end of it, hoping beyond hope that it would be enough to get me to safety.

I took a deep breath and continued on, knowing that there was no going back now. The wind whipped around me as I inched closer to the ground. The rope tore under my weight. Would I make it? Or would this be the end of my escape?

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