The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 61

(Chapter song ‘Misery Business' by Machine Gun Kelly)


I put pen to paper and start filling out my end of the events that happened during the fight for my pack. In fact, if I reflect on the last six months, I still can’t believe any of it happened.

As I write, my other hand lands on my shoulder and I smile as the feel of the mark on my skin. It’s still sensitive and feels like it’s connected to the bond. I thought it would fade, but I think it’s like a lifeline to Sam. It makes me feel good to feel it quietly snapping between us. It means she’s alright. It also seems to project a little of what Sam’s feeling at any given moment. Which is good for me. It's like my own she-wolf predictor. If she’s sad, I pick up on it and get to work finding out her problem and fixing it. When she’s happy, I feel that, too.

It was the last thing I’d expect to be doing, right now. I lean back in my chair, play with my pen between my fingers, and look around my prison office. Yeah. I screwed up my chance at Head Alpha, but Samantha was worth it. There’s more important things than job positions, balls and money. As much as I wanted the prestige and recognition, I think saving Sam’s life will be the best prize a guy like me could receive.

I sit up and go back to focusing on work. I’m not done celebrating with Sam and want to get out of here quickly.

As I went through prison reports that the dead doctor left for me in my email, I hesitate for a second, then delete them all. I watch them move to the trash bin, but think that there may be some merit to his idea. There might be some people here who could use a rehabilitation program. I'll have to discuss it with the next Head Alpha.

I hope whoever Fredericks chooses will be a good guy. I guess I could work with River or Jayson. Maybe one of the Andrews twins, but one things for sure, I’ll be highly involved in changing a lot of things around here. Namely response times and more communication. I felt at a loss when we were outnumbered and knowing that there’s people out there shoring up dragon numbers, it’s imperative that we get in the middle of all that.

If I ever do go for Head Alpha again, the Black Rock war will be on my record. Not my popularity. Because I realize I was living a fantasy. A dream world I created that I only lived in. I was oblivious to the way I sounded and acted toward people.

That man will never exist again. Now that I have Sam, I don't care about frivolous things. Money may buy a lot of things, but it can never buy respect and love. Those have to be earned and if you want them, you have to be willing to change to get them.

While I was lost in contemplation, a knock came on my office door.

"Come" I bark.

The door opens and I raise a brow to Alpha Fredericks as he walks in and closes the door behind him. I’m surprised to see him considering he’s not supposed to announce the Head Alpha position for another month.

I stand, fix the button on my jacket, and hold out my hand. "Alpha Fredericks. This is a surprise. I thought you'd be off on your retirement.”

He takes my hand in a firm shake. "Bastian."

I offer him a seat across from me and sit down myself. "So, what brings you to the prison?" I lean on my desk. “I don’t remember having you on my calendar for today.”

"I don’t have an appointment. I actually needed to have a private conversation with you before I make a public announcement." He smiles.

“Public announcement. What about?" My curiosity peaks and I arch a brow.

He adjusts himself in his chair. "Well. I have been going over your reports for the last month or so, and I just finished your debrief on what happened. Fascinating events. We respect your privacy, but I will admit, your Luna is definitely someone we would like to speak to."

"No. Not a chance. I can’t allow the Alliance to interrupt her life. She's just been corrected and I'm not putting her in a situation that may destroy that." My defenses as her mate and Alpha instantly go up.

Fredericks nods. "We understand, Bastian. We just would like to ask her some questions. Her presence at the last council meeting turned some heads. We really just want to talk with her. That's all."

"I'm sorry, Fredericks. I don't know who's running the Unit now, and I can't trust that they won't try to take advantage of my Luna. You'll have to rely on my reports." I fold my arms and lean back.

"Even if the one running the Unit is you?" He leans back as he cocks his head and chews his cheek behind a smile.

Hold the phone.

"Excuse me?" I lean forward slowly.

"I decided this morning. After everything, you showed amazing strength and courage. Plus, the ability to do what's right. Your help with the Battle of Black Rock was very impressive. I've decided the only choice I have is to make you the next Head Alpha starting today." He stands and extends his hand.

"Um...uh..." I'm in shock. I stand and take his hand. "Head Alpha… I don't know what to say, sir."

He chuckles. "Say thank you, son."

"Right. Thank you." I smile.

Even after snubbing the interviews and tests I still got the job. I didn't need a fancy ballroom party to do it. I needed courage and strength. All I needed was to kick my bullshit to the curb.

I can't believe this.

"I'm sure you're busy, so I'll let you go. Give my regards to your new mate." He nods and heads for the door.

"I will. Thank you. I'll do my best." I say as he walks out.

"I know you will." He shuts the door behind him.

I flop into my chair with a huge grin on my face. I've got to tell Sam. I grab my keys and my phone. I open my contacts and dial as I quickly clean up papers and rush out the door. "Nigel. Bring the car around. I need to see my girl." I hang up and rush to the entrance of the Prison. If our emotions are connected, I wonder if Sam can feel the amount that wants to burst out of me right now.

A hour later, I burst through the doors of the house. "Sammy?!" I yell through the house as I run down the hall to ballroom. Not seeing her there, I turn around. Jogging back to the foyer, I almost run into her. “Oh. Geez!” I laugh as I dodge her and almost fall on my ass.

She steps back with wide eyes and laughs. "Bastian, what is it?"

She's wearing a small pink sport bra and pink leggings. She's covered in a thin sheet of sweat and her hair is a mess.

My news left me for a moment as I take in the state she’s in and feel my pants tighten. "Damn!" I growl eyeing her up and down. "You look hot all sweaty like that." I pull her to me and kiss her.

"Surly, you're not home early to look my hot mess.” She giggles on my lips.

"No. Though, now that I know what you look like after a workout, I may have to work from home more often." I wiggle my brow.

"Stop! What's the excitement?" She asks as she slaps my chest.

"The Head Alpha job... They gave it to me." I lean to her and beam.

"Get out!!" She pushes me back as she laughs. "Bastian this is wonderful! See! You don't need fancy stuff to get what you want."

I pull her into me and lean my lips to hers. "No, I guess I don't." I mumble. "Wanna celebrate upstairs?" I motion my head to the stairs.

"Oh, yeah." She mumbles back.

In a hot minute, I'm slamming the door to our room and throwing my sexy Luna on the bed, preparing to make her feel all my love.

And that’s…the best gift in the world a guy like me can give.


"There he is! The man of the hour!!"

River smiles as he holds his beer up to me.

I bow as I approach the huddle of council Alphas at the fabulous Black Rock Amphitheater.

"Thank you. Thank you." I smooth out my pulled back hair and flash a charming smile as I clink my bottle to his. I stuff my hand in my pocket, puff out my chest, and look around at all my people dancing around me. All of them are here to meet my Luna and have a great time.

"Congrats, man.” Luke slaps my arm and stands beside me. “I don't what the Unit is thinking putting your ass in charge, but I'm sure you won't burn the place down."

I arch a brow and look him over. “Jeans and a suit jacket. With a t-shirt, no less. Interesting choice for a formal event, Jackson.” I raise my chin and side eye him.

He does the same. “I’m not dressing up for you. Forget it.” He tips his bottle back.

“I wouldn’t expect any different.” I chuckle as I slap his back and drink.

Jayson puts his hand on my shoulder. "This is quite the party. Looks like the whole pack's here."

"Since our ball was canceled this year, it was the least I could do for my people. A Luna introduction is one of the biggest parties. I want them to love Sam as much as I do." I grin.

"Hey. Thanks for inviting us all." Wes and Grey approach our circle.

I give them side claps, pull them in for bro hugs and slap their backs. "You all are as much my pack as anyone. Sam wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys."

"Sam wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." River pointed out. "You saved that girl's life. Who knows where she'd be right now."

"Living the high life at home away from his dumb ass." Luke snorts.

I jab at him and he flinches as he cackles.

"Finally." Jayson motions to the floor.

I turn and see the Lunas have finally arrived. Sammy insisted on coming separately.

I see Sarah looking lovely in a baby blue flowing gown. Anna’s looking amazing in a tight short sequenced black dress and Alexi looking edible once again in a green satin dress. Their Alphas take big strides to greet them.

Like time slowed to a crawl, I see her. My eyes widen and my tongue practically falls out.

My Sam. My beautiful Luna is fucking stunning. She's so gorgeous, it hurts to look at her. She's dressed in a smooth, skin tight, baby pink strapless dress with a side slit that goes all up. I'm drooling at the fact that the dress hugs her curves so well. Her hair is also looking lovely piled in tight curls.

I can't stand it. I walk swiftly toward her.

"Hi!" She chirps.

I don't say a word. I grab her in the middle of everyone, pull her head into me and kiss her with everything I have inside.

Our tongues swirl and the crowd around us disappears. It's like I want to mark her all over again as the bond snaps in the background. I part and let her breathe. "Hello." I grin seductively. "You look..." I bite my lip and shake my head as I eye her.

"You don't look so bad yourself." She smiles as she straightens my lapels and bow tie.

"Are you ready to be introduced?" I hold out my bent arm and she takes it.

She blows out a shaky breath. "Not really. There's so many here."

"You'll do fine. Let's get you a drink." I take my beauty to the bar. "Bartender. A beer and a glass of wine for Luna if you don't mind." I boom over the noise.

"Coming right up, Alpha." The bartender nods. He brings the drinks and I hand Sam her glass.

"Come on. We need to get to the stage." I lead her through the crowd of dancing, laughing people.

I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place.

To admit that most of this is my fault, is difficult. But I recognize that I was so self-absorbed, I never truly looked my people in the face before. The pack was already huge when I took over, so I was already distant from them. Any balls I did attend, I would give a speech and leave to party elsewhere. I barely gave own people the time of day.

After tonight, that will no longer happen. Sam showed me the error of my ways. She showed me that an Alpha is nothing without his pack.

My family relied on the humans for success, but if the pack suffers for it, it's not really success, is it?

No. From now on I won't be the evil Alpha living in the castle on the hill. From now on, I'll be the Alpha that loves everyone in his pack. The Alpha who keeps them first above all others.

I'll be the one doing the fighting and suffering. With Sam now by my side, we both will lead my people to the greatness they deserve.

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