The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 62

(Chapter song ‘You’re the Inspiration' by Chicago)


The Luna ball is amazing.

When I walked in, I was taken aback by the pink and silver decorations. The music was thumping and the people were dancing and laughing.

When I saw Bastian, I couldn't believe how handsome he looked in his three-piece black tux. His hair is brilliantly pulled back and tied. He looks as amazing as he did that first day I saw him.

To think. If it wasn't for this man, the darkness in me would still be consuming me today. When I looked into his eyes, in the middle of our people, I fell in love with him all over again.

Especially after what he did tonight!

We were talking with our friends when I saw someone I never would have expected to be here.

I grab her arm as she walks through the crowd. "Eva?" I smile and hug her.

"Samantha! Oh. You look so beautiful. I could just cry." She held her chest.

"Stop." I say as my face flushes. "I'm so glad you came."

"Well, when you get a personal invite from the Alpha himself, you can't really say no." She giggles.

"He personally invited you?" I glance at Bastian who’s laughing with Luke and Jayson.

"Yep. He invited the whole mission. Then gave me funds to buy clothes for this event and enough to stock the shelves for an entire year!" She gushes.

I look over at Bastian who caught my eyes. He gives me an air kiss and I gave one back. "I can't believe he'd do that."

"Yep, even Harold stopped talking. We're so excited to have you as Luna, Sammy. We know you'll do great." She hugs me again.

"Thank you. I'll try my hardest to make this pack happy again." I smile.

We're interrupted by Bastian taking my hand "Darling, it's time. Eva, you look lovely.” He bows his head.

“Thank you, Alpha.” Her cheeks blush.

He points to her. “I’ll be meeting with you next week. I need to hear about all the people you’re involved with. So you better be prepared.”

“I will.” She grins. “Thank you, again.”

I said goodbye to Eva and walk with Bastian to the stage. He glides me on stage and sits me down on a chair. He walks up the mic stand at the front of the stage, pulls the mic off and taps it. Feedback interrupts the dancing and everyone turns their attention to us.

He takes off his jacket and slings it over a chair. "Dj. Kill the music for a minute." He requests. His voice booms through the speakers across the Amphitheater.

Once it’s quiet and all eyes are on him, he stuffs his hand in his pocket and paces back and forth across the stage as he smiled at the faces. "Good evening. I'm sure you all know me. But in case you don't, I'm Alpha Cole."

The crowd breaks out in claps and cheers.

He waves them down. "We're here tonight for two reasons. The first being, to celebrate my new mate and Luna, Samantha Gale." He motions to me and the crowd claps and whistles. "Isn't she gorgeous?" He preens as I blush from embarrassment. “You’re so cute when you do that.”

“Stop!” I wave him off with a giggle.

He turns back to the audience, stands tall and looks them over. "The second reason were here tonight is for me to stand up here and apologize to each and every one of you."

I cock my head as I listen. I was not expecting this at all. The crowd fell silent and some whispered to other around them.

He walks to the edge of the stage, then actually sat down on the edge of it. I smile as I watch him put himself on their level. Who is this man?

He leans forward and holds the mic to his lips. "I was an idiot. It took that stunning woman over there to show me how much of an ass I've been to all of you. For that, I'm sorry. As an Alpha, we have many responsibilities. One of those is to make sure the pack never suffers. After generations of my family, I realize now, that's what was happening. I was making you all suffer for my happiness."

He jumps back up on the stage and starts to walk back and forth. He connects with every eye. "That will no longer happen. Starting tonight, I invite each and every one of you to punch me right in the mug if I'm ever an ass to you again." He smirks. "Right here. Right on my chin." He leans to the crowd holding a fist to his chin.

The crowd laughs.

"Seriously. I'm nothing without my pack. If something’s wrong, tell me. From now on, my door to you will always be open." He shakes his head and flops his arm down. “Tell me anything. I want to know. I want to know the schools need supplies. I want to know there’s not enough proper housing. I want to know your favorite pie. I don’t care.”

The crowd laughs and claps.

"I want to know my pack again and I can’t do that if my door is always close, so please. Take advantage and I promise. You won’t hear a negative thing from me.” His voice was actually humbled. He puts the mic back on the stand. “Ok. Enough serious stuff. Let's talk about the better part of me. My Luna." He walks over, grabs my hand and kisses it as the crowd whistles and claps again.

He presents me to them as I try to fight nervousness. "This woman is so special. You will all love her just as much as I do. She's smart, gorgeous and loves you all like her own family. I hope you all accept her as your Luna." He kisses my hand again and raises it in the air.

The crowd erupts into cheers. Bastian beams and I'm overwhelmed at the acceptance.

"Darling, you want to say a few words?" He motions to the mic and I swallow my nerves.

"Hello, I'm Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammy. I'm probably the last one I'd ever see as Luna of Black Rock, but I'm so proud that you and the Alpha feel so confident that I can fill this role with the respect and dignity it deserves. I will try my best to be the best Luna for everyone. I will always try to be there for each and every one of you. I was a child when I came here. You showed me love and encouragement to grow with this pack. I promise that every day, I will give that love back in spades." I smile as the crowd bursts into excitement.

Bastian takes the mic back. "Beautifully said, darling." He kisses me quick, but not too quick.

He looks back out on the crowd. "Tonight, we celebrate the Luna. But I also want you to celebrate Black Rock. The best damn pack this Alliance has ever seen!" His voice thunders across the building as the crowd loses their minds.

He nods to the Dj to start the music again. He puts the mic back on its stand and takes me in his arms.

He looks into my eyes. "I love you so much."

I smile. "I love you, too."

He leans down and kisses me right on the stage. He cups my cheek as the party starts again and the pack dances and drinks.

We rejoin our friends on the floor and as they talk, I can't help but reflect on the past six months.

My life was a nightmare. I was a hostage in my own body.

Bastian was my beacon of light. He made me whole again. He gave me strength to fight my weaknesses. Fight the beast and take back my life.

If it wasn't for my love for him, the beast would have consumed me.

Bastian gave me something to fight for. I fought for him. I fought for myself. I fought for this pack. Now, I only feel love for everyone.

I no longer have to fear myself. I no longer have to hide. I no longer have to worry about what lies beneath.

The only thing I ever have to feel again is love and that's the best feeling in the world.

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