The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two

Exhausted and frustrated from fruitless searching I retreated to the large workout space. I had bypassed lunch and the big send-off as the men left to search for those camps. I was still processing everything that had altered my life so drastically in such a short time. How did one begin to process all this? There were moments when I felt like I’d stepped into the pages of some fantasy novel. How was all this possible and no one knew? Exhaling slowly, I internally rolled my eyes at my own thought. Wasn’t that the very meaning of the kettle calling the pot black? I was one of those things no one would ever imagine.

“I don’t know much about tai chi, but aren’t you holding the poses just a little longer than you should?”

I dropped my arms and turned to see Daxx, Crissy and their guards in the door. “I was lost in thought.”

Crissy smiled. “You looked like a statue.” She nodded and went over to the wall of weapons and set her pack down. “We needed to do something.”

Daxx followed her path and studied the wall. “Sitting still wasn’t going well for either of us.” She picked up a long bo and glanced at Tim over her shoulder. “Might as well be useful and not just a shadow.”

I looked to where Sith stood. “I offered to teach him the poses, but he wasn’t keen on it.”

“I don’t need that kind of discipline and focus.” Sith said with a hard look, “I bash, that is my style of combat.”

“You just didn’t want to look like a big awkward ox.” Bronx stated and went to the wall and pulled down two small batons, he held them toward Crissy. She grimaced. “Our Justice wants you to learn some offensive moves.”

Crissy sighed and took them. “I don’t need offensive, I just climb out of reach.”

Daxx walked by and patted her on the back. “What if there is nowhere to climb.”

A panicked look cross Crissy’s face. “That would be scary.” She tapped the two batons against each other. “Okay, I’ll try.”

“I’m not sure why our guards aren’t helping the guys.” Daxx lifted both arms. “We agree to be good little women and stay in the royal chambers.”

I tried to relax and start the cycle from position one again. “I believe it has something to do with never being farther than twenty…”

“Ten.” Sith corrected.

I gave him a blank look. “Ten feet away from us, for the rest of their lives.”

Daxx snorted. “Good luck with that.”

“Just as long as you don’t get us sent to the far side of the wasteland for disobeying the kings’ wishes, I’ll be happy.” Tim said and motioned for Daxx to come at him with the bo.

Accepting I was not going to succeed in this today, I went over to where I had set my bottle of water. I was just going to take a sip when a burning pain went through my side. I dropped the water, splashing it on the mat. Gripping my side, I breathed through it.

“Alona?” Daxx came rushing over.

I shook my head. “It’s just a stich or something.” I could still feel it, but not in my side. I pressed into my side where it had been. Then sent Daxx a look of concern. “I don’t think it was my pain.” I looked to Crissy as she walked over, then back to Daxx. “Is-is that possible? To feel Chase’s pain?”

Daxx’s brow furrowed. “With a strong blood bond, if he let it through…” Her eyes widened, and she looked to Crissy. “Can you sense Victor?” She closed her eyes and exhaled, probably trying to focus.

“I can. Which is wrong.” Crissy said anxiously. “Victor doesn’t allow for that ever—unless it’s…” she shook her head. “Never mind.”

“Troy is mad. Like livid-I’m-going-to-eat-your-soul kind of mad. I’ve never felt him feel that.” Daxx said opening her eyes.

I turned to look at the guards. “Something is wrong.”

“Shit. I hate the wastelands.” Tim cussed.

“What do we do?” I asked, trying not to let the feeling of distress overwhelm me. If Chase was in trouble, I didn’t want to add to it by sending my panic to him.

Daxx looked to Tim. “Do you know the locations?”

Tim shook his head. “We were to stay with you, so they didn’t bring us in the loop.”

“Men.” She huffed out a breath and then nodded. “Okay. We need weapons.”

I looked at the wall.

“No, real weapons.” She motioned to my boots and Crissy’s pack. “Get your stuff.” She started for the door. “Tim, go get my zapper box. Sith, get Ira to the armory. Bronx, find me a few more guards, meet us at the armory.” She pushed open the door. “Five minutes, people, let’s move!”

I grabbed my boots and dagger and jogged with Crissy after her. As we ran down the hall, Crissy was securing a belt to her waist. On it were two boxes, I recognized the one as the pulley she used in the cavern when we saved the men.

“I need a bo.” Crissy said excitedly beside me. “I can’t do the two sticks, but a bo I can use to get higher.”

I had no idea what she meant, just nodded and ran after Daxx.

When we reached the armory, she grabbed a vest and put it on quickly. Turning she tossed one at me. “Get this on and pick something larger than your dagger.”

I pulled it over my head and did up the strap and quickly put on the strap for my dagger. Bending down, I pulled on my boots and zipped them up. “I’m not good with large weapons.” I didn’t bother to mention the emotional backlash of using one almost debilitated me.

“Pick something.” She said as she strapped thin katanas to her back.

Tim and Bronx came running in with two other large men.

Daxx nodded. “That will work.

Mitz came running in, a large older looking man right behind her. Sith was through the door last, sliding his sword into his belt as he went.

I turned and looked at the vast amount of weapons. Holding my breath, I hovered over a few and then shaking my head at the lethal blades, I grabbed a polished pair of nunchakus, or nun-chucks I suppose they were referred to more frequently.

It had been years, I backed up and looked at them, hoping the endless hours of practice with them allowed for muscle memory. Holding a breath I went through a few moves and was pleasantly surprised that it was as if I’d done it the day before. Nodding I stopped and looked back to Daxx.

She raised her eyebrows. “I approve.” Then she turned to Mitz. “How do I find them?”

Mitz came over and gave her a quick hug. “You ladies focus on your men and then you will get there, love. I have faith.” She turned to the large man. “Go with them, Ira, bring the boys back.”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I will, my love.”

I realized this one was Mitz’s husband. The pain hit me again. “We need to hurry.” I said and went over and grabbed Daxx’s hand.

Crissy took her other hand and the various guards simply touched one of our shoulders.

Daxx nodded and took a few deep breaths. “I got this.” She whispered. “Focus on them.”

I closed my eyes, drawing on the feelings Chase always managed to draw from me. The pain was there, something else, it was faint. I’d never felt him so distant since the first blood bond. He had to be all right. I felt something whisper over my skin but didn’t open my eyes until my stomach felt like it dropped. Opening them, I let go of Daxx’s hand and looked at the scene before us. The brothers were outnumbered. It was a commotion of madness.

Victor was scrambling trying to zap, or whatever as many as he could.

“Jerks.” Daxx muttered. She pulled her one blade free. “Let’s help.” She charged into it without hesitation.

“Bronx.” Crissy said and ran after her.

The other guards went without comment, taking on the first body they encountered.

“Sith, where is he?” I tried to see through the rush of bodies.

Sith touched my shoulder. “I can’t see him, but head for Troy, he won’t be far if Chase is injured.”

Nodding, I pulled out my dagger and started moving toward the only blond I could see. The clash of Sith’s blade was right by head and I knew there was no way I was getting through this without getting close to all the wrong emotions. Taking a deep breath, I erected a wall in my mind and came to an abrupt halt when a large, dirty man swung a hand with large knife at me. Dropping low, I flicked the chucks at his arm and then jerked so the blade fell to the ground. Executing a very improvised spin kick, I knocked him to the ground and then stepped on his chest, my dagger pointed at his face.

“Got him.” I heard Daxx coming from beside me and got up. “Go help Troy.” She said as the man vanished.

I didn’t stop to chat, jumping up, I headed toward Troy again. As bodies moved I could see him momentarily. His stance could only be described as rage, as he swung his blade and knocked one body after the other back. I dodged a man flying past and then slid to a stop when another blocked my path, he had a blood-soaked blade in each hand and I was meant to be his next target. I only paused to wonder if any Alterealm males were normal size. Widening my stance, I braced for his move. He wasn’t graceful as he gave a rebel scream and lunged at me. Dodging his blade, I jumped up and using Sith’s large body as leverage, I launched myself at this large man and kicked him in the head, he stumbled back out of my way.

“I got him. Go.” Sith growled.

I moved through the next bodies and ducked under Quinton’s’ wide swing. Out of nowhere Crissy appeared, flying through the air and landed beside me. “He’s behind Troy.” She said hurriedly and was gone, sliding under Quinton’s’ legs.

I ran past him only to be stopped again by another large man. He had a loathsome snarl on his face. His vile feelings tried to invade my mind, but I wasn’t in the mood for that right now. Swinging the chucks, I aimed for the closest body part, and winced when they connected and reflected back against my hand. He dropped like a doll to the ground, clutching his own parts between his legs. Not taking the time to observe his discomfort any longer, I turned to see Troy beating back two men. The wrath of his expression was frightening. Beside him was Chase, using only one of his swords while he clutched his side. I could see blood pouring over his hand.

Chase stumbled when his sword connected with his opponent’s. Having seen enough, I rushed forward. Squatting as I reached him, I swept my foot out and knocked the footing of his assailant out from under him. Jumping up, I tucked the chucks under one arm and separated my dagger to twin blades in one smooth motion. Dropping to my knee, I stabbed the one into the man’s chest, using the momentum from dropping to drive it in deep. He howled and grabbed for it.

“Got him.” Daxx appeared again and the man disappeared while I was still holding the blade that had been in him.

The clang of metal rang over my head had me jolting only to see Sith blocking the blade that was intended for Chase as he rushed to get to me.

Getting up, I went to him, he was barely able to stay upright.

“Miss me, duchess?” He asked sounding out of breath.

“Why didn’t you transport back?” I leaned down and tried to assess the damage he was trying to hide under his hand.

“Can’t leave them a man down.” He gritted his teeth against the pain.

I honestly debated hitting him and then decided the backlash wouldn’t do me any good, glaring at him instead. I turned back to assess the commotion around us.

Troy’s battle cry had me spin around. A man was trying to take on Daxx and Troy wasn’t having any of that.

Rafael appeared beside me. “Get him home.” He said hurriedly.

I felt panic. “How? I don’t have a device.”

Chase lunged past us as a man aimed for Rafael. Sith was right there protecting his king and my mate.

Swearing, Rafael stabbed one of his blades into the ground and held out his wrist. I quickly took the device off his arm.

“Go.” Victor yelled as he rushed over, he grabbed Chase under the arm and more or less dragged the stubborn fool over to me. “We cannot lose a king to their cause.” He ordered, not even sounding winded.

Chase was panting.

Troy moved past him, blocking anyone from reaching him. “Alona cannot be here in all this, Chase.”

Chase’s head snapped to me, a dawning realization on his face. He conceded with a slight nod.

I hurriedly put the device on my wrist and went over to him.

“Fight well, brothers. Come home.” Chase said.

Rafael patted his shoulder and then winked at me. “Sister.”

Leaning into him, I wasted no time pushing the button. As we settled in the landing room, Chase dropped to one knee and hunched over. Dropping my weapons, I knelt and tried again to see the damage.

“They ruined my favorite vest.” He made a sound of annoyance.

Mitz came running in. “How bad is it?”

“I don’t know.” I turned as she came over and pulled on his arm to help him stand.

“Let’s get him somewhere where I can clean him up and look.”

I got up and helped him to his feet. Mitz took off her apron, moved his hand to push the apron against the bloodied area. Nodding to me, I put his arm around my shoulder and started walking. I didn’t know where we were going, so I glanced to Mitz’s silent directions.

“They weren’t expecting us,” Chase huffed out a breath, “they had a full unit there still.”

“Is everyone else alright?” Mitz looked to me.

I gave her a wide-eyed look. “I think the extra men we took evened the odds.”

She nodded. “Good.” She tsked and looked at Chase. “You should have come back immediately instead of bleeding out on the ground.”

He grimaced and paused in walking for a second. “I couldn’t leave my brothers…”

“Nonsense.” She said with an exasperated tone. “You are lucky the girls sensed what was happening and went to lend you aid.”

Chase hissed out a breath. “They were like avenging angels.”

I shook my head. “That’s questionable.”

Turning his head, he looked at me for a moment. “Later when I’m done ruining the carpet, we’re going to have words…”

“Ha, the only words we’ll be having is about you trying to get yourself killed.” I took a deep breath and swallowed the fear that went with those words.

We reached the dining room and went through to the kitchen. “Try to hold him up on a stool, while I wash off some of this mess.” She went over to the sink. “One of the boys will be back shortly and give him some blood to help this along.” She glanced over her shoulder, “unless your blood has healing properties?”

I shook my head and held Chase with a hand on his shoulder as I tried to look under the blood soaked cloth. “Not that I’m aware of.”

She came over with a bowl of water and cloths. “Let’s get his vest off.” I held him while she undid straps and belts to get to his vest. “What about your saliva, love? Does it heal?”

I paused to answer.

“Yes or she couldn’t heal her bite so thoroughly.” Chase said with distaste in his tone.

I looked at him. “Are you sure?”

He nodded slowly. “Have you ever left a mark behind when you feed… before me?”

I opened my mouth and then closed it. Aside from a few failed flounderings when I first craved biting people, I couldn’t recall leaving bite marks behind. “I guess I do have healing saliva.”

He gave an abrupt nod. “Help me to a bed. I’m not going to have you licking at me in the kitchen when my brothers come back with their bragging to harass me.

“Just let me wash some of this off.” Mitz said putting her hand on his shoulder. “Make sure it’s only one.”

Chase snorted. “You think I’m dumb enough to let them slice me twice?”

“You were dumb enough to stay while injured.”

Frowning, he looked at me. “No sass right now, I’m not up to it, duchess.”

Mitz straightened and dropped the bloodied cloth into the bowl. “We need to get that sealed up, now.” She gave Chase a hard look. “Any higher and it would have been fatal.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and moved quickly to get him to his feet.

As we reached the hall Crissy came running up. She was covered in dirt and blood.

“Can you run ahead and clear my bed?” At least I hoped it was the closest room.

She nodded and jogged down the hall.

“Where are the others?” Chase called out in a weak voice.

She didn’t stop. “Cleaning up the mess.” Taking a turn, she disappeared from our sight.

Once Chase was on the bed, Mitz straightened. “I’m going to see if the others need help.”

Crissy nodded and went out the door without a word.

I looked down at the man with blood running down his side onto the bed. “I don’t know how to do this.”

He held out his hand. “I’m assuming there’s no trick to it.” Taking his hand, I sat on the edge of the bed, he reached and pulled my head down to kiss me quickly. “Let your fangs out, beloved.”

I nodded and slid off the side of the bed. His eyes held mine as I did. Though I could feel his pain, I felt him pushing to fill me with his warmth. His eyes turned yellow and my fangs were immediately present.

“There.” He smirked, “sexy red eyes.” His voice was so weak, which brought me back to the severity of the situation.

Leaning over him, without looking away from his face, I ran my tongue over the torn edge of his flesh. If someone had of told me I’d be doing this, digesting this much blood on purpose I would have laughed, before today. He winced several times as I moved over his injury, but never broke eye contact with me. It was the most intimate feeling I’d ever had.

It dawned on me that somewhere between kicking that man in the face and this moment I had come to terms with the fact that Chase was my one and only, and that I would do whatever it took to always have him. A tear rolled down my cheek, causing him to lift his head.

“I know you loathe the taste of blood…”

Pausing I shook my head, “that’s not it.” I inhaled a shaky breath. “Just shut up and lay there and heal.” I told him.

An amused look appeared on his face through his pain. “Yes, beloved, shutting up.”

With a soft smile, I leaned down and with tender affection used my own saliva to heal this man that was mine.

Studying the wound, until I was assured it was sealed enough that no more blood would fall, I got up to sit on the bed beside him. With a soft sound, he pulled me down to lay beside him. His mouth crushed mine in a soul-wrenching, passionate kiss.

“The last few minutes were pure hell, I think you dallied on purpose.” He smirked at me.

I smiled back at him. “I can’t have a damaged mate, it’s unacceptable.”

He leaned back, an unsure look on his face. “I only have to get sliced open to hear you say that?”

“I’ve done some deep soul-searching in the past twenty-four hours.” I confessed.

“Do tell.” He hugged me tighter against him.

“Seriously, are you healed?” I leaned up and looked at his side.

He was quiet for a moment. “It’s more or less healed. I’m just a little drained at the moment.” His eyes caressed over my face. “I can’t believe you came rushing in to save me.” He frowned, “exposing yourself to all those vile emotions when I’m too distracted to protect you.”

I tugged gently on his goatee. “It has to go both ways. That’s rule number one.”

“Rules?” His brows drew together.

I nodded. “If I’m to be tied to you for an eternity, then there will be rules established prior to said binding.”

Chase was quiet for a moment, several emotions crossing his face. “Let the negotiations begin.” He touched my lip in a light caress, his eyes swirling to yellow. “Rule one, it goes both ways. Agreed.” Leaning, he licked over my bottom lip. “What is number two?”

“You’re distracting me.”

He smirked, “Yes, trying to hurry it along before you change your mind.”

I laughed. “I’m not going to change my mind. The very thought of almost losing you shattered me in ways I didn’t think possible.” I gave him a wide-eyed look. “I kicked a man in the face and stabbed another. Not to mention where I hit that third one.”

“Yes you did, you vicious, beautiful woman.” A gave me a daring smile. “I was so distracted watching you wield your vengeance I was almost hit again.” Kissing me quick, he looked at me. “Get on with it, next rule…”

“Brother.” Troy came rushing into the room, Daxx right behind him.

Chase sighed. “I’m fine.”

Ignoring his twin completely, Troy was on the bed on one knee so he could look at Chase’s side. “You need to feed.” He said with concern.

Making a noise of annoyance, Chase released me and turned to face him. “I was working on it, brother before you charged in.”

Daxx looked over Troy’s shoulder and then sent me a look. “You have healing saliva.”

“Apparently.” I slid up on the bed, so I was sitting, and not in such a compromising position.

“Chase.” Rafael came through the door next.

“Should have gone to your apartment.” Chase said glancing at me.

Rafael came over blood, grime, and weapons included and dropped onto the bed by Chase’s feet. “You crazy beast.” He said to his brother, “I hope you finally realize you’re not indestructible.”

Chase shrugged. “There were three of them…”

“Still.” Rafael gave him an unhappy look before turning to me. He bowed his head to me as a subject would to royalty. “Thank you, sister, only you could have saved him from himself.”

Quinton came into the room before I could reply. “I hope you’re healed enough before I beat some sense into your head.”

Chase chuckled. “I may need a few more minutes, brother.”

Stopping at the end of the bed, Quinton pointed a finger at Chase. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

“Oh, well, I’ll try not to get sliced up on you again.” Chase muttered without inflection.

“King or not, I will ground you to your quarters if you’re going to be so callous with your life.” Victor came striding in with Crissy tucked under his arm.

Chase sat up further and glared at him. “It wasn’t like I ran among them all willy-nilly saying catch me if you can.”

“I’d pay to see that.” Michael said walking in carrying a tray. “From Mitz.” He walked around and set it on the side of the bed where I sat. Turning, he bowed formally to me. “Thank you, my queen.” Straightening, he nodded to Daxx then Crissy. “If you ladies hadn’t showed up when you did we would have had our asses handed to us.”

“As if.”


The men objected.

Chase held up his hand to silence them. “Michael is right. We’ve never found a full cell, and have grossly underestimated their strength.”

“Did he hit his head?” Arius said quietly coming into the room.

Chase rolled his eyes at him. “You know it’s true.”

Arius stopped at the end of the bed, his eyes moving over his brother, assessing his state. “What I know is true is that our women are totally kickass, and we owe them.” He smiled at me. “Caught the chuck action, you’ve been holding out on me.”

I laughed softly. “Daxx said grab something, so I chose the least lethal,” I motioned to my head, “for the least backlash.”

“And that guy you dropped with a shot between the legs—how was the backlash to that?” Daxx asked.

I shrugged. “Gratifying.”

“I missed that.” Chase murmured.

It seemed everyone started talking at once, Chase included. I listened to the ribbing, the threats that were given with the deepest love, and felt my heart jerk in my chest. When a tear rolled down my cheek, Chase immediately looked at me with a questioning look on his face. With a soft smile I shook my head letting him know it wasn’t anything bad. He picked up my hand and lifted it to his mouth and kissed it softly.

Glancing over I saw the three guards standing, hovering by the door. I gave Sith a slight nod to let him know I and my mate were well. He smiled and backed out of the room again.

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