The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 4

(Sadie pov)

I decided to go for my early morning jog before training with the Warriors today. Considering the Alpha told me Mila was going to be with him all morning. Before I would have waited outside their door all day, guarding the place just in case if anything happened. But after being here for a few months, I began to realize Alpha Rowan was beyond protective of our Luna. He was precise and very strict about his mate’s safety. So I knew I could go off now and then when they were alone because if he needed me he would let me know. He actually trusts me..a part of me wonders if he knows who Mila really is. He definitely treats her like the most precious thing in the world, but is that just the mating bond or does he know whose b***d flows through her veins?

Lately, I have felt pent up and uneasy for some my wolf Savanah is getting more restless than usual. I have been letting her out at least three times a day now and guess who she always finds..Tristan Banks..that little traitor.

‘He is our mate Sadie..the goddess is trying to reward us for all of the hard work we have done.’

She tried to manipulate me using our own goddess against me.

‘Every wolf is born with a mate. It’s probably a random draw of the hat and he got stuck with us.’

I shot back, picking up my speed as I weaved through the trees.

I used to hate the fact that I couldn’t speak. How I was mute and couldn’t communicate without a pen and paper..but with Tristan makes things so much easier. I don’t have to say a single thing to him and when he tries to link me I only nod or give one-word answers. I don’t have time for a mate..we were brought here for a reason and I’m pretty sure the moon goddess wouldn’t want us distracted and neglecting her only b***d relative.

Savanah huffed and turned her back towards me, making me roll my eyes as I wondered when my wolf had gotten so dramatic.

The sun was just rising now as the soft oranges and yellows from the morning sun poured through the trees. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply as I suddenly froze in my tracks. The smell of cloves and leather filled my senses..Why was he here? How the hell does he always find me..

I kept my head up, making my feet move once again as Savanah was now fully alert and ready.

‘He is looking for us, mate wants to see us.’

She squealed happily and I frowned.

‘Well, I don’t want to see him.’

I just can’t deal with this right now..

Suddenly I felt him beside me, his long red hair was tied into a ponytail and his green eyes flashed towards me, making my heart flutter uncontrollably..see this is why I don’t want him around me.

‘Your up early. Mind if I join you?’

He linked, glancing over at me as his usual hard expression was now gone and replaced with a type of vulnerability I had never seen before.

I just nodded my head, staring straight ahead once more as we both ran together side by side. I can’t lie, the gamma is definitely in shape and takes care of himself extremely well. I know Mila is very fond of him and the few times I had ever seen him smile were mostly caused by her. A pang of jealousy rushed through me and I quickly stomped it away, hearing Savanah chuckle causing me to push even harder.

‘Are you going to the training today?’

Tristan asked smoothly while his deep voice filled my head, causing my knees to wobble as I tried my hardest to control myself. What the hell was wrong with me today?

‘Yes, I will be attending the training session today.’

I tried to make my response professional and lacking emotion but somehow it came out breathy and flirty..

My cheeks quickly warmed, I blamed Savanah for this..she has been practically all over Hadeon, his wolf, for the past two weeks. It’s making my mind all jumbled..the way they are always cuddling and licking one another..she is a traitor..that’s exactly what she is.

Suddenly I stumbled forward, my foot catching on a loose rock as I was about to crash into the ground.

Before I could, Tristan wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his hard muscular chest as my eyes widened. I have tried everything in my power not to touch this man..because when I do it does things to my body that I can’t control.

“Are you okay?” He asked out loud, his breathing labored and his hands gripping my waist as he studied me intently.

I nodded my head, swallowing hard as he continued to hold me to his chest. Suddenly his hand began to move, gliding up and reaching toward my face as I flinched and closed my eyes instinctively.

I wasn’t afraid of anyone..but this man..he scared me. He made me fear what he could be capable he could so easily break me if I gave him the chance.

“I’m not going to hurt you..I would never hurt you.” He whispered, causing my eyes to flutter open as I stared into his beautiful green orbs.

His fingers were next to my face, and soon enough he pressed his palm against my cheek, making me lean into him without even realizing as he glanced down at my lips. A burning desire filled his gaze as the reality of what was about to happen jolted me out of this trance.

I quickly pushed away from him, breathing heavily as I took a step back, causing him to step forward.


The only word he said..his tone making my heart ache as I shook my head no and took off the other way.

I can’t do this..I can’t let him get close to me..I can’t be broken ever again, not now that I have survived through all of that. I will never let myself be weak, I will never let myself be vulnerable..I am a warrior..I am a guardian and I will never let Tristan Banks destroy way in hell.

I managed to finish my run and was walking toward the training arena when I saw the beta speaking with his mate. I didn’t mind Blake, he was pretty funny and he has been nothing but nice to me since I had gotten here. I know he is Tristan’s best friend though so I try not to step over any boundaries.

Lottie quickly spotted me, waving excitedly as I waved back. She was the one who tried to push me towards giving Tristan a chance the most..considering he is her brother I can’t blame her..but I really really like Lottie. She calls things as she sees them and is always honest and doesn’t beat around the bush.

I felt them trying to link me, wanting me to join their group conversation as I opened my link.

‘Hey Sade, how’s it going?’

Blake asked, walking next to me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder then did the same to Lottie.

‘Just got done with my run.’

I glanced up at him, seeing his nose scrunched up.

‘That’s what that smell is.’

He teased and Lottie quickly elbowed him in the side, making him flinch.

‘Whatever, don’t be a d**k.’

She glared at her mate and I couldn’t help but smile.

‘What? It was just a joke, Sade knows that right?’

I just nodded my head, knowing Blake was the biggest tease around. At first, I didn’t quite get his jokes but Mila helped explain them to me and now I understand his type of humor. He is just like those other little pups I see playing together, Blake would fit in with them perfectly.

We made our way into the training area and I noticed Lottie glancing towards me.

‘What is it?’

I asked, knowing it was probably about her always is.

‘Well, I’m guessing you ran into Tristan this morning?’

She asked curiously and I just shrugged my shoulders.

‘He didn’t say anything, I could just tell because of the pissy mood he was in.’

She grumbled and a part of me felt guilty..maybe it would be easier if he just rejected me. That way he could move on and forget about me..I’m not worth all of this anyways.

‘Sadie, why can’t you just give him a chance? I know it’s none of my buisness..but Tristan isn’t like other guys. He might seem cold and closed off but deep down I know he wants to try.’

She tried to sway me and Blake stood between us awkwardly, not adding to the conversation.

‘Maybe the moon goddess will give him a second chance..someone more..worthy.’

I said quietly and I swear Lottie and Blake’s heads both snapped towards me at the same time.

‘What the hell do you mean by that?’

Blake asked, sounding surprised.

‘Maybe Tristan should just reject me. It might be for the best.’

And with that, I closed the link and took my spot to begin our morning training session. That’s how I truly felt..I wasn’t worthy of anyone..I’m sure Tristan would find that out soon enough on his own.

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