The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 112

I smiled a little, not knowing if he could see it or not.

"That's really too kind of you. It took no more than two hours, at best. It was no trouble and..." I slowed, letting out a short awkward laugh, “if I'm being honest, I'm embarrassed that I gave him something so subpar." "Why's that?"

"I mean... he's a prince," I said, mindlessly playing with my hands. “He must be used to getting all sorts of gifts worth- millions."

Burke hummed thoughtfully, crossing one leg over the other as he settled more comfortably into the leather car seat. "And do you truly believe that he prefers receiving expensive gifts rather than not?"

"No... but Xaden does that for me all the time." I turned my attention back to my left hand, spinning the ring around my finger. "He's made it clear he intends to spoil me, but every time he does... I know nothing I do for him in return will ever be enough." A brief silence enveloped the car until Burke spoke up once more.

"Are you aware of Lunar Luxe?"

I nodded.

"Then you must be aware that they are the best boutique in the capital for beautiful jewelry. It is also," he added, "where Xaden bought your ring." He straightened the hem of his blazer, clearing his throat. "If you... feel this strongly about this, I can accompany you this afternoon. You can pick whatever design you'd like, and I'll buy it for you."

I raised my eyebrows in stunned confusion. What?

"Well... within reason, of course," he amended before I could say anything. "I do not have the money Xaden does." He said that almost pointedly, as if unconsciously referring to a recent purchase he'd made.

My eyes widened at the implication. "I knew he... never mind," I mumbled with a sigh, rubbing a hand over my flustered face. "But... why would you do that for me?"

"You are to be his Luna," he answered simply. "If there is something you are not satisfied with, or if you truly believe this is better for him, then it is my duty to assist you where I can."

I couldn't deny it.

The offer was... tempting, I would never, in my life, have the means to afford this on my own, so this would very likely be the only chance I'd ever have to buy something worthy of our potential future alpha king.

Of the man who had already given me more than I could ever thank him for.

I took a breath.

"I appreciate the thought," I said slowly, "but I don't want to do that. Not when I saw how happy this made him.

He nodded and, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I caught a small smile form on his lips. "If that's what you wish," he relented. "But for what it's worth, I truly believe he'd be happy with anything you decided to give him, as long as it came from you." Unconsciously, I felt a smile settle on my lips. "Thank you."

I was still very new to this... but to me, it felt as if I had earned a little more of Burke's respect with my decision.

Before long, the car pulled into the large driveway that circled the front of the palace. With a kind goodbye from Burke, I disembarked the car and got clearance from the guards to enter the palace.

I strolled slowly into the great hall, my gaze washing over every lavish detail I could see. I could never get enough of the sheer beauty of the space... but that was not why I was here.

I needed someone's help.

And then, by a stroke of luck, a young girl in a plain black dress and a white lace apron-an omega servant-left what appeared to be one of the drawing rooms, crossing the great hall to delve deeper into the palace.

"Excuse me " I called out and, to my relief, the omega turned around, her gaze landing on me as I approached her.

Once I slowed to a stop in front of her, she dipped into a curtsy, dipping her head in my presence like I was above her station. " How may I help you?"

I quickly gestured for her to stop. "You don't need to do that. I just want to know where I might find Prince Eric."

The omega girl's eyes widened for the briefest of moments before she quickly composed herself, though it was difficult to mask the way her face suddenly turned ashen. "Alpha Prince Eric is not taking visitors, miss, as he is in a delicate state-" "Please," I insisted before she could run off or turn me away. I couldn't take no for an answer. "He's my friend."

She hesitated, looking terribly conflicted. Was this because of what happened yesterday?

"I don't mean to do anything out of bounds," I said, hoping that would assuage her even by a tad. "I just want to see him."

"A-Alright," she muttered, clearly still teetering on the edge of some internal conflict, and I knew I had to take quick advantage of her kindness before she changed her mind. "But you must be discreet. His Majesty has been in a foul mood ever since yesterday." I hid a grimace. I worried as much. If that was the case, I really needed to do this, to make sure Eric was alright.

With her leading the way, I strolled down the maze of hallways that I had yet to learn. Perhaps one day, I could visit and simply wander the palace.

In little time, she came to a stop before a closed door in the middle of a long corridor. I followed her cue, gazing over the aged wood.

"This is one of the rooms he frequents."

"Thank you," I murmured as the omega girl curtsied before me before quietly excusing herself.

I took a nervous breath. I wasn't sure what to expect on the other side of the door. All I hoped was that he wasn't in worse shape than I'd left him in. So... I knocked on the door.

It was quiet before I heard his tentative voice call out: "I asked to be alone, please."

My chest tightened painfully to hear the quiet fear in his voice. I knocked again.

This time, I heard a low sigh on the other side of the door. Then the sound of a wooden chair scooting along tiled floor, followed by footsteps clacking closer and closer to the door. I took a step back when it slowly pulled open, revealing an exhausted-looking Eric, pale with fatigue and worry.

"Maeve !" he exclaimed, becoming wide-eyed and flustered, startling me.

Now that I could properly see his face, I was taken aback.

The dark circles underneath his brown eyes, a stark contrast to his pale complexion, were prominent-a sign that he likely did not get enough... or any sleep last night. His normally neat umber hair was frazzled, likely from repeatedly running his hand through the locks. And his right cheek-the one the king struck-had returned to its normal color, but still was slightly swollen.

He did not look good.

"I apologize," he stammered, hurriedly trying to gather himself and simultaneously tidy up his space. "I wasn't expecting visitors. You... you must be on your way to see the queen, correct? Or maybe... you're waiting for someone to take you home." He was rambling. can call a servant for you."

"No, please, it's fine. I don't have any prior commitments."

"Well... then is there something you need? Are you lost, perhaps?"

"I wanted to check on you. I was worried about you," I admitted, as something in his face shifted with the reminder of yesterday.

"That's... very thoughtful of you," Eric said, trying to offer a smile. But what was surely meant to be genuine and reassuring had instead become flat... lifeless, a shell. "I appreciate your concern, but I am fine."

Sometimes, it really was like looking into a mirror. Getting him to trust me would not be easy. I didn't need him to open up to me. I just needed him to know he had an ally.

I'd have given anything to know at least one person was willing to fight for me.

"Eric, I consider you my friend," I said, unwavering but soft and hopeful. "I don't have many and I'm still very new to the whole concept, but I am here for those I do. Always." I watched as the corners of his lips fell into nothing.

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