The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 49

(Chapter song ‘Shatter Me’ by Lindsey Sterling)


As we were frisked and lined up, Anna leans to me. "Got a plan here?"

I lean back. "I got nothing. River?"

"Sorry, man." He shrugs.

I eye the big, white-haired men. "Luke?"

"I had one plan and that asshole took it." He motions to the Dragon who disarmed him.

"What are we waiting for?" Alexi asks.

"You're waiting for me."

The bodies part and the man I want to rip to pieces walks in between them.

"Rennet." I grind through clenched teeth. My wolf rages out, clawing and biting at my first when he sees him.

His hair is black now. His blue eyes are gone and are now a deep brown and his glasses were gone. I knew they were fake. Now, I see the man that’s been haunting Sam. Fucking Rosemary’s baby right there.

"Alpha." He smiles. "I’m so glad you followed my directions.”

“You mean sprung your trap.” Luke spits.

“Trap is such a harsh word. No…” He glances around all of us. “I just would like to have a pleasant conversation…”

"Fuck that. Where's Sam?" I growl.

He meets my eyes.. "She's here. She wants to see you, too. Though I'm afraid your little artist isn't fully available. Hasn't been for a while now." He stands cocky.

"Only because you fucked with Sam's head." I scowl at him. “You would've been dead a long time ago if I knew…” I look him up and down. “You’re a sick prick and you’ll end up just like your twisted father.”

He walks up to me. "Yeah, well… This prick is going to sit back and enjoy watching the Goddess tear you Alliance dickheads to pieces." He stares me down, ticking his jaw. I do the same. “My father’s a pussy compared to what I’ll unleash.”

"Goddess? What Goddess?" Alexi furrows her brow.

Chase turns his attention to Alexi. "Dear sister. I forgot you were here. How are you?"

"Pissed." She spits.

"You tell him, babe." Luke nods.

Chase points to Luke. "Is this your mate?" He walks over to Luke and looks him over. "Surely the fates could have given you someone a little more... distinguished.” He side eyes her. "As the man of the family, I’m going to have to express my disappointment in your taste of men. Had I been allowed to enter the family, I’m sure father would agree.”

Luke snarls. "I can help you go to hell and ask him yourself."

"Well, you have spunk. I'll give you that." He smirks and turns away.

Luke turns Alexi. "Babe, I love you to death, but I hate your fucking family."

"I feel the same." Alexi clenches.

Chase stands with his men and faces us. He places his hands behind his back and faces us. "Alexi. You disappoint me. You could've been so much more. Greater than father even. But you just had to join the Alliance. Well, now we've moved on from the princess to the Goddess." He scolds walking back and forth.

"What Goddess? What the fuck are you talking about?" I yell.

"Samantha, my dear Alpha. She will take the Dragons to even greater heights then Alexi ever could. With my father's power within her, she will lead us to a greatness we could never imagine." He stops in front of me. "But she needs something from you, Alpha. Something in that brain of yours. So, we are all going to have a little talk." He turns to the goons behind him. "You. Take the Alpha to the chamber. Take the rest to the others. I'll deal with them myself." He turns to all of us as I'm grabbed and headed out. "I have a little surprise I've been working on courtesy of Alliance Labs."

The rest of my group was led away and I see worry coat their faces as we part ways.

‘We'll get out of here. I'll think of something.’

‘It would have been nice if you thought of something else before hand!!’

‘Shut up, Luke. You’re not helping.’ I groan through the link.

As I'm led down a hall, I see two dragons talking and I catch a little bit of their conversation as we pass by.

“I need more breeders. Contact the Alphas. Increase the numbers and take more fighters, too. No negotiations.” The dark looking one says. He looks creepy. What the hell? Breeders? If it is what I think, that’s like 18th century shifter shit. What kind of sick fuck practices that?

The paler looking dragon glances at me then back at the other one. “Yes, sir. I will say the young Alpha is getting harder to threaten. We need other motivations.”

“Offer more supplies. Food, water, clothes. They’ll trade their own mothers for that. And get the pack house ready for Alpha Moreau. He wants to inspect her condition and verify who she is.”

“Yes, general.”

I look back and look at them with confusion. Who are they talking about? Dragons have trade negotiations? There’s definitely more going on with these guys. By the sounds and looks of it, they've gone way beyond what Draco ever did. I’m definitely going to have to inform the council after I get the fuck out of here.

I push that conversation aside as I'm led down a set of stairs. There's a room with rock walls and rock floors. It smells like must and blood. A single light hangs over a spot on the floor. I’m placed under the light, my shirt is removed and I'm forced on my knees.

"Easy fellas. No need to be so rough." I snap.

They fix silver cuffs to my wrists and pull the chains tight so my arms are outstreched.

"Ow! Geez. At least buy me dinner first. " I pull on the chains as I feel my wolf being suppressed.

The big Dragon grabs my hair and lands a punch to my cheek. I shake my head to try to get the stars out of my eyes as the pain resonates through my head.

"How's that for dinner, princess." He says as he tosses my hair.

"Could be better." I spit blood on the floor. “You’re mother teach you to throw a punch?”

He grins as he spins, kicking me in the head.

I whine and grit through the pain. "That's was better." I choke.


I raise my head and my heart sinks. My face softens as she steps into the light. She's so fucking beautiful it hurts. As the pain recedes, her scent wafts up my nostrils. God, I missed that smell. It’s been so long since the day she left me and to see her now, it fucking kills me.

She looks like some sort of evil queen in a fancy dress, dark, pink eyes and her hair all pinned up. She’s not my Samantha, but I know Sam’s in there somewhere.

"Sam." I whisper.

"Shut up!" The big dragon yells and back hands me.

Again, I huff out whines of pain.

"I said enough!" She storms across the floor and grabs the Dragon by the throat. "You will not touch the Alpha again. Am I clear?"

I look and his feet are lifted to his tip toes. My brows shoot up. "Holy shit! Sammy?"

"Yes, Goddess." The Dragon chokes.

She drops him on his feet. "Leave us."

He jogs out of the room like his clothes are on fire.

She turns to me and smiles. "Bastian. So nice to see you." She paces back and forth. Looking at me like a caged wolf would walk behind bars.

"Sammy. I know you don't want to do this." I follow her path.

"Oh, but I do." She grins. She has this look in her eyes which I just noticed are permanent pink.

"Please. Sammy. I can fix it. You know I can. Don’t be scared of her, baby doll. Come back to me." I beg as I connect with her eyes and try to reach Sam's human mind.

"Fix what, Bastian? I'm perfect! I'm stronger, faster. People fear me. Why would I want that taken away?" She crouches in front of me.

I suck in my top lip. “Baby. This isn't you. You can’t let her control you. Fight back, baby doll. Please.” I whine.

“Pathetic.” She snaps and stands. “You humans make me sick.” She snarls and lands two swift punches to my face.

I huff breathes as the pain makes my brain throb. She has a meaner punch than the big guys for sure. I look up at her and she hits me again. I cry out and hang my head.

She starts to pace and I raise my eyes to her. She laughs in this mentally deranged way as she rubs her temples. "This really is cute. You care about this pathetic excuse of a decorator? She's weak, Bastian! She couldn't lead an army. Enough about her. Tell me the codes."

I continue to ignore the wolf and speak to Sam. “Fight her…Sam, fight back….I know…you’re in…there. Fight.” I pant as blood drips from my nose, lip and cheek.

She closes the gap and my heart breaks when I see the eyes I fell in love with filled with so much evil.

She squats down to me. “You know when you have sex with this body, it’s me who makes you scream. You don’t love her. You lust for me.” She smirks.

I clench my teeth. "Sam was there. I know it was her. You were just there for the ride. You're the pathetic one. You're nothing without Sam."

She holds out her hand, studying her nails. "Hm... Maybe. But I'm in control now. Sam’s not getting out anytime soon. She's locked up tight. Right. Up. Here." She taps her temple. "Should we show her you’re here?”

"Let her go." I growl.

She chuckles. "Why would I do that? She's just where I want her." She lifts her hand and her wolf claws extend. "And you are right where I want you." She runs her claw across my jawline.

She bites her lip as her clawed thumb runs across my lips. "I can see why she likes you." She says seductively. "You corporate and maybe I'll make you my Alpha instead of Chase."

“Fuck you.” I growl. My breath speeds up as I grow conflicted. My body's getting turned on, but I know she's not Sam.

"Bastian? What are the codes?" She tilts her head while resting her hands on her knees as she crouched down.

"Codes? What codes?" I’m starting to get really sick of her shit.

She extends her fingers as her wolf claws grow longer and I eye them nervously.

"The codes to the prison. What are they?" She asks, trying to sound cute. It's not working.

I furrow my brow as I clue in. The codes she wants are the tech I put in. Only I have the codes. I look between her face and her claws. I have to figure out how to get us out of here.

“Why?” I glare.

“You have people I need. Give me the codes and my armies will take Black Rock last. But…you'll see your friends die horrible deaths before you.” She chuckles.

“You’re insane. I’m not telling you shit.” I grind. “You'll die before that happens if you don’t let Sam out.”

“Are you going to kill me?” She raises a brow.

“No. You'll kill yourself. You can’t live like this. Stay half shifted and you won’t make it a month.” I mirror her look.

She side eyes me. “You tell a good story, Bastian. I've never felt better. You don’t understand the power the creator gave me. Now. You'll tell me, or I will shred this body to the point that you will never be able to recognize her again.”

I raise a brow. “You wouldn’t. It’s your body, too.”

She looks down and runs a claw up Sam's arm, threatening to cut her as she does. “I don’t need her to look pretty to live. You do, though. You’re too self centered to have a scarred up girl on your arm. Tell me…” She rises a finger and places a claw under my chin.

My lips shrink and I lock with her eyes. She can’t be serious.

"What are the codes?" She grins.

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