The Inauguration

Chapter 40

Genhji sat down on the tree branch watching down on the trainers. She was training the refugees that wanted to help in the upcoming war, she knew they had their own vendetta to pick with Elena but who was she to judge.

She would often have to jump off the tree to show them certain techniques they needed to improve in but most of the time she spent sitting in the tree and supervising. She didn’t need to train them that much as her mate had already done most of that work. And besides, she wasn't training them in their wolf forms today, she thought to give their wolves a rest from the brutal training.

They were each in a group of four, two pairs in each group fighting together against the rival pair. The goal was to make the other pair submit but the catch was that anything could be used except shifting and it was fun seeing how they were determined not to beat.

She was focused on one group that she did not notice the female that lunged at her from below until it was too late.

Genhji went flying to the floor, her body skidding the rough ground, disturbing her student. She groaned in pain, as she scanned her surroundings trying to see who was responsible and her eyes settled on the devil herself. The smirk that was settled on her face, told Genhji everything.

She got up from the floor, her black tight, now brown and her arm now coloured in small scars that were leaking blood. She dusted herself off and growled when she noticed the small patterns of blood leaking from her wounds. She watched as the wounds healed and she turned to stare at her sister, contemplating if she should just give into her anger. But her wolf’s resolve was stronger that day, that minute and she nestled into it.

She turned her back on her sister and looked at the trainees,

“Back to your positions everyone”, she shouted over the grounds.

Solani growled at the dismissal, she was not going to let Genhji undermine her, undermine her relationship with her mate. Undermine their bond.

She growled and ran towards Genhji but as if feeling an oncoming attack Genhji turned, catching Solani and flipping her over. Solani turned mid-air and caught herself on her feet as she landed on the ground.

They both watched each other. Genhji’s resolve to abstain from fighting was now gone and all she wanted to do was fulfil the promise she made to her years ago. Solani wanted to show Genhji that for once she was better than her, that for once she would come out on the top and that she had no control over her life.

Solani was the first to throw a punch but Genhji caught her hand, pulling her to bud head her but Solani manoeuvered her leg to trip Genhji but, she anticipated the move and let go of her hand before jumping backwards and avoiding her leg.

Genhji ran towards Solani with speed, she threw multiple punches but each one was dogged or blocked. She then remembered that her sister was the type to read one’s fighting patterns. So she quickly switched tactics and instead of throwing a punch, she faked and then threw a powerful kick at Solani who went flying to the ground.

“I remembered that little trick you do with your brain, funny how I could always break through it,” Genhji chuckled to herself, “actually I’m proud of myself that I could still break it”.

Solani’s anger grew at her sister’s cocky demeanour and she lunged at her with a roar.

Solani threw a roundhouse kick at her sister, who dodged the attack and quickly threw a punch when she saw an opening at her ribs. She jab and Solani all but groaned before lunging at Genhji again, who dodged the attack, suddenly moving behind Solani and pushing her to the ground.

“You’re fighting with your anger, that’s why you can’t land any attacks,” Genhji shrugs, “just in case you’re wondering”

“You always had to be better”, Solani greets her teeth, as she gets up from the floor. They circle each other and Solani couldn’t help but agree with her sister, she was being clouded by her anger and that is why she couldn’t get anything past her.

“I didn’t have to be, I was”.

Solani grinned, suddenly feeling confident, “but I was always a faster”

She threw multiple punches and here and there Genhji would get overwhelmed and eventually a few hit her. Genhji growled and finally getting tired of defence, she quickly switched sides by sweeping her foot under Solani’s feet, who ended up flipping, her foot hitting Genhji in the face. Solani landed on her feet, she rose with a smirk but that smirk quickly got wiped off as Genhji stood before her, her hands latched around Solani’s throat. She picked up Solani with ease before throwing her across the field.

“Yes, you were faster but as I said, I am better than you,”

Solani’s stood from the ground, hearing a sudden ringing in her ears. She stood there watching Genhji, she took in Genhji’s structure. Who was she to deny what was standing right before her? Her sister was always better than them, she was in their father’s circle, which should tell you everything about her.

“Genhji, why do you stand between us, why do you come in between our bond?”

Genhji scoffed, “you think I would let you hurt him the same you did everyone else, you must think I’m a fool Solani”,

“But he is my mate!”, Solani all but growled.

“A mate which you do not deserve!”Genhji growled back.

Solani punched Genhji with a force that she heard her nose crack, and all Genhji could do was smile and she returned the favour.

“I will make sure you suffer for everything you did to my pack, to my family, to my mother, to my brother, to my father”, Solani could hear the promise behind her words.

“Father was a horrible man!,” Solani couldn’t help but be frustrated at Genhji.

“And what?you’re an angel?” Genhji laughed brushing the blood off her nose, ” if anything, you’re worse than him. Father loved us in his own miserable way, he would never harm us”

“He would give me lashes whenever I disobeyed him!”

“You defied him and I am truly sorry that neither I nor Raed let him do that to you but you killed them both, you killed our mother, for what?!”

By now, all of the alpha’s were there watching the interaction. Melinda at some point tried to intervene but was stopped by Lucius, who knew the two had to go at each other sooner or late, and maybe, just maybe, they could reconcile.

He had watched them go back and forth fighting, and he couldn’t help but be proud of his mate. She was proud that she could hold her on against Genhji, to even give her some bruises. He knew, and everyone knew in the pack that Genhji was a strong opponent to against, no one could beat her, so when he saw Solani throwing hits that Genhji could not dog, his heart swelled with pride.

He had the pack members dismiss from the grounds, and now just the alpha’s and Tobias were watching the two females.

He knew Tobias wanted to stop the two females from hurting each other further but too knew that this was needed.

“For what!?”, Genhji repeated, ” To be a Lugar lacky, for what, answer me!”

Genhji’s anger grew and she lunged at Solani, she kicked and punched at the other female all whilst screaming in anger, “Tell Me!”

Genhji pushed Solani away from her. Solani was bleeding from her head and Genhji could see some bruises forming but she could care less. She actually wanted to inflict more pain but she wanted answers.

“Everyone in the pack knew Father was a horrible man for what he did, but he was a great Alpha. He was respected in the pack, yes he beat you, he beat me, he beat mother and Raed but he loved us. He loved mother, he loved Raed and he even loved you”

“That wasn’t love Genhji, Father knew nothing about love, what he knew was loyalty!”, Solani screamed and she couldn’t help the tears that shed.

Genhji growled and punished Solani.

“That was his way of love Solani. He wanted loyalty but you took that all away. You deceived us all, you went behind our backs, even when I warned you to stop, even when I told you that I knew of your evil ways you continued to crush the hope I had for you, that you would come back to your senses”

“I wasn’t going to be a puppet in father’s plans”

Genhji growled again and threw a punch at her, ” no you were going to be his demise”.

Solani was now on the ground, looking up at Genhji who was gripping her shirt, her anger and vengeance written on her face.

“You watched as your precious little William planned to kill father, you watched as your precious family plotted to kill us, you stood back and watched the fire grow in my home, you watched as they ripped mother apart, as they killed father in front you and finally, do you know what he told me the second before he died,”

Solani’s eyes grew wide, now realising that Genhji was watching that night, she realized that Genhji had watched her father get killed before her, her mother’s body just mere meters from her and she watched as her brother was killed by her own sister.

“He told me, he loved me and begged me to run,” Genhji watched as Solani shook her head in denial, “He wanted to run because he feared that his own daughter would be the last remaining family that stood, but even he knew me too well. So he told me he loved me, I remember watching as he turned to Raed and I knew he told him the same and looked at that pathetic father figure you looked up to and he knew he was dead. But in the final moments, his eyes laid on you and I could see the love he had in his for you.”

Genhji growled and pushed Solani further to the ground.

“My mother…father…Raed, didn’t deserve what you did to them, to be slaughtered like cattle by their own blood,” Gehnji couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, “yes what Father did, was planning to do was horrible but what you did is even worse and I hope you suffer for eternity. I will never forgive you and I will never see you more than the person who stole everything from me. You’re a monster Solani”.

Genhji stood over her, her anger was gone and she realises she was at peace, she realises that the tension she had always had on her shoulder was now gone and she knew that she had done what she promised she would do for her family. She would get justice for them.

And she did.

“I wont forgive you but father probably already has,” She turned leaving Solani sitting there on the ground but she turned remembering something Raed always said to his enemies.

“May the goddess bless your soul and wolf Solani”.

And she left her there, not caring and not looking back. She was done with her past.

She walked towards Lucius and she could see the pain he was in and she knew he could see through her too.

She stood before him, not caring that the alpha’s were all watching her, she raised her hand and she hesitated but Lucius knew her better and he took her hand and placed it on her cheek. She smiled, “I will accept her as your mate but do not expect anything from me. I will only protect her as Luna and nothing more, for it will be my job. I will love and care for the children you both bare as if they are my own but do not expect me to love her. You are my family Lucius and you know that I would do anything for you. I will do this for you but please do not ask me for more than I can bare,” she kissed on the cheek and turned to her mate.

“Please take me home my love, I just want to sleep”, Tobias all but smiled at his mate. He kissed on her forehead, regardless of the fact that she was bleeding and probably in pain. He knew she had to go to the infirmary for a check-up but he knew better than to defy in, especially now.

So he carried her in his arms, she snuggled in his arms and he gave Lucius a nod before walking back to their home.

Lucius turned and looked at Solani who was still on the ground, crying heavily and her body shaking as the breeze in the field picked up.

“I think we should postpone that meeting, we’ll reschedule” Melinda spoke up in the silence. Alpha Perla was the first to leave and a minute later Alpha Kellen followed behind.

Alpha Matthew Lugar took a step towards Solani, to comfort her but Melinda stopped him. He turned to her and she shook her head slightly, “It’s not your place Lugar, come on”.

Lugar hesitated but when he turned back to Solani, he saw Lucius there with her and he sighed and followed behind Melinda.

Lucius approached Solani and he noticed that her shaking body was due to her crying and his wold whimpered at the sight wanting to immediately comfort her. Lucius picked her up, cradling her to her chest and Solani didn’t even notice for she too invested in her guilt and grief to notice the fact that they were already away from the field and heading to the infirmary. Exhaustion finally hit her and her eyes grew heavy but she did not stop crying once and even in her sleep, Lucius could see the small tears that leaked from her closed eyelids and all he wanted to do was to make everything better but he knew it wasn’t that simple and that it was time for Solani to stop running from her past.

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