The Falcon Ridge Series Book 4: Art of a Girl

Chapter 36

(Chapter song ‘Marry You' by Bruno Mars)


"Good morning, everyone!"

I practically float into the ballroom and spin on my toes, then saunter to the table with everyone’s mouths agape.

Eric drops his pen, turns in his seat and arches a brow as I sit next to him. "Someone's awake this morning."

"I am and I'm feeling fantastic." I smile.

Eric leans his head on his hand. "And Why's that?"

"Oh, I don't know. It's a beautiful day. I'm finally getting proper sleep. It's just a really good day." I set the binders I was carrying on the table beside Eric.

"Right, I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with where you spent last night." Dylan snickers as he hands me a to-go coffee.

"No. It doesn't." I shoot him a look and take my cup.

"Sammy. Where did you sleep last night?" Eric pries.

"The Alpha's room." Dylan smirks as he rats me out.

“Will you stop!” I demand.

"Sammy." Eric says in a warning tone.

“Oh, Come on, Sam. I know you two have been playing musical rooms for a while now. You guys shook the house last night.” He snorts.

“Oh my God! You’re unbelievable!” I scowl.

Eric leans back and arches a brow. “You promised to tell me if you were thinking of starting something with the Alpha. If not for the business, but your own health. You wanted us to protect you, remember?”

“I know.” I tilt my head to him. “It just happened. Don’t worry. My relationship with Bastian won’t get in the way anything.”

“It better not. The last thing we need is to be in the middle of a breakup. It could be disastrous for business and we don’t need that thing in you to get angrier than it already is.”

I wave him off. “Bastian’s the best. At this point, it would take a disaster of epic proportions to make him leave. He’s already done so much for me already. I think I actually have a good one.” I grin.

“I hope you’re right.” Eric picks up his pen and starts writing.

“Yeah.” Dylan starts. “I mean, it’s awesome he’s helping you with the thing, but if you lose control…”

“I won’t!” I stand up and blow out a frustrated breath. “You’ve seen it, Dylan. Bastian has magic. He’s good for me.”

“He’s not a crutch, Sam.” He sits in the chair across from me.

“Wait. What magic?” Eric scratches his brow.

“When Bastian touches me during one of my episodes, his touch… It puts it away. It calms her somehow.” I explain.

“Ok. That’s weird.” He chews his lip like he’s thinking about it.

“Super weird. She passes right out as soon as he touches her skin.” Dylan sips his cup.

“So, what? It feels him?” Eric asks.

I shrug. “Not sure. And really, I don’t care. He’s working better than years of therapy. In fact, today is my last session.”

“Whoa! Sammy…” Dylan throws a hand up. “You can’t end your therapy.”

“I already have. Bastian is all the therapy I need.” I say smugly, get up and grab a box from a pile of boxes by one of the walls. I drop it on a table covered in white cloth.

Eric stands up and walks to me. “Sam. Putting your mental health in a man you barely know is not a smart move.”

I open the box and glance up at him. “Do you believe in fate?”

“Not particularly. Why?” He crosses his arms.

I lean on the box. “Bastian has a connection to my wolf. He told me what this thing is and why it’s behaving the way it does. He researches my condition. He’s done more than any other therapist I’ve ever had in my life.”

“Sammy. We’re not saying Bastian isn’t great. But he’s not a professional. If you ditch your therapy, your blocks could break. I don’t think he’s as powerful as you believe he is. If the beast gets out…” Dylan says softly.

“I know, Dylan. I could kill him. But I don’t think it will. She treats him different. I don’t know what it is, but I really feel in my heart that this is the right move. Bastian is my mental health.” I flick my eyes between the two.

Eric walks up to me, grabs my cheeks and kisses my forehead. “We just don’t want to see you hurt, sweetie. That’s all. If things get tough with you, and you have a break, he could leave. Then you’re stuck. Just…make 100 percent sure before putting all your trust in him. I’m not saying he’s bad, but some men prey on women with disorders.” He leans to my eyes. “That’s why you trusted us to look out for you, right?”

“Yes, and I thank you.” I smile and take his hands. “Both of you. I honestly believe this is the right decision. I’m not stupid. If things get bad, I can always call Dr. Rennet again.”

Dylan smiles. “Ok. As long as you promise to think of yourself first.”

“I am, Dylan. Honestly, guys. I haven’t felt this great in years.” I smile as I set plates down on the table.

“Wait 20 years.” Eric snickers and helps me with the place settings.

I chuckle and shake my head. We grab more boxes and start putting the final touches on the ballroom together.

My session with Dr. Rennet landed halfway through the final phase of the room. I didn’t want to stop, but the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can build something beautiful with Bastian.

I should be terrified, but I’m not. I’m happy and somehow free, even though nothings really changed. Even still. They may be the tiniest of interactions, but Bastian has given me avenues to connect with the beast and I’m excited to try. I’m sure once he works with me and the trainers, things will get much better. I just need to keep in control. Bastian makes me believe I can do that.

As I walk to my office, my assistant tells me the doctor is already here. I thank her and open the door.

"Good afternoon, Sammy."

I smile as I shut the door. “Dr. Rennet.” I cross the floor and meet him in the sitting area. “How are you?”

“I'm good. How are you?” He motions me to sit on the couch and he sits in the armchair.

"I'm fine, doctor. Better than fine, actually." I try to stop the permanent smile on my lips, but I can't help it. Last night with Bastian is on replay in my head and it’s making me blush.

"Really? Why so happy?" He asks as he write on his pad.

"A bunch of reasons. Mostly Bastian.” I grin.

“The Alpha? Have you two developed a relationship?" He stops writing and stares at me.

“He told me he loved me.” I lean back on the plush couch and cross my legs.

"That's pretty serious." He look me over. "Have you two...?" He makes motions with his hand instead of asking if we had sex.

I clear my throat. “Yes. We have."

"And what about after. Did anything happen?" He wrote some things down.

"That's the strange part. I was having dreams before Bastian found out what I needed my therapy for. Since then, I haven't had any. I feel so much peace. I’m starting to think, I need Bastian to help me." I sit back in the couch. I feel so relaxed now.

He crosses his legs and smiles. "Samantha. From a professional stand point, you can't look for an easy out. You also shouldn’t treat the Alpha as a therapist. He can support you, but he’s not equipped to deal with this. You have to understand that just because he says he loves you, that doesn’t mean he’s the answer to all your problems.”

"No. Of course not. But Bastian is different. He can calm me." I defend.

"Ok. Let's talk nightmares. You said you haven't had any?" He readies his pen.

I shake my head. “Not since being with Bastian, no.”

"Good." He wrote something down. "Great. I'm glad there's progress. You mentioned that you didn’t want anymore treatments.”

“Yes. That’s correct. I think I got a real handle on this and as long as the wall holds, I think I’ll be alright.” I confirm.

"It’s against my better judgment, but you are in control of your own care, so I can’t force you. What I’ll do today, is put you under and see how the wall is holding. After this session, if your barrier is good, you’ll be free to spend a wonderful life with your Alpha.” He directs me to lay down.

I stretch out on the couch and close my eyes.

"Just as before, relax. Listen to the tone of my voice and I’ll count backwards from 5…”

His voice fades as he counts the numbers down and I'm taken into darkness. I'm wandering around in nothing. There’s nothing special about the void I’m in except that I hear mumbling. It’s quiet enough that I can’t make out the words, but I know that it’s there.

As I walk around, I spin in a circle, then I have to stop and tilt my head. In the middle of the dark is a door that wasn’t there before. It’s wood, carved and looks like an average bedroom door. It’s just sitting here in the dark doing nothing.

I step up to it and touch it. I remembered Dr. Rennet said that he would have a door for me to dream. I look to the brass colored handle and grab it. I barely turn it when it seems to open on its own.

On the other side is more dark. My brows come together as I take a step through it.


My voice echoes in the void and the mumbles seem to be louder, but I still can’t understand them.

As I study the blackness, I stop on a spot straight in front of me. My eyes train on it and I feel strange.

It grows slowly, but it’s definitely getting closer. I want to move, but I can’t.

From the dark, a light floats my way and starts to take over the black. I tilt my head at the pink light that’s shimmering in my eyes and getting brighter by the second. As I stare it, it splits in two. The lights separate and seem to target me. They look like they’re flying but they’re movements are more like walking as the sway side to side, then I realize why.

My heart jumps into my throat when I see a paw move in the black and the lights turn to a pair of giant pink eyes.

I watch one black paw step forward after the other one and I feel fear, but it’s not quite the same.

I’m facing her for the first time and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do.

I’m frozen with our eyes locked.

Her massive head becomes more clear and her pink eyes grow more intense. She stops, licks her lips and lowers her head.

I glance behind me to the door and look back at her. “Um…hi?”

She lifts her head, sniffs the air, then side eyes me. "We must have control..." A voice echoes around the darkness.

My brow comes together. "What do you mean?"

"The prophecy must be fulfilled. You cannot win." Her lip snarls and I see the flash of her white teeth.

"What prophecy? What do you mean?" I’m beginning to think opening the door was a massive mistake. My face fills with deep concern as I take a step back. “What do you want?”

Deep, loud growls fill the void and surround me. I scan the dark, then meet her eyes.

She faces me, bares her teeth, and my eyes widen. “I want YOU!!”

She lunges at me, and I scream as I cover my face. Her open jaws, and sharp teeth surround me and I feel myself fall.


I flutter my eyes open and look around. My eyes find Dr. Rennet smiling at me.

“Sam? You’re back now.” He leans to me and looks me over.

I take a deep breathe and give my head a shake. “Is everything alright?” I mumble as I sit up, and put my feet on the floor.

“Yes. Everything is fine. The block is holding strong, and I may have to agree with you. I see no reason to continue weekly session. But maybe check ins should still be on the table. Just in case.” He grabs his pad, then starts to write.

I fix my clothes. “I think I can agree to that.” I grin.

“Did you see anything while you were under?” He asks without looking up.

I search my mind, then raise my eyes to him. “No. Not a thing.”

He meets my eyes and adjusts his glasses. “Good. My job is done then.” He chuckles. “As long as no one triggers you, you should be fine. If it does happen, you come find me right away. Alright?”

"Thank you so much, Doctor. I can’t tell you how much relief you’ve giving me. I don’t know how to repay you.” I stand and he stands with me.

He walks with me to my office door. “The fact that you are now free to live your life the way it’s supposed to be is thanks enough. The payments help, too.” He leans to me and smirks.

“Yes. I guess that’s true.” I chuckle. “Thank you, again.” I open the door for him.

“You're welcome.” He steps out, then turns. “Um… Good luck… With the Alpha… I mean. I hope he’s what you say he is.”

“Thank you.” I smile. “I'm sure he is.”

“Well… Have a good day.” He gives me a double take and walks away.

As I watch him leave, I’m left feeling a little curious. I saw something in his eyes just now. Like he was apprehensive of Bastian. I’m sure he just doesn’t trust him with my health. As a doctor, I can understand his concern, but he doesn’t know Bastian like I do.

I shut my door, then go to my desk. I pick up my phone and text Bastian.

YOU: When are you going to be home?

BASTIAN: 5. Why? Are you ok?

YOU: I’m fine. I have something wonderful to tell you.

BASTIAN: Tell me now.

YOU: No. I want to tell you in person.

BASTIAN: Can I get a hint?

YOU: No.

BASTIAN: You’re mean. How am I supposed to work now?

YOU: You'll just have to. I want to see your face when I tell you.

BASTIAN: OK, baby doll. I’ll see you soon.

I place my phone down, and giggle to myself as I leave for the ballroom.

This day just gets better and better.

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