Cody slowly opened her eyes and found herself in an unknown environment and she was a bit confused. Last night she remembered getting a call to come down to the pool and that was the last thing she remembered but now she was here. Turning her head a little she also saw Amy lying a few meters away from her and she looked unconscious.

"Amy?" She muttered under her breath as she was trying to make sense of the situation,

"Amy" she called slowly moving towards her but the latter didn't move until she frantically shook her.

"What is this place?" She asked the moment she opened her eyes, she also remembered getting a call to come down to the pool and that was the last thing she remembered. "Where are we Cody?".

"I don't know Amy, I don't remember what happened yesterday either. It looks like we have been abducted" she hated to say it but that was how the situation looks like. Amy's eyes opened in horror, "abducted?but why?" She was in shock as to why someone would want to abduct them.

Cody wanted to say something when the door flung open and the clicking of a female heel could be heard entering the room, the two girls had their eyes glued to the door waiting for who was going to enter. As soon as she entered, they both stood up to have a good look at her, she was not someone they had seen before so why would she have them kidnapped?". "Who are you?" Cody asked, she had always been a daring lady and instead of being scared of this woman she decided to confront her head on.

But instead of answering her, the lady walked towards Amy and caressed her cheek," just a carbon copy of your mother" she muttered to herself but the two ladies heard her.

"How do you know my mum and who are you?" Amy asked, she didn't like the air around the lady. She looked dangerous and evil.

"For now, you can call me your aunt Amy" she replied as a smirk appeared on her Face.

"Aunt?Can you tell us what is going on here and why you have held us hostage?" Cody blurted, she also didn't like the aura emanating from her. "You talk too much for your mother who is all work and no fun Cody". "What?"

Now the two girls were getting confused as to how this woman knew their family members and it was getting creepy. "You see girls, I have brought you here for a reason, okay? So you should cooperate with me if you don't want to die before I execute my plans". The two girls couldn't help but be more confused towards this lady, what was she talking


"What do you mean?" Cody asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "Enough of the chit chat now, I have work to do. Just don't give me any trouble and I will let you live longer" saying that she turned around and walked out of the room as the two girls stood and watched her leave, they couldn't understand what she meant and fathom why she had kidnapped them but one thing was for sure, she was dangerous and She had a plan. As soon as she walked out of the room, Greg handed her her phone which has been ringing for a while.

"Mr Kim called, I already told him you were busy but he still insisted on talking to you.

"Hello," she said into the receiver. "You have not been answering your phone" he answered from the other end and she rolled her eyes. "Why have you called Kim?I am busy with work I told you right?" "I just wanted to let you know I will be in America for a few days, since you and my son have been there we should have dinner together, what do you think?".

She smirked," you of all people should know he doesn't like hanging out with us, he calls us oldies. Let him be Kim, he should enjoy his life".

"You should tell him to be available, he just got engaged. Shouldn't he introduce his fiance? He left everything here in Korea and decided to stay with you in America, he should do this much".

She hissed inaudibly,"okay, I will talk to him but I have to go now, I am really busy".

"Okay" he replied and disconnected the call. "This man is just a pain in the ass" she hissed angrily. "Should I Inform the young master?" Greg asked but she glared at him. "Just tell him to come home for dinner later" she added and walked off. Both father and son were too much.

The whole family was still stressed out about Cody and Amy, all the men had gone to look for them and Ethan was left behind to take care of them. Amy and Jem couldn't help but cry softly for their kids while Teresa just sat in Ethan's embrace with a teary face and he was trying to comfort her. She loved her sister and Cody alot and couldn't bear anything happening to them.

"Relax baby, nothing will happen to them okay?" He said as he caressed her back lovingly.

"I just want them to be home already, I can imagine how mum and Aunt must be feeling right now seeing how I am" she replied in a cracky voice. "It's okay baby" he added and stood up to meet Amy who was sitting on the sofa and had a longing in her eyes, she just wanted her children back.

"Aunt, you shouldn't cry too much, okay?It's not good for your health, you know," he said as he knelt down in front of her.

"I just want my children back Ethan" Amy replied broken hearted. "Don't worry, everything will be fine" he added as he also held Jem's hands.

Just then his phone rang and he excused himself to answer it.

"Tell me" he said as soon as the call connected, after listening to what the caller had to say he massaged his forehead lazily before talking. "I won't be available, I have a pressing issue going on right now but tell her I love her and I will see her later" saying that he disconnected the call and went back inside as the request of the caller went to the back of his head. "Who called?" Teresa asked as she drew closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Home," he answered," but it's not important," he added, stroking her hair. He hated the fact that he couldn't do anything at that moment but he would not just sit by and see his fiance suffering.

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