The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 2

(Rowan pov)

I looked down at my Mila, my goddess, as I slid in and out of her. My body craving more of her by the second as her head flew back, her hands gripping my arms tightly as her fingernails dug into my skin. I knew she was close, I could feel her tightening around me for the fifth time in the past two hours. We made a promise to stay in bed for the rest of the day and that’s what we will do. I have missed this, I have missed her so f*****g much.

I knew once she started taking on her Luna duties we would be busier than ever but I didn’t know I would miss her this much. Even when she is in the same damn room as’s like I need to touch her at all times just to breathe easily. Bain doesn’t make it any better, ever since we found out who she is..what type of b***d she has flowing through her veins it all makes more sense. She is related to the damn moon goddess herself, the woman that created us.. It’s almost like Mila has a certain pull to her, like a draw that is unlike anything in this world and now I know why.

She is the most precious thing in this world, the moon goddess said so herself and she needs to be protected at all costs. I know what some men would do just to have procreate with rule this f*****g world with her. That was why Marcus wanted her, that was why he hid her away because he knew too..

For a wolf to have a Luna with the Goddess’s b***d flowing through her, some would see it like becoming a damn God themselves..your pups would have that same b***d flowing through them.

That is why no one will ever know the truth because my Mila will be in danger again..then another man like Marcus would hunt her down..that is why I will always protect her.

“Rowan.” Mila gasped, my c**k filling her to the hilt as I looked down at her with wonder. F**k was she stunning, the way her breasts bounced with each thrust, the way her emerald eyes glowed as they burned into me.

“F**k Mila, cum with me.” I growled, slamming into her one last time as I emptied everything I had left inside of me into her tight p***y.

Mila screamed out, her body trembling beneath me as her o****m slammed through her. Our bond sharing every ounce of pleasure as wave after wave washed over our bodies, making me fall to the bed as I pulled her closer to me.

“I love you so f*****g much.” I kissed her lips, my tongue sliding out and tasting her as she panted beneath me.

“I love you too..but it’s time for food Rowan..or I might pass out.” She breathed, laughing softly as I smiled against her.

“We wouldn’t want that now, I’m nowhere close to being done with you yet.” I nipped at her neck, causing her to g***n as she wiggled beneath me.

‘Greta, can you send up two dinner plates for me and my Luna please.’

I linked to Greta, our head omega and chef.

‘Yes Alpha, right away.’

She linked back hastily and I rolled over with Mila still in my arms. My fingers glided up, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear as I stared at the most beautiful woman in the world.

“I think Sadie’s starting to warm up to Tristan don’t you think?” She whispered, knowing Sadie was right down the hall.

We decided to build her an apartment down the hall for now in the empty space my we didn’t use. Sadie has been a godsend, she has protected and watched over Mila like she was destined to do this all of her life or something.

“Yeah, Tristan seems a little happier lately too. Thank the Goddess..he was being a real prick.” I grumbled and Mila nudged into me. She is unnecessarily protective of Tristan, she doesn’t like when I call him names..but he really has been a grumpy a*****e since Sadie came and had been ignoring him.

I have noticed a significant change though since their wolves started bonding. Sadie even seems to be coming around which I admit, she is a hard one to read. How did she even find Mila that day? And another question I have is how the hell is so highly skilled and trained? She is a mystery but I can’t lie when I say I would trust her with Mila’s life. She is like a protective big sister or something.

Blake says she is the coolest chick he has ever met. I think Tristan is proud of how easy it was for her to come into the group but he won’t say it. That’s just the type of guy he is..always tries to keep his emotions in check. I used to be like that too but then I met Mila and all hell broke loose.

“What are you thinking about?” Mila asked softly, her warm smile filling my stomach with butterflies as she brought her hand up, brushing my hair out of my face.

“Just how you came into my life and flipped my world upside down.” I whispered, leaning in as I kissed her delicately.

“Hey, I’m not the only one, you flipped my world too..more than flipped, like blew up then rebuilt..” she added, making me laugh as I couldn’t help but bite down on her full bottom l*p.

“Blew up huh?” I asked teasingly and she just nodded her head and made an explosion sound, causing me to laugh.

“In the best way possible.” Her voice was sweet and the way she spoke it was almost as if her words seeped inside of me and caressed my soul.

“Well in that case, then I will take it.” I began grinding my h**s, the movements making her g***n and then I heard the knock on the door.

“Saved by the food.” I joked, kissing Mila deeply as I pulled out of her and then jumped off the bed. I quickly slipped on some basketball shorts and walked to the door.

One of our omegas Lisa was standing by the door with the tray in her hand.

“Thank you Lisa.” I said firmly and took the tray. She bowed deeply and turned to leave.

I brought the tray inside and shut the door then swiftly turned the locks. Even though the threat of Marcus is gone now..I still can’t help but feel like someone is after my Mila. I don’t know if it’s just from going through all of those things as fighting so hard to keep her safe..maybe it’s after effects of that but I just feel on edge whenever I leave her alone or even step out of a damn room.

It’s something I am still working on today..I’m not as territorial and possessive as I was at the start, but I still am damn protective. If I feel one inclination of a bad vibe, I refuse to put Mila in harm’s way.

Luckily I haven’t felt anything like that so far, but it’s just a feeling I have deep down that something is going to happen soon.

Especially with this ball coming up, there are going to be so many people there that we don’t know..I just..something doesn’t feel right about it.

I haven’t told anyone else but Tristan, because I know I can trust him with this stuff..but I just don’t want to come across as paranoid and possessive again. I know Blake and my mom still remind me almost daily how I wouldn’t even let Mila go to the bathroom alone. I let her do stuff now..I just make sure Sadie is with her or someone else that has my trust.

“You wanna eat in bed or on the couch?” I asked while walking back into the room and instantly frowned when I notice Mila had put on one of my shirts.

“Why aren’t you naked?” I grumbled, not liking my goddess wearing clothes.

“You have shorts on, it’s only fair.” She quipped as I set the tray down on the coffee table and went to grab her by the waist.

“That’s because I didn’t want to give poor Lisa a heart attack.” I said while pulling Mila close to me. My hands slid up to her face as I tilted her head back, kissing her passionately.

“I guess we wouldn’t want that.” She mumbled against my lips and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Let’s eat and then we can fix this clothes dilema.” I pulled away, sitting down on the couch and tugging Mila into my lap.

This is exactly what we needed, time alone.. I know things are busier now but the most important thing to me in this entire world is my Mila..and there is nothing that will ever get between that.

Let’s hope the meeting with Elder Nicolas goes well tomorrow and we can hear a solution to this rogue problem, then after that, I have a little surprise for my Goddess..just a little trip for her and that she will never forget..I can’t wait.

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