The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 119

MAEVE POV This was it.

The evening of the Hunter's Moon had finally arrived, bathing the entire courtyard with a warm amber glow, and with the revelries of the night in full swing, I was only half-convinced that this was, in fact, not a dream.

Less than one hour had passed since the hunting expedition set off for the forest, led by Xaden and all of his siblings... that was, all except one... and everyone waited with quivering anticipation for the majestic beasts to return. Somewhere in the background, faint but discernible, the lively vibrato of an orchestra danced in the air, weaving between the guests and entangling with the sounds of jovial chatter and laughter.

The parties at Moonstone were never like this.

Is this what all lunar banquets are like... or is this solely the charm of the palace?

"Pretty, isn't it?" Burke asked-my chaperone for the evening, dressed in a navy suit and seated beside me.

I must have looked like a gaping fool, despite being all dolled up in the magnificent ivory dress I wore in the hopes of blending in. In the moment, however, I couldn't find it in me to really care.

"It's stunning," I murmured, taking in the magic of the courtyard. "No. Ethereal. I've never been to a party like this."

He hummed in agreement. "More often than not, I'm working at these sorts of events. Usually on Xaden's behalf while he's busy being... you know, an alpha prince. I'll admit, it's nice to just..." he exhaled softly as he relaxed into his chair, "sit back and enjoy the sights."

A small, grateful smile tugged at my lips. "Thank you for keeping me company tonight. You didn't need to." Burke returned the gesture with his own. "What kind of fake fiancé would I be if I didn't?"

As we engaged in comfortable small talk, we were approached several times by a few alphas and their lunas. I had no idea who they were, though Burke seemed familiar with every single one of them, but I was happy to welcome them all to our table.

I was going to be the perfect guest, no matter what happened tonight.

No matter who showed up.

At one point, a fellow young luna complimented my dress with much gusto. "You know," she'd said excitedly while her mate chatted with Burke, "I have more jewelry than I know what to do with, and plenty that would pair lovely with this dress. Perhaps you might be willing to visit one day, and take your pick of the lot."

I couldn't deny how generous the thought was, but my mind was made within a matter of seconds.

"I appreciate the wonderful offer," I'd answered with a polite smile, "but I don't need anything more."

Once we were alone again, Burke took a slow sip of his champagne. "You do that a lot, I've noticed."

I blinked. "Do what?"

"You shy away from kind gestures. Especially when it comes to... him," he said after a lull. The purposeful omission of any name, especially in such a public space, instantly told me he referred to a certain alpha prince.

"Yes," I said after a beat. "We spoke about that before."

"We did." Burke put his glass down with a gentle clink. "Look," he murmured, just barely audible above our noisy surroundings.

"I don't pretend to know what you went through, but I know it must have been hell. What sort of treatment you must be used to that would make you feel unworthy of every act of kindness given to you." "Nothing that you endured should've ever happened. But," he continued, "I cannot stand idly by and watch you disregard my friend."

Disregard? Is that what I'm doing...?

"Whether you believe it or not... if the ring wasn't indicative enough, he is in this for the long haul. He does not give himself so easily to others, and will only do so with those he truly cares about. It is not fair to keep treating him as though his feelings are ingenuine."

"I don't mean to..."

The words dissipated as soon as they began to leave my mouth. He was right. Time and time again, Xaden would go out of his way to do nice, thoughtful things for me, to show me how much he cared for me, and instead of showing him my appreciation ... I push them away.

I push him away.

No. Not anymore.

I set my jaw, resolute. "I... I have some issues I need to work through, but... I'll do better. I will."

He offered me an encouraging smile. “There you go."

"Look!" A guest exclaimed gleefully. "They've returned!"

A chorus of gasps and awed murmurs echoed as everyone, including myself, turned our attention toward the open field beyond the courtyard. Moonlight bounced off the fur of the running pack as their paws pounded against the grass, the sound melting into loud clacks of their claws against gravel as they rejoined the banquet.

Within seconds, the pack was surrounded by greedy and excited onlookers, all fawning over the wolves and their trophies.

The royal family was, unsurprisingly, easy to point out among the group of alphas in their large hunting party-both in size and sheer power. But when I first laid eyes on Xaden's wolf... I had no words.

With just a glance, I knew it was him. I could feel it as true as the blood flowing through my veins and the air in my lungs.

Dark, thick fur that looked like the sharpest obsidian, and at the same time, so enticing that my fingers itched to touch it, to weave through every strand. Blazing green eyes that glowed bright amber in the moonlight, unyielding and so full of strength as he walked, tall and proud.

He was beautiful. The most majestic creature I'd ever seen.

These wolves were the pride of the kingdom, and it was clear to see why.

And clamped between their thick fangs, dangling out of their powerful jaws, were the corpses of what would soon become tonight's dinner. Cooked meat, I could handle, but the stench of death and blood that clung to their bodies, newly mangled from the hunt...? My mouth began to salivate in a way that only meant bad news.

Don't focus on it too much. Just breathe and ignore it until they're gone.

So, I breathed, focusing on the sensation of the cool, night air streaming through my nostrils, stretching and filling my lungs, until all I could see and feel was beautiful calm. And still, I kept breathing until I knew for certain the stench was gone. "Are you alright?" Burke asked, the slightest hint of worry tinging his features.

I nodded, putting on a smile. "Yes... yes, I'm okay," I said, not wanting to cause concern over something so small. "I... just need to step aside for a moment. Could you save my seat...?"

He didn't look convinced, but did not press the matter, promising to wait for me.

And so, I rose from the table, smoothed out my dress, and went off in search of a quiet corner in the middle of this lively banquet, but not before finding the closest omega I could and asking for a glass of water.

With most of the guests still gathered around the newly returned hunting party, finding a quiet space was an easy feat. I settled on a small oak tree growing in the courtyard, far enough away from the hunks of raw meat that the omegas were beginning to collect and still within range of the banquet that I wouldn't be looked at oddly.

Here, I could be alone-even for a moment.

Here, I could breathe. The chilled water soothed my throat, spreading to the tips of my fingers and toes.

That's better... I thought to myself, once my glass was nearly finished. Please, little one, let me get through tonight-

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