The Empath : The Alterealm Series Book 3

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Three

Watching the brothers and the two women, I came to realize they were meant to be my brothers and sisters—maybe not of blood, but of the heart. Overwhelming emotion came close to smothering me. Chase looked at me. I leaned closed and kissed his lips softly. “It has to be now, Chase.”

It was a delayed moment before he realized what I was saying and then he turned to his family. “Everybody out. Now.” He moved to the edge of the bed and motioned to the door. “Thanks for coming, go bathe, all of you stink.” He was pushing Troy along with a hand on his shoulder.

Mitz appeared in the door with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She paused, her full hands resting on her hips. “All of you out. Chase needs time to recuperate.”

Quinton stopped and looked at the bottle. “Since when does that require wine? I only got juice when I was recuperating.”

I felt my cheeks heat.

“Out.” She moved into the room as everyone walked past her until she was in front of Chase. Handing him the bottle and glasses, she smiled up at him. “Lock the door after I leave.”

He nodded. “I intend to.”

She gave me one of her loving looks and a motherly smile, then left.

Nerves took over when he turned and gave me a heated look. His eyes were yellow again. “So,” I licked dry lips, “how does this work.”

He smirked, “one step at a time, remember?” He walked to the bed and set the bottle and glasses on the table. “First, we both need to feed or this isn’t going to happen.” He touched his side gingerly.

I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten he wasn’t completely healed. I scrambled off the bed and was next to him before the next breath. He gave me a serious look. “Is it terribly painful?”

He shook his head, “no, I’m just tired.” His eyes moved over my face, “someone kept me up all of last night.”

My cheeks grew hot again. “I’m fairly certain I didn’t force you.”

Pulling me closer, he kissed my forehead. “No I was quite willing—am quite willing.” He looked to the bed, “I think the coverlet is ruined.”

Turning I looked to see dirt and his blood on it. “A shower room is needed by the landing room.” I leaned down and pulled the cover off into a heap by our feet.

He chuckled. “That might end up being complicated.” He sat on the end of the bed and looked up at me, “mates ramped on adrenaline taking showers in a public room…”

“Oh.” I frowned. “Right.” I dropped to my knees and looked at his side. “It’s still so red looking, maybe my salvia is diluted.”

Grasping my chin, he lifted my face so I’d look at him. “It’s not you, I need to feed to replenish and it will heal further.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Now, not to sound like I’m rushing you—but I am really, we need to feed and then…” he gave me a suggestive look. “Kiss me.” He whispered.

Stretching up those few inches, I brushed my lips over his. When I would have pulled back, his hand was behind my head holding it, deepening the kiss. Fangs filled my mouth, his tongue brushed along them.

Leaning back, he broke the kiss. “Last chance, beloved.” His yellow eyes searched my red ones, “before I bind us together in all ways.”

“I have no doubts.” I answered out of breath from the anticipation.

“I’d like to tell you I will make this as romantic and gentle as possible, but it’s not going to be.” He blew out a breath. “I want you too much—been waiting a few hundred years to find you.”

I smiled. “That’s a very substantial reason.”

Chase smiled. “I thought so.” He nodded and then motioned to the bathroom. “Step one, we shower off some of this…” he looked at the vest I still wore, “everything.” Getting up, he took my hand and walked to the bathroom.

“Do you suppose Mitz went back and got my dagger from the landing room?”

Dropping my hand, he smirked as he undid my vest. “That’s not instilling confidence, I’m taking you to the shower and you’re wanting your dagger.”

I pulled the vest off. “Mindless things to keep me from being nervous.”

He assisted pulling my shirt over my head. “I’m nervous.” He confessed.

“You?” Bending down, I undid my boots and slipped them off.

He went over to the corner and opened the shower door. “Yes. Once this is done I have to forever try to keep you happy, without getting stabbed when I screw up.”

I realized he was teasing me. Pulling the yoga tights off, I tossed them into the corner with my shirt. Momentarily I realized I went rushing into a battle in my workout clothes, a leather vest and slouchy boots. My good fashion sense was failing.

Chase tilted his head and looked at me. “Your emotions are all over the place.” Reaching in, he flipped the water on.

Snapping out of it, I rolled my shoulders. “It’s been a day.” I nodded.

“It has.” He held out his hand. “Let me distract you from it.”

Pulling my arms out of my bra and slipping out of my underwear quickly, I walked over to him.

Taking my hand he held it in the air and leaned back to look at me. “You are so beautiful.”

“You are still dressed.” Was the response I gave him.

He looked down. “So I am.”

I suspected he wasn’t feeling as well as he was letting on. I watched him slip out of the dirty leather pants and kick out of his boots. His hands were shaking ever so slightly. “Chase,” he looked up at me, “can you feed in the shower?”

He raised an eyebrow. “With you I can feed anywhere, everywhere.”

I held out my hand and he stood up. Stepping into the shower, I moved back into the spray of warm water tugging on him to follow. He stood just out of the water and smiled at me.

“You’re so many dreams come true.”

I tugged his hand again. “Show me.”

I watched as he let the water cascade down over him for a few moments, the tension visibly draining from him as he did. Seeing the water trail over his form wasn’t exactly a hardship on my end either. My body stirred, needs rose. My fangs filled my mouth just looking at the man. With a smug smile, I stepped over so our bodies were touching. Reaching up, I grasped his hair and gently tugged so his neck was exposed to me. Stretching up on my toes, I sank my teeth into the corded muscle of his neck.

He pulled me tight into him and cradled my head in his large hand. “Only the fates could give me everything I’ve ever desired in one woman.” He whispered near my ear.

Lifting my teeth, I didn’t lick over his neck. I didn’t need to pull his mouth to mine either, he covered mine before I could take the next breath. His lips were demanding, his tongue lashing my own.

When he pulled his mouth from mine, his yellow eyes blazed with lust. He turned and pressed my back against the cool tile, pining me there with his hips. Holding my head against the wall, his thumb under my jaw to keep it there, his eyes held my own. With his other hand, he reached down between my legs and stroked over me.

I sucked in a breath from the intimate contact. The feelings began to consume me, our combined desires. This time I wasn’t startled by it, I let it take me and release all inhibitions. Chase groaned and reached to pull me tight to his body, he rocked his into mine, causing the passion to blaze through us both and then back again.

With a loud gasp, he closed his eyes for a moment, his breathing so erratic that it e excited me to know that I’d done that to him.

Opening his eyes, he gave me a heavy-lidded look. “Aroused beyond all limits without touching each other.” He grinned, “We are so fucking perfect for each other.”

I nodded. “Less talk.”

The smile he gave me was almost evil, in a good, stirring way. Grasping my waist, he lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. Turning he stood us under the fall of the water, my shoulders resting against the wall.

Clutching his shoulders, I tried to lift my body so I could have him inside me. The need filling me from him, from my own wanton body was almost unbearable.”

Biting his lip in concentration, he shook his head. “Your hand.” He said in a rasping voice.

Letting go of his shoulder, I held out my left hand. Our eyes were locked as much as our bodies soon would be. He grasped my hand in his left and slowly raised it above my head. I held my breath, my heart may have even paused.

Leaning in he took my mouth with his and shifted his hips so he slipped inside me. The onslaught of too much pleasure crushed me and I moaned into his mouth. He tore his mouth from mine as he thrust inside me.

“Bite me, my beloved, now.” He panted, a beautiful expression of passion on his face.

I leaned forward and bit into his shoulder, his hips surged harder. When I thought I’d become boneless from the pure pleasure, my hand and arm started to burn. The mix of so many sensations had me release his shoulder and cry out. I felt like I shattered so completely moments later. The water hitting my skin no longer registered as I became weightless.

Letting go of my hand, Chase held me tight to him as he continued to move with hard, intense motions. He growled against my throat as his whole body became rigid.

Gasping, I tried to breath without inhaling water. Dropping my head onto his shoulder, I clung to him. “Well,” I panted and then could find no other words.

“Mmm.” Was his reply.

“Maybe in shower was…” I blew the water out of my mouth, “not the best idea.”

“Yeah.” He shook his head. “We’re going to drown.”

I started laughing. “Quite likely.”

“Can you stand?” His chest heaved against mine.

“I don’t know.” I was trying not to laugh more.

Slowly, I was able to unwrap my legs as he lowered me to stand. I leaned back against the wall and used it to hold me upright. Chase smiled down at me with that adoring look in his eyes.

“You’re supposed to stop me from doing things that endanger me.” He grinned.

I brushed the wet hair back from his face. “How was I to know it would be debilitating and potentially deadly?”

He shook the water from his face. “Solid point.” Straightening, he tested his balance and then put a bit of distance between us. He held up his arm and looked at it. From shoulder to hand was covered in an intricate design. “I never thought I’d see this on my skin.” He said with emotion in his voice.

I looked at my own, turning it to see the same pattern as his. “I never thought I’d ever understand why my mother had one.” I looked up to see his hazel eyes considering me carefully. “I’m not regretting it, Chase.”

He huffed out a breath. “Good, because even a magic eraser can’t erase these.” He grinned.

I blinked the water out of my eyes. “I don’t know what that is, but I’m glad it can’t.” Stretching up I kissed him. “I’m never hiding it like my mother did.” I told him with much conviction.

Grasping me by the waist, he hugged me tightly against his body. “Alona?”


“When did the water get cold?”

I pulled away and laughed. “I have no idea.”

Reaching around me, he flipped it off. “I need food.”

“Of course you do. All of you always need food.” I stepped out behind him and took the towel he offered. Drying off I paused and looked at my arm again. “At least it’s black.”

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he gave me curious look. “And that’s good?”

I nodded. “Yes. It means it will go with my boots.”

“Ah, of course.” He chuckled and pulled me into his arms. “I need to pop to my room for clothes or I’m going to have to walk these halls wearing nothing but a towel.” He grimaced.

Pulling out of his arms I looked at his side.

He shook his head. “It’s fine, completely healed. I just realized we’re going to need a truck to get all of those clothes out there to my room—our room.”

Moving away, I wrapped a towel around my hair. Standing up again I looked at him. “I’m keeping my apartment.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s fine. Gives us somewhere to hide.” He grinned.

I shrugged, “because that worked out so well for us last time.”

Leaning down he kissed me. “I’ll be right back.” He winked at me and then vanished.

As we walked toward the dining room, Chase would pause often and kiss me.

He paused again and looked down at me. “You are glowing.”

I felt my cheeks darken. “This is the most complete I’ve ever felt in my life.”

Smiling, he pulled me against his side and started walking. “If I wasn’t half starved, we’d be discussing that over a bottle of wine.”

“Discussing?” I gave him a disbelieving look.

“Mostly.” He grinned again.

When we reached the door, he paused and looked at me. I nodded and we went into the room filled with many voices. The room went silent.

Crissy squealed and was out of her chair, practically launching herself into my arms. “I’m so happy for you.”

I hugged her, then blew out a breath as her emotions came close to flooring me. “Thank you.”

Victor got up and came over to peel his excited mate off me. “You’re going to kill her with your excitement, heart.” He tapped Chase on the shoulder and then ushered Crissy to the other end of the table again.

Before anyone else could obstruct Chase’s path to the food, he took my hand and walked to his chair. Michael stood up and grabbed his plate and went the other way, sitting down beside Daxx where I’d normally sat. Chase pulled out the chair he’d vacated for me to sit in. I sat down, hoping if I did the awkward silence would cease.

Sitting beside me, Chase reached over and grabbed the nearest platter. As he heaped food onto his plate, he looked Troy. “How many did we get?”

As if none of it had happened, his injury, our marks, Troy swallowed what he’d been chewing and shrugged, looking to Arius. “Thirty-five?”

Arius nodded. “Yeah. Four didn’t make it.”

Chase put some food on my plate and nodded. “Thirty-nine against the seven of us.” He shrugged.

I glared at him.

Rafael chuckled. “Only you could piss off your mate in the first hour of your union.”

Waving his fork around, Chase grinned, “she forgives me, mostly.”

Mitz came out of the kitchen. In her hand was a glass of wine. She smiled at me, her eye moving over my arm. Setting the wine glass beside me, she leaned down and gave me a quick hug. “Welcome to the family, love.” Without another word, she turned and went into the kitchen.

Picking up the glass I took a sip and glanced to the empty chair beside me. “Leone not back yet?”

Quinton shook his head. “I messaged him, but no answer.” He stabbed the food on his plate. “Might be in a dead zone, or could be passed out in his room again.”

Michael set his glass down. “I stopped there, he’s not back.”

“Should we be concerned?” I asked no one in particular.

Daxx pointed to Rafael. “Clairee is keeping track of him?”

Rafael nodded. “Yeah, she said she’d check up on him every hour or so.”

I took a small bite and chewed it slowly. Washing it down with another sip of the wine. It wasn’t my favorite, but it was good. “This is quite lovely.” I said before looking around. “How does she track him?”

Michael looked up from his plate. “The temple has a store of our blood.” He motioned around the table. “Just in case.”

“Oh.” I sighed. “I have so much to learn about different things.”

Crissy bounced in her chair. “I have books, books on every ability that’s common here.” She nodded.

“Well, I may have to peruse some of those.” I told her.

“Please take some of them.” Victor said in a teasing tone, one I hadn’t heard from him before. “They’re taking over our room. I may have to knock out a wall and build her a library of her own.”

“Oh.” Crissy looked at him, her mouth open, as she was bouncing excitedly.

“I think your building her a library now, brother.” Chase said chuckling.

Victor looked at his mate, his expression softening. “Well, I did give her a tower, so I suppose a library is next.”

Crissy squealed and scrambled over the corner of the table to climb into his lap.

“I’m building a shopping mall closet.” Chase said with a smirk.

I leaned and rested my head on his shoulder. “You were serious?”

He shrugged. “It will have a whole boot section.”

My cheeks went red.

“What have you given me?” Daxx demanded of Troy.

He looked shocked. “You have every weapon known to man at your disposal, do I need to give you more?”

Daxx grinned. “This is true, you rock.” She leaned over and kissed him.

Clairee ran into the room. “Leone has vanished.” She said breathlessly.

Troy and Chase stood up in unison.

“What do you mean vanished?” Quinton demanded. “People can’t vanish and be untraceable when blood is used.”

Clairee waved a piece a paper that looked like a map around. “I had two others try, very strong magic… he was there an hour ago and now nothing. We even tried a seeking spell.”

“Fuck.” Chase put his head down and blew out a breath. “That’s why we found so many of them.” He looked over to his twin. “They wanted to keep us busy.”

“Shit.” Troy looked to Victor as he stood, setting Crissy to her feet on the floor.

Victor motioned to Clairee. “Go get Romulus, we’ll meet you at the temple.” He looked at Michael. “Wake up the guards off duty and get everyone out there. Find out where he was and start from there.”

Michael nodded and jumped up, pulling his phone from his pocket as he went out the door.

Chase paced away and then turned to look at his twin again. “You and Arius get to the cells, I don’t care if you have pry apart every mind there, find out something to lead us to our brother.”

Troy nodded. “Was just thinking that.” He leaned down and dropped a kiss on Daxx’s head and strode from the room.

Arius took a deep breath and stood up. He glanced to me. “Sorry if you pick up any hostile emotions, sister, this is hard to contain.”

I held up my hand. “I’ll be fine. Go find your brother.”

He nodded and left without another word.

“I almost pity the fool that tries to resist him.” Daxx said quietly then looked to Chase. “What can I do?”

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply for a moment. I could feel the shakiness of his hold on his emotions. Opening them he looked at her. “Go keep my twin from exploding someone’s head.”

With her eyes wide, she jumped up. “Good idea.” She jogged from the room.

Crissy picked up her backpack. “I’m going to my tower.” She patted Victor on the chest and looked up at him. “The flameless fire, cows and daisies must mean something.”

He gave her a nod. “Try, my heart.”

“I will.” She ran out of the room.

I got up and went to Chase. “Can I do anything?”

He hugged me against him tightly. “I don’t know. I just know we have to find my brother.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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