The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 37

(Chapter song ‘Monster’ by Skillet)


I’m on cloud 9. There’s nothing bringing me down now. I don’t need therapy and as I walk into the ballroom, I fly even higher.

The guys were just putting the empty boxes by the door as I walk in and gasp.

The grand ballroom is finally done. It’s absolutely breathtaking.

The round tables on the outside walls are covered in white cloth with navy blue runners to match the night sky ceilings. The settings are white with gold trim. The moon chandelier is lit and projecting shimmering white light all over the shiny, open, wood floor.

The fireplace is lit with white couches around it and navy blue and gold pillows on each one.

The walls are covered in paintings of wolves and moons and the windows are draped with sheer white fabrics with navy blue valances. Gold paint trims all the ivory white moldings up the walls and to the ceiling where sections of starry night skies are painted in sections around the polished circular skylight.

It is gorgeous!

"Oh my god! It’s perfect!" I exclaim as I walk in.

Eric rubs his neck as he fixes a setting. "It does look pretty good." He admits.

I join his side and we walk to where Dylan is sitting on a couch. "This is wonderful. Really, guys. I couldn't have done it without you."

Dylan crosses his leg and drapes his arm across the back behind my head as I sit beside him. "Hey, it was all your designs. We just did the grunt work." He smiles.

I chuckle and shake my head.

Eric sits in one of the chairs. "Think the Alpha will like it?"

"I know he will. This is amazing." My eyes glitter as I scan the decorations on the tables.

"Oh my God!" Lisa chirps as she walks in with coffee. "This is your best room yet!" She twirls like she's in a ball while balancing the tray in her hands.

I giggle. "Hey, girl." I stand and go to meet her halfway. I take the tray from her and she hugs my neck.

She grabs my arm. "Please tell me we're invited to the first party here."

"I'm sure I could talk the Alpha into it.” I grin.

“You better.” She points to my nose. “You don’t get to be a princess without me.”

I laugh as we join the others to celebrate the completion of my best accomplishment yet.


I was just going to tell him that I didn’t need therapy anymore before I found out the ballroom was done. Now, I’m practically vibrating with excitement to show him what I’ve done, and my therapy was pushed to back of mind.

When everyone cleaned out all our things and left, I walked around the room, perfecting everything and keeping my ear out for Bastian.


My heart skips a beat and my middle flutters at the sound of my name. My excitement builds as I quickly cross the room, skip out the doors and close them both behind me.

I wait for him to find me in front of them. As soon as he sees me, an ear-to-ear grin grows on my lips.

He catches my eyes, tilts his head and smiles as he slowly walks down the hallway toward me. He chuckles as he raises a brow. “Baby doll? Why are you standing in the hallway?”

"I have a surprise for you.” I turn and place my hands on the handles.

His eyes widen and his face fills with intrigue. "Show me."

"Alpha, your grand ballroom is ready." I present, then throw open the doors.

He looks like a kid at Christmas as he slowly enters the room. His eyes were all over everything as he slides his hands into his pockets.

He walks around the tables, casually picks at the plates and silverware, then walks to the middle of the dance floor. Under the moon, he turns around in a circle.

I walk to the edge of the dancefloor and play with my fingers and watch as he carefully takes everything in.

His silence is completely excruciating. I have to break it.


He turns his head to me with a criticizing look on his face. My smile fades and I prepare myself for the onslaught of wrongs he's found.

He’s stares at me as I bite my lower lip and stitch my brows up. He doesn’t like it.

Just as I finish my thoughts, a huge, toothy grin spreads on his lips and he runs at me. My eyes widen as he slams into me and picks me up. I yelp as he laughs and spins me around.

“BASTIAN!!” I shout as I hug his head.

He drops me and grabs my head. He pulls me into a kiss, then pushes my head back. With excitement on his face, he locks with my eyes. "Get in the car.”

“What? Why?” That wasn’t what I expecting him to say at all.

He leans to my lips. “Because, my beautiful baby. I need you to pick out a dress for your grand ball.”

“Bastian, I…” I start then he kisses me.

“No arguments. Get your pretty but in the car.” He chuckles as he points to the door.

“I take it you like the room.” I smile as I head out.

He wraps his arm around my neck and leans to me. “I love it and I love you.” He kisses my lips as we walk out the doors.


"Just a peek!"

He pulls at the dress bag resting on my shoulder as we stroll down the sidewalk. We walk around people in the shopping district of Black Rock and he just keeps wanting to ruin my surprise.

"No!" I slap his hand off the bag and point at him. "You'll see it at the party.”

"Come on. I won't know what it looks like on you, I just want to know what color it is." He pulls on the bag to peek, and again, I slap his hand.

"Listen here, Alpha. You don't get to see this dress until the ball. Am I clear?" I turn to face him and stand with my chest puffed out.

He laughs. "Ok, fine. It doesn't matter anyway because at the end of the night, I'm tearing that dress off..." He leans close. "With my teeth." He grins as my face goes red.

My middle instantly heats up and I press my lips together as he cackles at my embarrassment.

When we continue to walk, my mind is hit by a pair of glowing pink eyes. They struck me like a lightning bolt. It was so sudden, it made me stumble back, hold the side of my head and cringe in pain.

"Sammy? What's wrong?" Bastian leans down as I double over and start to lose my knees.

“I don’t…AH!” My brain is assaulted with images of buildings on fire, people screaming and running for their lives and dying.

From the flames, Draco Torrent, in his leather coat and boots, steps out of the flames and walks to me. His head is held high and he commands his authority over me with his eyes. His silver hair and long coat blow around in the wind as I try to see him from behind my arm that’s shielding me from the rising heat.

‘KNOW YOUR PLACE!!’ He commands and I fall to my knees as his words threaten to break my mind. Fire and burning ash flash around me and I feel like I just fell into the pits of hell.

Cackling laughter spins around me as the death and destruction grows. I drop my arm, barely stand on my feet and face Draco. He looks at me with disdain, and terror fills me when the man in my painting steps out from behind him. He looks just as evil as Draco.

His dark eyes glow red and a maniacal smirk pulls at his lips. ‘It’s time, goddess. Take your kingdom back!’ He crosses his arms, glances at Draco, then looks at me. ‘Come find me.’

Flames shoot at me and I'm thrown back into reality.

Panic fills my chest as I hang onto Bastian and look into his concerned eyes. "I need…to get home." I pant as I desperately try to stand using him for support.

“I got you. Come on.” He quickly grabs arm and holds me up as I try to fight the pain in my head.

Wars. Armies. The tyrannical voice of Torrent as he gives orders to kill pound on me with every step I take. My body is heating up. It’s not long before I’m coated in sweat. I feel it. I feel her beginning to rise. I can’t…

Bastian pours me into the car, runs around it, and jumps in. He quickly starts the engine and slams it into gear. His rear tires burn out as he pulls the Lamborghini into traffic.

I can’t make it.

"Sammy? What's happening? Talk to me, Sam!" Bastian demands as he speeds down the road to the pack house.

“…images...they hurt..." I whine in the passenger seat as I lean on my knees and hold my head.

"Images? What images?" He glances at me frantically as he passes cars like a madman. “SAMMY!”

"Just drive!" I yell to the floor, then whip my eyes to him.

His face fills with shock. "Sammy. Your eyes."

I sit up, place my hand in front of my eyes and see pink. I reach up, grab the overhead visor and pull it down. I open the mirror and confirm my eyes are glowing pink.

I slam the visor up and whip my head to him. "Hurry." I breathe and he slams the gas to the floor.

I scream and double over as a massive wolf with pink eyes runs people down and tears them to shreds. Body after body, she rips off limbs and heads. Men, women and children. All of them destroyed by her massive jaws.

"MAKE IT STOP!!" I cry out as I wrap my forearms around my head.

I feel Bastian pull my sleeve down and grab my forearm. "Ok, baby. Hold on. I'm trying." He holds it and adjusts, then holds a different spot. “Sam… It's not working, Sam…”

I feel her rise more. My skin tingles and my hair starts to blow around my head.


“…help…” I squeak as I roll my eye to him.


I feel the car pull over and the wind around me increases. Stuff in the car starts to blow around me and I scream as my first bone breaks. The pain was horrifying and the images become more intense.


Bastian opens my door and unbuckles my belt. “DO NOT SHIFT, SAM! DON’T LET HER WIN!!” He grabs my arms in various spots. “I can’t stop it, Sam. Tell me what to do!!”

I raise my eyes to him and I feel my lip snarl. As the demon rises, and the winds turn into a hurricane, I lock with his terrified eyes.


My voice was terrifying. Dark, evil and deadly. I felt myself lunge at Bastian and I see him hit the ground with eyes that aren’t mine.

Every bone in my body broke at once. I screamed in utter pain and disbelief. I felt my bones rearrange. I felt the fur grow. I felt every change as I shredded my clothes and I landed on all fours.


In the dark of my mind, I see it. I see the open door. I see her massive paws as she looks down. I feel her shake her body.

‘NO!!’ I scramble to my feet and run for the door, only to have it shut before I get to it. I grab the handle and frantically pull on it. ‘LET ME OUT!! DON’T DO THIS! LET ME OUT, NOW!!’ I shout to the beast on the other side as I pound my fist on the wood. ‘LET…ME… OUTTTT!’

I’m left in the dark with the beast in control. I stumble back from the door and look around the void. Tears stream down my face as I realize the horrific truth.

I'm not coming back from this, this time.

She’s won.

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