The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 103



As I opened my eyes little by little, I felt a throbbing headache and realized it was already nighttime. Ava was standing over me, holding my baby and Felicity's in her arms. "What happened?" I asked groggily, feeling confused and disoriented. It all came flooding back to me - Adrian had given me the tainted meat, causing me to feel weak and drowsy.

I shot up, suddenly remembering what had happened. "Where's Felicity?" I demanded.

"That's actually why I woke you up," Ava said hesitantly. "Adrian took her to talk and she hasn't come back yet."

I jumped up, feeling the pain in my head intensify.

"If that bastard had even laid a finger on Felicity, I was going to make him pay." I shouted.

My sudden outburst woke everyone up from their sleep. Kyle shot me a murderous look,

"I can't believe you woke me up," Kyle glared at me.

"I had to," I replied, "Something happened with Felicity."

"What happened?" Kyle's tone softened as he turned to Ava.

As Ava explained the situation to him, his expression softened. After all, Felicity was his sister. We all shared the same fear - what had Adrian done with her?

Kyle's eyes filled with rage. "If that bastard lays a hand on my sister, I'll show him what firewood I'm made of," he growled.

I nodded in agreement, my head throbbing with pain. "We need to find them," I said, getting up from where I was.

Everyone else who had been sleeping had woken up by now, and they all shared our anger and concern. We joined together to search the campsite, determined to find Felicity and make sure she was safe. "We've been searching for hours with no luck," I said, frustration evident in my voice as I shone my torch around.

"I know, we need to keep looking," Ava, replied, his own worry etched on his face.

"We'll find her," Kyle replied, trying to sound optimistic.

"How can you be so sure? Adrian's your best friend, what if you've help him?" I asked, my anger rising.

"That's not fair, I would never help Adrian hurt anyone," Kyle defended himself.

"I don't believe you," I spat, my fear for Felicity combining with my frustration and anger.

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap nearby. "Shh, did you hear that?" I asked, turning off my torch.

The others nodded, and we all called out Felicity's name. But all we heard was our own echoes.

"I can't take this anymore, it's your fault Adrian's got her. You're Adrian's best friend, you have to know something," I accused Kyle. "If anything happens to Felicity, I'll kill you both with my bare hands." Kyle's face paled, "I swear I don't," Adrian protested.

"Dont lie!" I shouted at him, "you know," I continued, feeling the anger rising in me.

Kyle looked shocked but didn't argue. "I'm worried about Felicity too, she's my sister," he said quietly.

"She's not just your sister, she's my queen, I won't rest until she's safe" I replied before transforming into my wolf despite my injured shoulder. "I'm going to find her."

"You need more help, Maximus," Kyle said, following me as I began to sniff Felicity's scent.

We pressed on, calling her name, following any scent that could lead us to Felicity. As we ran through the forest, my mind raced with worry and fear. What if we were too late? What if something had already happened to her? Suddenly, I caught the scent of something familiar, something that made my heart skip a beat. It was Felicity's scent, mingled with other person, surely Adrian. We picked up our pace, running towards the source of the scent. After a few minutes, I caught a stronger whiff of her scent.

"I'm close," I said, charging ahead with Kyle and the others following closely behind.

Hope was clawing its way into my heart.

As I continued to search for Felicity, the rain began to fall, soaking everything in its path. The sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves and the ground only heightened my sense of urgency. I ignored the discomfort, determined to find her and bring her back to safety.

In the distance, I spotted a dimly lit cabin. Hope surged through me, and I knew I had to investigate. Without hesitation, I rushed towards it, my heart pounding in my chest.

I kicked down the door with a burst of strength, revealing a dimly lit interior. And there, in the corner, was Felicity, gagged and tied up. Relief washed over me as our eyes met. I quickly returned to my human form.

Despite her tear-streaked face, her eyes lit up with a mix of fear and relief at the sight of me. I quickly untied her, removing the gag from her mouth.

As soon as she was free, she launched herself into my arms, her tired body leaning heavily against mine. We stood there for a moment, embracing each other, the weight of the past hours clinging to us. The rain continued to pour outside, providing a gentle backdrop to our reunion.

And then, unable to contain our overwhelming emotions any longer, we kissed. In the midst of the rain, our lips met with a mixture of desperation, relief, and love. It felt like the stormy skies above were reflecting the tumultuous journey we had both endured. Breaking the kiss, I held her tightly to prevent her tired body from faltering. "I love you," I whispered against her lips, the words carrying the weight of my devotion.

She smiled wearily but with a spark of happiness in her eyes. "I love you too," she murmured in reply, her voice filled with trust and warmth.

We stood there, soaked to the bone by the rain, reveling in the knowledge that we were finally reunited. It was a moment of solace amidst the chaos, a declaration of our love and commitment to protect each other.

Taking her hand in mine, I guided her out of the cabin and into the pouring rain. The others, who had followed us, erupted into cheers and relieved smiles at the sight of us together. The downpour no longer felt like a burden, but a symbol of renewal and hope. Together, Felicity and I embraced the rain, walking side by side with our intertwined fingers. I held her close, providing support as her tired body struggled to keep up. The rain served as a cleansing force, washing away the fear and darkness that had clouded our hearts.

In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. And as we continued our journey, raindrops mingling with our love, I vowed to protect her with every beat of my heart.

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