The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 95: The Twin's Birthday


"Mom, do you have any ideas what is happening today?"

I turned to watch Nora who had asked me that question as I tried to tie her belt. They were running late for school.

"No, darling. What's the occasion today? Do you have a party at school?" I asked her feigning ignorance as I turned to watch Nadia who was trying to get into her uniform of a purple mini gown with a belt in the middle. "Nadia be fast, else you'll be late for school" I scolded her as she nodded at me before getting on with her dress.

"But mom, are you really sure you don't know what today is about?" Nadia questioned me softly with a hint of doubt in her voice. Like she couldn't believe I had forgotten about the most important day in their lives.

I shrugged as I let go of Nora to go help Nadia with her belt" No, darling. I'm afraid, no. What's going on? You know mummy has been busy lately. I completely forgot everything, you just need to remind me, okay?" I told them, letting go of Nadia after I was done.

I turned to look at both girls with a smile on my face. I had tied their hair into a ponytail" So, what's the occasion, today?" I ask them even after knowing fully well that they won't tell me. They were so proud like their father.

"Nothing, mom," Nora replied, shrugging as her face tightened in anger but she forced herself not to show it. She strolled to stand beside her sister and turned to watch me.

"We are going down for breakfast" She called to me before skidding down the stairs to the dining.

I stood in their room which was painted in pink and purple. It was a mixture of both because Nora loves pink while Nadia was a purple girl. Michael said they were still small to get separate rooms, I'm sure that will change today as they clock five. Yes, today was my girls' birthday.

Michael and I had decided not to wish them because we wanted to have a surprise birthday party for them after school but they were making me feel guilty with their angry looks. Like I could ever forget my little babies' birthday.

I wiped the lone tears away from my eyes as I walked out of the girls' room, closing the door gently behind me. I opened the door opposite them where their naughty big brother was just getting dressed.

"Joey?" I screamed at him as he turned to look at me giving me his best puppy's look.

"I'm sorry, Godmother. I was busy on the phone last night with my classmates" He apologized with a sad smile on his face as he arranged his books into his backpack. He was in high school which was why I had expected him to be up earlier.

"Whatever, Joey. You're eight. You should've known better" I told him going into the room to ruffle his now black hair which was permed to the back.

"I'm going down for breakfast" He called to me, already stepping out of the door but I called him back.

He turned to stare at me at the doorway, silently urging me to go on" Don't forget our deal, Joey" I reminded him as I watched as he etched his brows in confusion.

I couldn't help groaning at him. He's just like Shane when he was his age but my naughty brother is now a big boy, he was majoring in business management in college even at fifteen. And had taken over as the CEO of Pandora Footwear giving Dad a better retirement he could ever ask for.

"Please don't wish the twins a happy birthday, okay?" I reminded him again seeing that he had forgotten. He nodded though I could see that he was unhappy about it as he was overly protective of them and acted as an older brother to them.

"I guess I'm left alone to sort his messy room" I called to no one in particular as I got about making his bed and sorting out his laundry. In times like this, I'm always grateful for not having boys, I wonder what it would be like having to take care of two of Joey. He was a handful. My little girls make their beds themselves and sort out their laundry before going to school every morning.

I enter our room to see Michael knotting his tie and picking up his briefcase about to leave for work. He turned to pull me close and drop a chaste kiss on my lips.

"How is it with the girls?" Michael asked me, guessing my bad mood.

"Don't ask me that. You know how they are. They've been guilt-tripping all morning. It took all my self-control not to blot out a 'happy birthday to them" I groaned as I sat down on the bed in anger but turned as soon as I heard Michael chuckling excitedly.

"I'm sorry about that but they took after you," Michael called to me as he made to step out of the room causing me to roll my eyes at him.

I followed him downstairs to see that they were all through with their breakfast but they were no longer in the room. I turned to Emma in confusion as they always waited for their father in the sitting room "Where is everyone?"

"They are in the car. I'm sorry, they are very annoyed with us" Emma replied as I watched her wipe tears from her eyes. I couldn't help feeling guilty that I made her do this. She was like their second mother and I could imagine what the girls would have done to her when she pretended not to remember their birthday.

"It's okay, Emma. I'm sure they will come around when they see our surprise" I told her, waving her out of the room as she nodded and went back to the kitchen.

I turned to look at Michael with my hands folded across my chest" Why are you staring at me?" Michael asked me as he made to walk out of the door as he was running late but I stopped him.

"Please, don't break our deal. Please, Michael" I pleaded with him but Michael only rolled his eyes at me.

"Come on, Nina. Why will I do that?" Michael asked me but I shrugged and watched him go before turning to walk back into the room. I just hope Michael will keep his promise cause when he came to the girls, he was putty in their hands. They have him wrapped around their fingers.

I picked up my phone to put a call through to Lillian, I walked to my wardrobe to pick out my dresses while I waited for Lillian to accept the call which she finally did after some time but with a loud scream.

"Where's the fuck are you, Nina? Have been here since 7 a.m" She screamed into the phone. I was thankful that I wasn't placing it on my ear rather it was on speaker else she would have damaged my eardrum with her loud scream.

"Watch your language, Mrs. Martins" I heard the Orphanage Directress scolding Lillian. I could hear Lillian's faint apology as she apologized for her mistake.

"Blame that on your son, " I called to her already going into the bathroom to shower" but not to worry, I'll be there in an hour. See you later" I called into the phone and hung up as I got into the shower to bathe.


I pulled into the Amazing Grace Orphanage Home. It was an hour's drive to our house, I rested my head on the steering wheel as I turned off the engine trying to calm my head for what was ahead.

We decided to celebrate our daughters' fifth birthday in the Orphanage, being Nora's choice. She was always compassionate about children her age who were less privileged which was why Michael and I made sure to donate millions of dollars every month to orphanages across the country. I stepped out of the car as soon as I saw Lillian rushing out to meet me" She finally arrive," Lillian called angrily to me causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"Whatever," I told her, walking over to open my booth where most of the decorations were stacked in by my secretary Divine.

Most of the Teachers present all rushed out to help us set up most of the decorations in the hall where the party was to be held.

"So, how did the girls take it?" Lillian asked me as

we both watched them decorate the hall in pink and purple ribbons while we blew the balloons.

"Badly. They kept asking and asking if I could remember today. They were so annoyed when I told them I couldn't remember, they refused to speak to us" I explained everything to Lillian who sighed heavily as she picked up another balloon in her hands. "That's too bad. I hope they'll forgive you when they see this" Lillian replied pointing to the decorations which were almost half done.

I turned to the lady handling the cakes, as I watched it with a smile on my face. I'm sure the girls would love it.

"I'm more worried about Joey. I wonder how he will handle it, he loves the girl too much and hates it when they fight" Lillian explained, bringing me out from my thoughts as I turned to look at her.

"I pity him too. I'm sure the girls will be picking on him right now" I explained to Lillian as I turned to see Mom and Mrs. Thompson rushing into the hall closely followed by Shane, dad, and Mr. Thompson.

"Nina, where are my granddaughters?" Mrs. Thompson asked me as she came over to hug me. I rolled my eyes at her as I turned to look at Lillian who shrugged and gave me her famous look' I told you so'.

"They are in school. Mark will bring them here when the school closes" I replied as I usher them to an empty seat across from us after exchanging greetings with Shane and my dad.

"When will they be done in school? I'm already missing my granddaughters" Mrs. Thompson asked me as she settled into the chair beside her husband while waiting for my response.

I checked the wall clock across from us and gasped. It was an hour before twins closed in school. How times flies?" In an hour's time." I replied about going to help Nina with the balloons but Mom's voice stopped me. "And Michael? Where is he?" Mom asked me, I guess she still hasn't forgiven Michael. And right now, she waited preparing for me to make excuses for my husband.

I smile at her "Michael is in the office" I rushed to explain myself as soon as I saw mom's eyes widened in shock

"He has a meeting with international clients. He will be here after the meeting" I told her before going over to Lillian without waiting for her response.

An hour later we were through with the decorations. I had dressed and most of the guests had arrived. The children were all settled into their seats while we waited for the twins.

I couldn't help being on edge, Mark should have arrived thirty minutes ago. What's keeping him? Are they having after-school lessons?

"You need to relax. Nothing is wrong with them" Lillian called to me trying to stop me from pacing to and fro the hall.

Some minutes later, Joey strolled into the building alone and without the twins. I rushed to his side" Joey, where's Nora and Nadia?" I asked him as I stared into his eyes, refusing to believe that my babies were missing. Joey looked at me with confusion before he whispered those words that changed my life" Are they not here?" He asked in a gentle voice, causing me to scream.

"Oh My God! Deborah has got my children" I

screamed out loud as I took my phone to call the police.

"Relax. I'm sure they are with Michael" Lillian comforted me before she turned to dial Michael's number.

"Are the kids with him?" I asked her as soon as she dropped the call. She shakes her head in a negative way, causing me to break down in tears.

I always knew she hated me and planned to take revenge on my kids. What should I do? I can't have her doing anything to my babies. I just hope Deborah won't do anything to my babies. They are my life...000000

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