The Hidden Luna Queen 2

Chapter 111

It was about time he found someone he could let loose with.

With an eye-roll that poorly hid his amusement, Xaden held his hand out. "Hand me those reports from the border, will you?"

Burke diligently gathered the requested stack and offered it to Xaden, but not before his eyes snagged on a peculiar accessory wrapped around the prince's wrist. Something he'd never seen before. "What's that-" Burke suddenly asked, gesturing towards Xaden, "that string tied around your wrist?"

The alpha prince's gaze flicked to the object in question, rotating his wrist to take a better look, even when all he'd done that morning was stare at it. Any remaining mirth in his system quickly vanished, replaced by the softest of smiles that settled on his face. "Maeve made it for me."

Burke blinked in surprise. It's a bracelet?

That was the last thing he'd expected to hear. In all the years he had known the prince, he had never been the sort to wear sentimental attire.

Especially jewelry.

He'd lost count of the many times the lovelorn girls of the capital would gift Xaden expensive watches or brooches as tokens of their affection, only for him to offhandedly pass them on to his brothers, or the princess, or even Burke, himself.

But there was no mistaking that look in Xaden's eyes as he gazed at that ordinary bracelet, the way they sparkled when he only ever thought about her.

As if there had never been something more precious.

Perhaps he had always been sentimental... and he just needed the right person to bring it out of him.

"Well, that certainly was thoughtful of her," Burke complimented, taking notice of the simple yet delicate design. The simplicity of the knotwork was the clear mark of a novice, but even he could sense how it emanated with heart and meaning." She's got a talent, to be able to craft such a gift on such short notice."

"No, actually... she'd already had it made by the time I gave her the ring."

Burke's eyebrows raised inquisitively. "Interesting. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you two coordinated your gifts for each other."

Coordinated. The word caught Xaden's attention.

"Well, would you look at that," he mused with a short laugh, leaning back in his chair with one leg crossing over the other." Who would have guessed that under all that decorum beats the heart of a romantic?"

Burke tossed a casual shrug his way. "I have my moments."

With that, the beta returned to scratching away at his notes, leaving the prince to his own devices.

Xaden turned his attention back to the band around his wrist.

Now that he thought about it...

It was easy to see that much thought was put into both gifts.

The bright blue of Maeve's eyes and the glowing green of his own, wound together throughout the bracelet he wore... a choice he was enamored by, crafted personally by his mate. Surely she must have known he'd catch such a detail. And then there was the ring he'd bought for her...

The warm and vivid violet that resembled the necklace she so cherished, entwined with more of that beautiful Maeve shade of blue he'd come to love. Not only did they complement each other in the most lovely way, but by some intriguing twist of fate, both Xaden and Maeve had managed to arrange gifts for one another on the same day.

Maeve's words from the night prior echoed in his ears, about how she'd been overcome with the sudden desire to make a bracelet, without knowing why.

Xaden was not one to believe in such things...

But was it possible there was more to this "fated mate" bond than he'd thought?


Modest violet dress befit for the royal palace?


Eyes wiped dry and blotch-free?

I leaned closer to the gilded standing mirror, taking a closer look at my eyes. Any sign of redness was gone, but a slight puffiness remained in my lids. Um... check?

Have all of Xaden's love bites been covered?

My face flushed, hot and red, as I gazed at the faint patches of thick concealer scattered around my neck, jaw, and even going as low as my collarbone. Triple check.

It took me a good hour to clean myself up as best and as thoroughly as I could, but all things considered, I looked pretty presentable for an impromptu trip to the palace.

I left the bedroom, prepared to stop by Xaden's office on my way out, but I was quick to stop myself.

Maybe... this would be a good opportunity to test my new gift out.

Pulling my phone out, I opened the screen and navigated to the messaging app. I'd seen Sarah do this many a time, so much so that this part was almost second nature to me, even without ever having owned a cellphone before. I quickly found Xaden's name thankful he had the foresight to add the information before giving me the phone-and clicked.

And I started to type.

[M: Xaden ♡ I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help myself. I love that I have another way to talk with you. I'm going to the palace... I can't wait to see you when I come home.] Having pressed 'send,' I closed the phone and continued my way through the house.

I had just crossed into the main hall when the phone buzzed in my hand. Slowing my stride, I switched the phone back on to see, much to my delight, that I had gotten a reply.

[X: This made my day that much brighter. I look forward to more and more of these. Until later, sweetheart.]

My cheeks hurt from the smile that lifted my face as I read those words over and over again. He really was- "Ah, Maeve good morning!"

Startled, I whirled around to meet the source of the voice. To my surprise, it was none other than Xaden's right-hand man... the prime beta himself. I pulled to a stop, letting the well-dressed beta catch up with me.

I offered a smile in greeting. "Good morning, Burke."

"You're going to the palace, correct?"

I blinked. "Yes, I am," I answered, not sure what to expect. I rolled my ring between my fingers. "How did you know?" He ran a hand through his short, neat brown hair with a short, humored laugh. "Xaden was rather enthusiastic when he got your text," he said, the corners of his mouth lifting ever so slightly. The thought made me smile, as well-imagining what he might have said, what he might have done as he responded to my message.

"Actually," Burke continued, pulling me back, "I was hoping to talk with you, so I wanted to catch you before you left. Might I accompany you for the drive?"

"Oh-"I exclaimed, unable to stop my surprise.

The prime beta never asked for a moment alone. Actually, I couldn't think of a time when we had spoken, just the two of us. But this was Xaden's best friend, and a man I spent a considerable amount of time with, despite still not knowing much about him. Because of this, I answered with: "... Of course, you can."

He fell into step with me, following me into the car that waited outside, and sitting himself two seats away from me. Burke glanced at the driver through the cracked-open partition. "To the royal palace, please."

"Yes, sir."

The car rumbled with life, pulling out of the long, gravel driveway with ease, and began the short drive. The large hickory trees that were gathered in front of the mansion, still green with summer but beginning to yellow with the dawning of imminent autumn, passed my window in soft blurs.

I let out a quiet sigh, leaning my weight against the door.

"That bracelet you made Xaden..." Burke said, cutting into the silence between us. "It's adorably well-made. I imagine it must have taken some time to craft."

There was no indication that he meant to mock me. He sounded completely genuine.

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