The Devil's Wolf

Chapter 47

Cael knelt on the tiles, Elior's hands in his golden hair as the vampire rocked his hips, his eyes at half-mast and flashing red with his Other, and his jaw slack. The water ran over them both, plastering Elior's dark hair to his skin and tracing a path between the ridges of his stomach muscles, darkening Cael's golden locks, and catching off the disjointed point of his jaw as he sucked the other man in deep, his throat distended and his adam's apple working as he swallowed. "Oh, f-k," Elior cast his head back, the line of him perfection as his head bowed back and his hips thrust forth.

Ashlynn undressed, throwing her clothing into the corner, her pulse already racing and a steady throb building between her legs as she watched the vampire and devil f-k. She slid into the shower cubicle, a small space very full of skin and muscle, and pressed herself against Elior's back, stroking her hands up his stomach to his chest, pressing his hips with hers as her hands tangled with his in Cael's hair, pulling the devil closer, feeling the kneeling man gag.

Elior's groan was filthy, and his chin rolled forth to sit on his chest, watching the devil, their joined hands in his hair, s-ck him off through slitted eyes. Cael gripped Elior's hips, his fingers digging into the other man's flesh, deliberately tugging the man to point that he hit his gag reflex and swallowed against it, causing Elior's knees to give.

"Ah..." The vampire gasped it out.

"I am sorry," she whispered knowing that he would hear it over the sound of the water against tile and his own pleasure. He lifted a hand from Cael's head and caught one of her hands with it, holding it over his slow beating heart, and they rocked together, driving him into Cael's receptive mouth. The devil groaned, one hand closing over his own hard on, stroking himself to pleasure as he brought it to the vampire.

She pressed her lips to the back of Elior's shoulder, tasting the water that ran over him, watching both men with voyeuristic enjoyment. "So pretty," she murmured into Elior's ear. "Watching Cael's cheeks hollow as he sucks on you. He is stroking himself. I think he is very close to coming."

"Oh, f-k," the vampire moaned, pushed over the edge by her murmur, and she felt his hips buck as he came, and watched as Cael swallowed what he had to give.

"Beautiful, just so beautiful," Ashlynn held the vampire tightly against her, pressing kisses to his shoulder, until the last spasms passed and Cael rose to standing and met her eyes with a shrug.

"Our vampire needed some tending," the devil told her as if he hadn't just grunted out his own orgasm against the tiles at their feet. He stepped into the main flow of water and began to wash and Ashlynn grinned as she watched him. He is my vampire too, he had told her when they had sought the gargoyles. They were a triad in every sense of the word, she thought, and it gave her great satisfaction to know that the men enjoyed each other as well.

Elior's head hung from his neck, his chin resting against his chest. He had not released her hand and beneath it, his heartbeat hard for a vampire. For all his controlled and factual confession, it had not been easy for him to do, she thought fondly. He had risked a lot by being, finally, honest with her, and he had been brave enough to admit it and then step away and leave her to think it through.

"I love you," she told him. He turned and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his face into her hair. She stroked her hands up his back. She felt a shudder pass through him, and thought that if Elior were a man given to tears, he would have wept. "We love you,"she kissed his skin, seeking to offer comfort and reassurance. He was so big and strong, so clever and cunning, and yet, beneath it, he was just a man, she thought, and one who had carried a heavy burden for far too long alone. "We are here with you, our vampire, and for the rest of our lives we will love and support you."

"Hurry up and wash," Cael said, having rinsed off. He slid around them and stepped out to dry himself. "So, we can all f-k."

"That sounds like an excellent plan," Elior murmured and released her to step into the water.

She followed him and took the shampoo. He bent his head so that she could wash his hair, his grey eyes heavy but thoughtful, watching her as she worked the shampoo into his scalp.

Whilst he rinsed, she enjoyed herself soaping his body, luxuriating in the texture of his skin, the curve of muscle and the hollows between. He was hard again by the time she released him into the water, his body arching into hers as he sought her touch with unashamed greed and hunger. She closed her hands over him, stroking to his tip and causing him to inhale sharply.

"My turn?" He asked her and returned her caresses in kind until her heart was racing and her breath heavy. He turned off the water and stepped out, passing her a towel before using his to dry himself. She nudged him as she dried her hair, turning the process into a game, a tease, a slide of skin against skin intermixed with giggles and mischief.

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"So, how do you join a threesome properly?" She remembered something he had once said and saw his eyes light with recognition as a brilliant, slow smile curved his lips.

"I am asking for a friend, you understand," she backed towards the bathroom door, deliberately triggering his predator response, making him chase her, spiking his heartbeat and his thirst.

He dropped the towel and stalked her with sinuous grace, the lethal hunter, his pupils dilating.

She threw her towel at him as she reached the door and shrieked her laughter as she dove for the bed, a moment before the vampire caught her by the hips and bent her over the mattress so that she was braced on her arms as he drove himself into her, his body curving over hers and his lips against her neck.

"A good start," Cael lay on his back amongst the pillows, blatantly naked and hard, watching with his arms behind his head and a grin on his lips. "Though you did not quite make it to the bed."

"I think our wolf is hungry, Cael," Elior's voice was dark as he set a brutal pace against her. "I don't suppose you have anything you can feed her?"

The devil grinned and crawled across the bed to slide under her so that her arms braced to either side of his hips, placing his c-k at the perfect position. "I am sure I can find something to keep her quiet," he purred. "Seeing as she is constantly telling me to do so. Open up, Ashlynn."

Ashlynn dragged her tongue across him, causing him to groan, and his stomach muscles stood out against his skin as he used his core to lower himself back to lying. She took him into her mouth, the thrusts of the vampire against her driving Cael to the back of her throat, causing her to gag. The devil adjusted his position and began to stroke himself, lifting from his hips, into her mouth with a groan.

Planning your weekend reading? Ensure you're on for uninterrupted enjoyment. The next chapter is just a click away, exclusively available on our site. Happy reading!

Elior bent over her, wrapping his arm around her stomach, and pressing his lips against the curve of her neck. She felt him break her skin with his teeth, the suction through her veins as he drank deeply, and the caress of his tongue as he sealed the wounds before leaning back, gripping her hips with both hands, and thrusting into her with force and speed.

"Shit," Cael laughed as Ashlynn almost choked on him as she came. "I think our vampire is challenging me," he said to her, and began to work himself into her mouth in counter-rhythm to Elior's thrusts, his body glossing with sweat, the beads forming in the furrows of his stomach muscles, and darkening the gold of his hair.

"I don't have our vampire's speed or stamina," the devil complained on a gasp, and groaned as he came, causing her to gulp in reflex, his spray hitting the back of her throat. "Oh, yes," his eyelids fell heavily over his eyes. "Swallow me, Ashlynn." Ashlynn released Cael and sank face down onto the bed as Elior's thrusts increased in force and his mouth returned to her neck, biting down with less finesse, and drinking deeper. Her head swum as he lowered over her and she felt the jerk of him within her as he came, but he did not stop drinking, nor did he lift from her, sinking her forward onto the mattress, his weight heavy over her back, and his skin warming as he drank more of her blood.

"Elior," she protested weakly reaching back to pat his buttock. "You are killing me."

"I think that is his intention," Cael's lips grazed her cheek as he bent over her, watching the vampire feast speculatively, but making no move to stop him. "I believe that is the normal way a vampire turns someone by bringing them to the point of death, and then feeding them his blood."

Elior sealed the wounds and rolled from her. "I have to be careful," he groaned as he turned onto his back at her side. "The intoxicating effects of her blood on me... I don't want to misjudge the right moment."

"Should you take some for your children? Some of my blood. Get Nate in with his needles, and bag some?" She wanted to move, but couldn't be bothered, her eyes heavy and her body lax, her cheek against the covers. She felt the mattress shift as Cael positioned himself against the pillows. "In case turning me does something to my blood and it is no good to you anymore."

"Thank you for the offer," Elior kissed her. "It didn't affect your mother's. Changed the flavor a little," Elior pulled himself to standing and picked her up, placing her onto the pillows next to Cael. "But not the effects. So hopefully the same holds true for you."

"Hello," Cael grinned down at her as he leaned over for a kiss.

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