Il Boss, vou called for me" Rubby said as he walked into the office in fast strides. He was at the reception taking care of some work when he received Damian's call and he quickly rushed to the office.

"What are your plans with Jemima?" He asked, going straight to the point, if not that his wife had asked him to talk to Rubby about it, he wasn't someone to interfere in other people's business.

"I don't understand you boss," Rubby replied in a confused voice." Look Rubby, I would not be doing this if Amy didn't ask me, if you are really serious about Jem then act like it and stop making my pregnant wife worry about your relationship, am I understood?".

"Yes boss" Rubby replied, he understood where Damian was coming from and he felt slightly guilty. Since the day she refused to move to his house, it has been two days and neither of them had talked to each other. It was only natural for Amy to feel worried since Jemima was like her sister.

"The next time you make my wife worry, it seems I will have to deal with you on my own" Damian said sternly, his wife was pregnant and these lovers wouldn't leave her alone.

"It won't happen again boss".

"Better be, any progress on Pete?"." He is still on the run, the police do not even know where he is at the moment". " Tch tch, how cheesy. I just wanted them to be aware of what he has done and they couldn't even do a single job properly, get him to the base in an hour. I am tired of waiting for them to deal with that rogue". "Okay boss" Rubby answered and went out, he would go for big boss's work now and have a talk with Jemima later in the day. As soon as he walked out of the office, Damian picked up his phone and called his wife. " Hubby" she called from the other end. "Do you want to watch a good show today?" he asked lovingly. "yes hubby", "Very well then, I will pick you later and let's see what Pete has to say".

"okay" she replied lovingly. they talked for a while and ended the call, he just loved being around this woman all the time. Heaven was sure on his side to give him an amazing wife.

Hello ma'am" a tiny little voice greeted Jennie as a slender but petite figure walked towards her. She was seated in a coffee shop and had herself all disguised away from public eyes, these days the police and the public seem to be hot on their tail and she didn't want to take any chances.

"You must be Ailda right?" She asked, her voice commanded respect. A feeling of nostalgia

Ilashed through her memory, those days of sitting in the office and having everyone answer her calls. Now she was the one being treated inferior to the whole public all because of the playne called Teresa Martins. "Yes ma❞ the girl called Ailda replied, she looked a little not less than twenty and had a calm aura but who knew she was just as bad as the lady seated before her. "I hope you understand this job properly?".

"Yes ma, you do not need to worry, I just have to report everything about Teresa and her father to you" Ailda replied, she had a sinister look on her face as she spoke up. She was just twenty years old and she had been introduced into the dark world. A friend of lennie's had recommended her because she was perfect for the kind of job Jennie wanted to be done "Make sure you keep a low profile because if you are caught by Damian, do not involve me, am I understood?" She asked sternly "Yes ma❞ Ailda replied. "Good now get going and don't forget anything, once the job is done, you will get your pay"

"Okay ma'am, thank you ma'am" Ailda said and walked out to go and prepare for the Mission ahead, but does that mean the big boss will just allow anyone to enter his home?

Pete was roughly pushed into the room, his whole body and clothes were covered in blood and he looked very Haggard Just an hour ago, when Damian sent Rubby to get him, he was caught enjoying himself in a local bar He was badly beaten and in the process, lost a tooth making him look like a toothless squirre!

Rubby and his boys continued to rain blows on his body when the many of the night walked into the room and he wasn't alone, his beautiful wire accompanied him and she was not surprised to see the half dead pete

Four years ago, she came to know that even i Damian was not involved in the underworld, the people there respected him alot and this was why to catch Pete and dig up information was a piece of cake for him. He was a principled man but since his wife was at the center of all of this, he wouldn't spare anyone " Hubby, it seems our guest will die before he even gets the chance to tell us anything". Amy said as she walked up to the bloody Pete, it was difficult to recognize him at that moment "You won't get away with this Damian" it was Pete who spoke up, his mouth and teeth were covered in blood and Amy found it disgusting "I will go straight to the point Mr Pete, what business do you have with my father?" Amy asked.

"You must take me for a fool madarn he replied and she smiled.

"I do not need to know who sent you because I already know, I just want to know if I should tell your son what his idol has been up to" it was Damian who spoke up this time around and Pete froze at the mention of his son's name in as much as he tried to hide his own sins from the world and Kathleen, he didn't know that someone else already dug up his past lite When he was together with Kathleen, he had a one night stand with a random woman, she came back two years later and gave him a boy claiming it was his son. He has hidden this truth all his life

because if Kathleen finds out, she will make sure to kill the boy.

How do you know my son?" He asked in a scared tone. He wasn't scared for his life before but hearing the mention of his son, immense fear gripped him.

"Mr Pete Anderson, a kingpin of the underworld, has an affair with Kathleen which produced two kids, also had an affair with a random woman and had a son from her which you have been hiding all these years. I can also say you are with Kathleen for the money which you have been getting from her, that is why you have been quiet all these years and didn't say anything to her right?" Amy asked as she moved away from him to stand close to Damian, the sight of the blood on his body was already making her feel disgusted.

"Please leave my son out of this, I will do whatever you want please" Pete begged in regret. Here he was thinking he was safe for the rest of his life but his doom started before he could even see it, he had no choice but to follow the big boss's orders now, Kathleen would figure out how to save herself and her daughters.

"I want to know why you sent someone to kill my dad and why you blamed Damian for that nurse's death even when you know it was just a headless journey" Amy asked.

"Kathleen had asked me to find a way to get rid of him so he won't have to find out about the secret she was hiding".

"What secret?".

"I am the father of Jennie and Gwen".

Their suspicion was finally proven to be true, both couple exchanged meaningful glances and they could already understand the meaning behind the glance.

"Mr Pete" Damian called after a while.

"Yes boss?"

"When the time comes for me to take revenge on you for my father in-law I will do it, but now you need to do something for me". "Anything boss, I will do it" Pete replied quickly, anything to save his son from this ruthless couple, he would do it.

"First of all, I want you to continue pretending with Kathleen and find out what she plans on doing next but before that I want to meet your son".

"Your wish is my command boss" Pete knew better than to annoy this man because he was not just an ordinary man and he didn't get to the position he was today because he was just fearless. He knew this man was ruthless to the core and he regretted going against him. Now he can only work for him to guarantee the safety of his son." If I ask you to tell the public about your affair with Kathleen, will you do it in exchange for your son's life?" Amy asked. "Anything you say boss" Pete replied.

"Very well then, get him cleaned up and wait for my orders" Damian said and walked out of the room hand in hand with Amy. Pete watched them walk out and sighed heavily, Kathleen was sure the death of him.

As soon as Amy and her husband got home, she went straight to have a shower, seeing all that blood and everything she felt nauseous. Truth be told she really didn't want to get involved in hurting anyone physically but the situation she was in made her do somethings she never thought she would do. As a pregnant woman now she also had to think of her child and the kind of environment that will be convenient for it, she made a firm resolve to hand everything to Damian and just work behind the scenes. For now her baby was more important and it was not like she was going to allow them go scot free, she will still be the ruthless lady she has been.

"You took a long time in the shower" Damian said as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hubby, I need to discuss something with you". "Yes tell me" he helped her to sit on the bed and he sat beside her. "I have decided to hand Everything over to you and just take care of our baby. Seeing all that blood on his body today I felt our baby was not safe to be in a place like that, I felt nauseous and disgusted". "It's okay baby, I will handle everything okay. Once I am done with all of them, I will make sure I send them behind bars for ever".

"Thank you baby" she replied and smiled at him..her lovely husband.

"Yes, before I forget, I had a talk with the doctor when you were in the shower and he said dad has shown a lot of positive improvement since yesterday" "Really?" She asked in an excited tone and he nodded, "I will go and see him then" she said and quickly walked out of the room to her dad's room.

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