The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 118

I... never told Xaden about what happened with his father.

It wouldn't have done anyone any good if I told him about his father's continued hostility toward me. I had no desire to further deepen the gaping rift that already existed between them, and in all honesty, it wasn't his business. King Arlan's distrust was an issue between him and I, alone.

Xaden's hand lifted to brush my mouth, the pad of his thumb tracing the curve of my bottom lip. My breath caught in my throat. If he wanted to kiss me, I wouldn't stop him, and the thought never crossed my mind as he slowly came closer. When I felt his hot breath ghost over my skin, I let my eyes flutter shut.

And then-

-knock, knock, knock.

I froze just before our lips were able to touch. Someone was here. I pulled away, fully expecting Xaden to grumble and curse whoever it was that unknowingly interrupted us.

Yet, to my surprise, he barely even frowned.

Xaden pushed himself to his feet. "Perfect," he remarked, sounding unusually pleased. "Precisely right on schedule."

Slowly, I straightened myself in my seat on the loveseat, watching curiously as he strolled with an air of nonchalance towards the door. "Were you expecting someone?"

"Yes, but this visit is not for me," he said, stopping at the door to look at me with his hand on the knob. "It's for you."

I blinked, feeling a little lost. Had I missed something? "Who is it?"

Xaden flashed a knowing smile, but did not answer me. Instead, he opened the door to reveal a white-haired woman in a neat, white suit, carrying what looked like a large, black sack, for lack of a better word. What on earth was going on?

Before I could register what happened, Xaden had led me to our bedroom, having taken the bag from the woman after generously thanking her for her time and business, and carefully pulled out dress after dress after dress once we were alone. More presents... "Xaden..." I began to say, uncertain how to feel.

Xaden, however, beat me to it. "I know, I agreed not to overspend... but tomorrow is the lunar banquet, and, although I won't be able to truly spend it with you, I want you to enjoy yourself to the fullest. I admit, I'm not too knowledgable on the matter, but I hear-" h murmured, teasing, "that a new outfit can make all the difference."

Not for the first time, I found myself at a loss for words-just barely sound enough to murmur a quiet, heartfelt: "thank you." Because nothing I'd do would ever be enough to show him my gratitude.

"So," he smiled, gesturing to my new wardrobe, "which would you like to try on first?"

And so, I tried on perhaps five dresses that afternoon and, while all were beautiful and elegant in their own ways, none felt like ... the one.

This was to be my first lunar banquet. I couldn't wear just anything-I needed to sparkle, to dazzle, to look like the Luna Princess I would one day be-even if it was just for myself, because... well, just how many chances would I have to experience the thrill of my firs lunar banquet?

And then the last dress I tried on was... exquisite.

A satin, floor-length dress made of pure ivory adorned my body, clinging loosely to my small yet growing frame. The plunging neckline left little to be desired, accentuating my chest in ways that I was not used to, yet still modest enough that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself... and the attached, sheer cape that cascaded over my thin shoulders and down my back felt more regal than anything else I'd donned on my body.

After the dreadful fiasco that was my little sister's birthday party, I did my very best to avoid any sort of light-colored attire, lest I was forced to endure that same humiliation again, but... Damn, this dress was impossible to say no to.

"Oh..." Xaden murmured.

I glanced up, watching his reverent reflection in the mirror as he strode closer to me until mere inches separated us. All the while, his gaze never wavered from my body. This close, I could smell his cologne, the scent of fresh pine filling my nose. The warmth of his body radiating against my back.

And then I felt his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him and gently squeezing. "You look f*****g magnificent."

I felt a blush settle on my face. "Do you really think so?"

"Without question."

He could not seem to keep his hands off me, not that I particularly minded while we were tucked away in the privacy of our bedroom.

"In fact," he continued, his hands roaming higher and higher... hot, coarse fingers toying on the edge of my low neckline, making my breath hitch and my skin burn with anticipation, "if you decided to wear this on the day of our mating ceremony, I certainly wouldn't be opposed. I can just imagine it-how captivating you'd be, standing in the middle of Diana's Temple, surrounded by warm, lovely candlelight..."

He pressed his lips, soft, lingering, and hopelessly needy, against my temple.

"And how nice it might look on our floor afterward," he purred just outside my ear, making me shudder, "while we get to know each other the way the goddess intended."

My blush deepened, now impossible to hide. "You... you say that so easily. One might assume that's all you think about."

A teasing smile, bright with amusement, lifted the corners of his mouth. “A man can fantasize every now and then," he said innocently, though we both knew he was anything but. "Besides, it's not every day he gets to see his dream girl wear what could be the dress she marries him in."

I shifted my gaze back to my own reflection. I did love the dress, but...

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'd probably only wear this for tomorrow's banquet."

For a moment, Xaden's lips pursed into a small pout before he sighed, sounding resolute.

"That's alright," he said dismissively. "There are many more options to choose from in the capital shops, and I'd be more than happy to watch you try every single one of them-however long it takes until you find the wedding dress of your dreams." "No," I insisted, unable to stop a smile from forming, "I mean, whatever dress I pick for the ceremony, you won't be able to see it... because I won't show it to you."


Little did he know, I had decided on this long before I ever met him... back when I was innocent and naive and hopelessly fantasizing about the mating ceremony that I truly believed would never happen. Enjoying the book? Don't forget to visit Job for the full experience. You won't find the next complete chapter anywhere else. Believing that if I were condemned to only find happiness in the lonely corners of my own imagination, then every minute detail would be perfectly thought out. Thankfully, the stories I read helped fuel those fantasies.

Until Xaden weaved his way into my life.

"However outdated the custom might be, I'm a firm believer in making the man wait to see his bride's dress until the ceremony."

He groaned, looking pained, but I couldn't help but giggle. "You mean I'm to be left in the dark with everybody else? That's not fair at all.”

"That's part of the magic, though. Men might dream of seeing the dress, but girls..." I said, "we dream of being looked at like that-like you can't see anyone else but me... like I might be the most beguiling thing you've ever beheld." I smiled softly, shyly locking eyes with him in the mirror. "Like everything you feel for me is written plain as day in the depths of your eyes." The way you always seem to look at me, I added silently.

The way I hope you always look at me, for however long I have you.

Any hint of teasing was long gone as Xaden returned my gaze. "That... does sound nice," he conceded, his voice barely an octave higher than a gentle murmur. "If you wish me to wait, then so be it."

I sighed, brushing my hair over one shoulder as I took one last look at the dress. "Well... I guess it's decided then," I said with a smile. "I'll wear this tomorrow."

Xaden sighed, his features tinted wistfully. "I'd kill to have you on my arm tomorrow night... but I'll s**k it up. For now," he said, raising his left wrist ever so slightly to play with the blue and green bracelet still tied there, "I'll be satisfied in the knowledge that I'll hav a piece of you with me always."

As my gaze swept over him, I felt a wonderful rush of affection through my heart... my chest... everywhere.

I might've had difficulty deciding on the perfect picture or the perfect dress to wear, but if there was one decision I'd made that I prided myself on...

It was to let Xaden into my life.

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