The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 28

I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh as memories flood my mind. Memories of a man I loved deeply, but who also hurt me in ways I never thought possible.



"I want an heir now! Do you understand it?" He growled as he came dangerously close to me.

"Yes... I understand!" I replied in fear, tears streaming down my face.

He knew he had a hold on me, and he used it to his advantage.

"You're mine, you know that, right?" he'd say, gripping my wrist tightly.

"Yes," I'd whisper, feeling both fear and desire wash over me.

Then he kissed her with a rough intensity that left her breathless. My heart raced as I responded to him, my body betraying her mind. He was the only man who could ever make me feel this way, but I hated myself for it. As the weeks turned into months, the abuse escalated. His anger grew uncontrollable, and he'd lash out at her for the smallest things.

Sometimes I wondered if it was my fault, if I was somehow provoking him without realizing it. I became afraid of making him angry, tiptoeing around him in an effort to avoid setting him off.

But even when I tried to avoid his wrath, there was no predicting when it would strike. Once, I accidentally spilled a glass of water on him and he erupted into a rage, throwing objects and screaming obscenities at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He said, his voice covered with frustration and anger.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident. Let me get you a towel-" I apologized.

"Don't touch me! You always ruin everything!" He looked at me with disdain.

"I said I was sorry-" I said again.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it. Look at this shirt! It's ruined!" He shouted.

He started throwing objects and screaming obscenities at me.

I backed away, eyes wide with fear.

"Please stop, I didn't mean to-" I begged him.

"You never mean to! Just get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret." He growled.

I left the room, heart racing, and tears streaming down my face.

It was at that moment that I realized I had to leave. I couldn't keep living like this, always afraid and always walking on eggshells around him.

And yet, I couldn't help but love him. I craved his touch, his attention, his affection.

But the more I loved him, the more he hurt me.

"You're pathetic," he'd say, his words like knives slicing through my heart.

"What did I do wrong?" I'd ask, tears streaming down my face.

"Everything," he'd sneer, before turning his back on me and walking away. "Everything," he'd sneer, before turning his back on me and walking away.

I was left alone, shattered, and more in love with him than ever before.

So I made the decision to leave him. To walk away from the pain and the abuse.

The decision to leave wasn't an easy one. I loved him, despite the abuse. I knew he had his own demons that he was struggling with, and I wanted to help him. But I also knew that she couldn't sacrifice herself anymore.

It was time for me to choose myself and my unborn baby to put my own well-being first. My child could not be born in this environment.


I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling a sense of regret. I would have preferred to stay in his castle and suffer nothing but his wickedness than that of those Alphas.

But then, I remember the moment I made the decision to leave. The moment when I realized that I deserved better than a life of abuse and pain.

I remember holding my growing belly and knowing that I couldn't subject my child to that kind of life.

So, as much as it hurts, I stand by my decision to leave. To choose myself and my child over a toxic relationship.


A few days later,

I lay on the cold, hard floor of my cell, the only source of light coming from the small barred window. My body ached. I closed my eyes, hoping to find some small semblance of peace.

Suddenly, heavy, unmistakable footsteps echoed down the dimly lit hallway. I tried to hold my breath, hoping that whoever was coming wouldn't bother me. But hope was a fleeting feeling.

The steps came closer and closer until they stopped at my cell. At that moment, my heart was pounding so loudly I was sure Alpha Zarek could hear it. I kept my eyes tightly closed, willing myself to stay in the role of the sleeping victim.

At first, I heard nothing but his breathing. Then, in a low, gravelly voice, Alpha Zarek spoke, "Victoria, you can stop pretending to be asleep. I know you're awake."

Slowly, I opened one eye, pretending to be startled. "I'm sorry, Alpha Zarek. I didn't hear you."

He scoffed. "Don't lie to me, Victoria. You're not fooling anyone."

I sat up, wincing at the pain. "What do you want from me?"

"I want your response!" He said impatiently.

My stomach knotted as I tried to think of a response. Should I lie or tell the truth?

Clearing my throat, I forced myself to meet his piercing gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about, Alpha Zarek. Why would I be lying?"

He tilted his head, studying me for a moment before speaking again. "You're a smart girl, Victoria. You know that I have my own ways of knowing things. Now, are you going to tell me what decision you've made?"

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what could happen next. "I...I don't know. I need more time to think about it."

Alpha Zarek's expression darkened. "You've had plenty of time to think about it. I can't keep waiting around for you to make up your mind."

I felt a pit form in my stomach as I watched him turn to leave. "Alpha Zarek, please. I'm trying, I really am. Just give me a little more time."

He didn't even turn back to look at me as he spoke. "I'll give you until tomorrow. But after that, you need to make a decision. I can't keep playing these games with you."

As the door slammed shut behind him, I let out a shaky breath. I knew what I had to do, but the fear of what could happen next was paralyzing. Would I be able to go through with it? Or would I be stuck forever in this dangerous game of pretending? Moments later, after he left, two of his guards came to my cell.

The guards led me out of my cell, and I couldn't help but wonder where they were taking me. My heart raced with fear as we walked down the dark hallway, the walls looming ominously overhead.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice shaking.

One of the guards looked at me coldly. "You'll see."

Finally, we arrived at Alpha Zarek's apartments. They pushed me inside and locked the door behind me. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked around the luxurious room.

And that's when I saw him. Alpha Zarek stood there, looking at me with a cool detachment that made my skin crawl.

"Alpha Zarek," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He walked towards me with an easy grace, his cold eyes piercing through me. "I wanted to see you, my dear. I find that you are most often on my mind."

I swallowed hard and tried to keep my composure.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and one of the guards appeared. "Alpha Zarek, we have a problem."

Without another word, Alpha Zarek turned and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and fears.

I knew that soon I would have to make a decision. And I couldn't help but wonder what my fate would be if I made the wrong one.

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