The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 48

(Chapter song ‘We Will Rock You’ J2, The Triple Killers)


"Where is she, Jay?" I whisper as I throw on a t-shirt.

It's been over two hours and there's no sign of any of the flyer team. Jayson’s been trying to link Sarah for the last half hour. He paces around, staring at the ground with his fist opening and closing. Clearly, he's upset and extremely nervous.

“Jayson.” I break his focus for answers.

He stops and looks out to the city. "I don't know." His brows stitch up. “She’s not answering my link. She should at least do that. None of this should take this long." He glances at me with clouded white eyes.

“I'm sure she’s just in an area that she can’t answer.” Luke suggests, trying to calm him.

He stops and cinches his brow. “It’s a mind link, not a phone.”

“Even still.” He shrugs. “You can’t just mind link anywhere. What if you’re in the can or something?”

Jayson stops in front of him. “They’re wolves and if you don’t shut up. I will hurt you.”

Luke narrows his eyes. “I get you’re worried, but there’s no reason for unnecessary violence.”

“Oh, it’s necessary.” Jayson grits.

“Guys knock it off. Let's not panic yet.” River turns to me. "Maybe, we should go look for them."

A twig snap behind us. We spin around and all our eyes glow.

"Relax. It's just us." Dylan, Wes and Grey step out of the brush.

"Did you bring them?" I walk over to Dylan as he drops a bag.

"Yeah, but I don't know if they'll work. Remember, she's immune." He unzips the bag and opens it.

I look in and can feel the resistance under my skin. My wolf growls and flashes his eyes. I push him down, put on a glove, and pull out two sets of thick, pure silver hand cuffs.

"I just need her subdued enough to touch her. Hopefully, there's enough silver in here to do that." I drop the cuffs back in.

"Do we know what's going on yet?" Grey asks.

Jayson stands, shaking his head. "It's been too long.” He's antsy and worried sick about his mate. “ That’s it. I’m looking for her.” He growls.

I pull him back. "Just... wait." I put my hand up to his chest.

"No, Bastian! Sarah's in trouble. I can feel it." He glares at me.

"Let's just get our bearings. If we rush in there and we're as good as dead. So is Sarah and the guys." I warn.

His jaw ticks. "Fine." He shrugs me off.

"Ok. River, Anna, Alexi, Jay and Luke. You're with me. Everyone else, you head to the northeast side and see if you can in there. We'll enter the property from the back. If you see Sarah and the scouts, send them back here to give instructions to the rest of the fighters that are coming." I nod as I look around.

Everyone agrees and we separate.

We enter the city as humans and try not to come into contact with anyone. A lot of these people are Draco wolves, I’m sure. There’s no telling what we'll run into.

"Ok. Try to blend in. We'll just make our way to the castle and not try to stir things up." I say under my breath to the group.

We all look as casual as we can when the city’s night life opens up to us. We join the waling traffic and keep our heads down.

River steps around a group, then joins my side. "How many do you think are here?"

I shrug. "Two… Maybe, three thousand. Could be more. This place is huge." I look up at the tall buildings and neon signs. The streets are busy with cars and it’s a flurry of activity at the bars and restaurants.

"This place is hopping!" Luke looks in the bar windows as we pass by. "Might have to come back here later for a bottle."

Alexi slaps his arm. "You'll do no such thing. These are Dragons!" She scolds quietly.

"Hey, no different than Lycans. I'll enjoy knocking skulls while I get drunk." He smirks.

I look back at him. "You can take the Alpha out of Red Rock, but you can't take Red Rock out of the Alpha, eh Luke?"

"Nothing wrong with entertaining myself while I drink. I can't do that with women anymore since I have my angel. Might as well, punch out some aggression." He grins.

Alexi slaps him again.

"What?" He flinches.

"I think we go this way." Anna points down a street that seems to lead in the direction of the castle.

We run across the street and join up on the other side.

"Let's stick to the dark side." I suggest.

We walk up the street and a man I've never seen before walks from the opposite direction. He nods as he walks by. "Alphas." He mutters and continues on.

I look back at him, then turn forward. I glance at River. "He knew we were Alphas?"

"It’s understandable. We're reeking of it. Our emotions are on high alert." He taps his nose.

"It’s weird that he didn't call us out." Luke mumbles.

I look back and think about that. If we do reek of Alpha, he could of sold us all put to look good, but didn’t. I need to be on high alert. He may have sent a link.

"Let's just get moving." Alexi says.

We walk faster and wind our way through the side streets. Keeping the castle ahead of us.

The closer we get, the bigger it gets. I also see the scope of what we face. It's literally Fort Knox. We're not even close, yet I can see guards walking around the first and second floors. The grounds are huge with a stone and iron fence around the whole thing.

I stop the group and look around. "Head to the trees." I point along the side of the fencing that's partially covered in tree line.

We make our way through and stop. I carefully peer over the stone wall. "There's three guards and no one else. It's the darkest part of the property." I report.

Anna looks at Alexi. "Let's go." She smirks.

The girls climb the fence and hop down. They collect themselves and strut across the lawn.

"What are they doing?" I whisper. It's like they're advertising their presence.

Luke chuckles. "You'll see."

The girls strut up to the first guard who looks to be questioning them. The second and third guard show up and it's clear the guards are given the women their best flirtatious lines.

The girls talk for a bit more, then Anna looks at Alexi and nods. They each grab a guy and head butt them. The third guy gets punched by Anna then punched again by Alexi.

I cringe at the sight. "Damn."

They drag the bodies over to the back fence as the rest of us hop over.

River saunters over to Anna. "Can't resist using your feminine charm, huh?"

"It's gotten me out of a lot sticky situations and landed you." Anna smiles with a wink as River chuckles then kissed her.

Luke looks at Alexi. "Don't you get used to that play. I didn't like it one bit." He sneers.

"No need to be jealous, Alpha." Alexi waves him off. "It's not like I enjoyed it either."

"Let's go." We crouch and run across the lawn to the house. Sticking to the wall, we search for a way in. When we turn to the side of the house, we come across a set of French doors. I try them and they're locked. I go to move on, but Jayson stops me.

"Wait." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some small tools.

"What are you doing?" I hiss at him.

"A little trick from my criminal minded mate." He bounces his brow as he picks the lock on the door. It clicks and pops open.

"Huh." I look in amazement. "I'll have to thank Sarah for teaching you to be a criminal when I see her next." I grin at Jay.

"Haha." Jay says sarcastically.

We slip into the room with a desk in the center and bookshelves along the walls. The floor is covered in Persian rugs, and various forms of art and artifacts cover the walls.

I pad to the closed door and open it a crack. I stick my head out quick, don't see anyone, and turn back to the room. I silently wave them all to follow. We turn down the hallway outside the door. Again, sticking to the walls.

We come to the end of the hallway and it splits into three directions. I give a questioning look back to the others. They all shrug. So, I go left.

We stealthily move down the hall and hear voices approaching us.

I quickly check a door and it opens. I rush them all inside and shut the door a crack to watch the men walk by. I breathe a sigh of relief and open the door.

I was about to leave when River speaks up. "Uh. Bastian?"

I turn and he has his hands up. All the others with him slowly raise their hands, too. My eyes float past them to five Dragons that were in the room with us and have guns drawn.

"Fuck." I hang my head, face them and raise my hands.

Instead of raising his arms, Luke reaches behind his back.

"Ah! Don't bother." The closest man grabs Luke's arm and Luke presses his lips together as his gun is removed from the back of his jeans.

"Bastard." Luke growls.

That got him a right hook to the face. He goes down and Alexi falls with him. "Luke!"

“Fucker!” Luke grits as he rubs his jaw. Alexi checks him out then glares at the men.

"Don't worry about him, sweetheart." Another Dragon says as he aims his gun at her.

She stands and raises her hands as she puts herself between him and Luke. “You’re cowards. You’re pathetic and dishonor the Dragon name.” She growls.

“If I wanted the opinion of a traitor, I’d ask for one, Red. Shut your mouth.” The large white haired man sneers.

“What the fuck you just say my girl?!” Luke rushes to his feet and lunges at the guy. The guy lifts the barrel of his gun to Luke’s forehead and he stops dead. He locks with the guys eyes.

“Did I hurt your feelings, bitch?” He smirks.

“No, but give me half a second and I’ll hurt more than just your feelings, asshole.” He snarls back.

“Try it, shit for brains.” He cocks the gun and I cut them off.

“Luke, tone it down.” I say calmly as I eye all the other guns pointed at us.

"You apparently have walked into the wrong room." A man about my size, steps forward.

I face him and tilt my head. “Considering, I was looking for a house full of douchebags, I'd say I'm exactly where I want to be." I say in a snarky tone.

He huffs a chuckle. “We'll see about that.”

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