The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 94: Nina's Birthday

I sat gazing at my beautiful wife who was sleeping soundly on the bed, she rolled on the bed causing her pink see-through nightie to go up a bit exposing her pink taut areola. I gasped as I turned away from her beautiful body. Every time I look at her is just like the first time I met her at the club, I could never be tired of her. It has been two weeks since we got a tip from the taxi driver who had driven Deborah to the cemetery. Apparently, he had seen her face and phoned the police but still yet, there wasn't any news from her. It seems like she has disappeared underground ever since then. It gives me sleepless nights whenever I remember that she was still out there at large. I know she loves me and wouldn't do any harm to me but I'm more scared for my wife and my little princesses. I won't be able to survive if anything should happen to them. They were my life. And Shawn had refused to talk even after being heavily tortured by the police, Don, and John.

"Daddy, Daddy"

I turned to see my two angels standing in front of my bedroom door with excitement on their faces. I quickly placed my hands on my mouth, signaling them to shut up as I stood up to go meet them as I didn't want them to wake their mother.

"What is it, my angels?" I asked them both, looking from Nadia to Nora. Nora was the first one, she had her mother's caring heart and easily forgives while Nadia was more like me, she was distrustful to strangers and rarely forgives. They both have my blue eyes and their mother's blond hair.

"Daddy, when is mom going to wake up? I can't wait to wish her a happy birthday" Nadia asked me as I bent to ruffle her hair. Something she hates a lot. I forgot to mention, she adores her mother more than I even though she had my attitude. I'm sometimes jealous of it. "Very soon. We shouldn't disturb her. She was busy helping your grandmother Diana last night to set up their new house" I told them as I squatted down to hug them close, breathing in their scent of lavender and vanilla. I guess Emma had bathed them earlier. "Come, let me make you breakfast of bacon and egg before your mummy wakes," I told them, already dragging both their hands down the stairs to the kitchen where Emma was busy making breakfast. I smiled at Emma for always coming to my rescue even after telling her that she doesn't have to get up very early anymore.

"Good morning, Mr. Thompson" Emma greeted me as soon as she saw me entering the kitchen with the girls.

I groaned and turned to frown at her" Emma. I thought I told you to call me Michael. You are making me feel too old" I complained to her, causing Emma to erupt in laughter. Sometimes, she intentionally calls me that because she knows I would complain. For God's sake, I was forty_two, not fifty.

"Don't worry, Michael. I was only teasing you" Emma smiled at me before she squatted down to greet the girls who were still clinging to my hands.

"And how are my beautiful princesses doing this morning?" I heard Emma asked Nora and Nadia as I left them to go on with breakfast.

"We are good, Emma. But mummy just won't wake up" They both scream as they settle down on the kitchen stool.

"Don't worry, let's give her some time. I'm sure she's tired" I heard Emma's faint reply as she repeated what I had told them earlier.

I walked down the sitting-room about to go back into my room when my phone suddenly rang. I paused and pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was Andrea calling me.

I quickly accepted the call and placed it on my ear" Hey, Andrea. How are you?" I greeted him as I resumed ascending the stairs.

"Congratulations, Michael. Lush Beauty ranks No 1 again in beauty and Fashion" Andrea called to me with excitement in his voice. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as soon as I heard that. I was so happy for Nina, ever since she took over Lush Beauty we had gotten a huge number of awards that I lost count of them.

"Really? That's great news" I called to him with a smile on my face" I'll make sure to pass the news to Nina. I'm sure she will be excited to hear that. Have a great day, and see you at the event tonight" I told him before hanging up as I walked into the room to see that Nina was already up. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom, I smiled while thinking if I should go prank her in the bathroom.

"No, let her be. She has been so tired yesterday with helping my parents move their stuff to their new house" I called in my mind shaking my head as I sat back down on the bed waiting for Nina to be done. I'm sure she's going to love the surprise I had planned for her. "Michael" I turned to see Nina stepping out of the bathroom as she dried her hair with the towel in her hands.

"Happy birthday, angel" I called to her running over to hug and kiss her. I've been waiting all morning for her to wake up so I could be the first to wish her a happy birthday. I, Shane, and the kids had bet on who would wish her the first birthday every year since the kids arrived and like all years, I had always won.

"Thank you for reminding me that I'm getting older," Nina snorted at me as she stepped away from my embrace, causing me to smile at her.

"Darling, you are thirty-five, not fifty. Try being forty-two then you will know what getting older means" I told her, scolding her gently.

Ever since she clocked thirty, she had been more conscious of her skin and beauty. Always scared that I might leave her for those skinny models she sees on screen. And she wouldn't believe me when I tell her otherwise. "Tsk! You are just saying that because you are so in love with me" Nina told me rolling her eyes at me as she walked to the wardrobe to pick her dress.

"Where are the girls?" She asked me already, getting dressed while I watched her with a raging hard-on. I'm so tempted right now but I've promised myself not to ever put my desire before hers except she asked for it.

"Oh My God! What do we have there?" Nina smiled as she pointed to the bulge in my pants while I ignored her.

"Is someone getting aroused by watching me get dressed?" She asked me, causing me to roll my eyes at her. Isn't it obvious already? I'm always like this when it comes to her. I can't control myself.

"They are having breakfast. Quick, we are waiting for you. There's somewhere I want us to go to spend your birthday" I told her already going out of the room, ignoring her question about my private organ.

"I'm not celebrating my birthday, Michael" Nina screamed at me from the room while I ignored her. She's always saying that but I have never accepted it. Thank God I've asked Emma to pack her bags in advance, we just need to get to the hotel and everything will be sorted out.

Nina came down some minutes later, she rushed through her breakfast seeing that we were all impatient to start going. We all scrambled into the car and relaxed as Mark drove us to the Thompson Hotel.

"Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you, Nina.

Happy birthday to you"

We all sang along as the instrumentalist played the tune of the song. I turned to see Nina walking down the aisle to the front of the hall where her huge birthday cake was waiting for her.

I could see the shock and happiness on her face as she came close to me. She bent to whisper in my ear" I so hate right now, Michael Thompson" She called at me causing me to smile while she was barely trying to control her own smile. "And I so love you right now, Nina Thompson.

You are so beautiful" I called to her as I watched the blush paint her cheeks in light pink. I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my lips as she threw a warning glare at me. I knew she was a putty when it comes to my compliments which is why I always dish them out without a preamble because I love seeing the blush on her.

I raise my hands in surrender as I wouldn't want my baby annoyed with me today" I'm sorry" I whisper back at her as I turned back to hear everyone singing again...

"How old are you now?

How old are you now?

How old are you now, Nina?

How old are you now?"

"Really? Are they asking me that?" Nina turned to glare at me, telling me with her eyes that it was my fault. The music soon came to an end while we all waited for Nina to go cut her cake.

I escorted her to the stage where the huge cake was mounted. The kids rushed to her side, preparing to help her cut the cake. I smile at them, so fond of their mother. They rarely go for sleepovers at Lillian's house because they couldn't leave her.

"Happy birthday, my favorite sister_ in law" I heard Victor greet Nina as soon as she stepped down from the stage. I turned in shock to look at him. I thought he said he wouldn't be able to come after I had called to tell him about the surprise party. What is he doing here? "Thank you, Victor. Where's my gift?" I heard Nina asked him with a bright smile on her face as she hugged him.

"Here is it? Have a wonderful birthday," He told her before thrusting the gifts at her. He bent to pick up the twins who were giggling his name in excitement.

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you were busy?" I asked him when he had finally picked up both girls in his hands.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world. She has given us the best gifts we could ever ask for" Victor replied, shrugging as he smiled at both girls.

I couldn't help rolling my eyes at him, he was so fond of the girls that he rarely missed any occasion that offered an opportunity for him to meet them, unlike Vino?

Speaking of Vino, I haven't seen him in a while. It seems like he's avoiding us. I made a mental note to put a call through to him when I get home.

"Are you all ready to explore the hotel with Uncle Victor?" He asked them, and I watched as they both nodded in excitement.

"Can I come with you too, Uncle Victor?"

We both turned to the tiny frail voice who had spoken as he hid at the back of his mother's gown.

"Sure, Joey. Let's go" Victor told him as he let go of Lillian and turned to glide behind Victor jumping in excitement as I shook my head at them. So adorable to watch them always.

I turned to look at both Danny and Lillian who were conversing with Nina and wishing her a happy birthday.

I smile as I stare at my woman, the mother of my babies. Glad that I had made the best decision of making her, my life partner.

Nina waved at me as she noticed my eyes on her, and I couldn't help the large smile that spread across my face as I took a large step to her and envelop her in my arms.

I bent to whisper in her ear" You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for coming to my life, Nina Thompson. I love you!"

"I love you too, Michael Thompson" Nina replied as I bent to kiss her, putting all my emotions that I couldn't name into the kiss. Glad that she was mine and mine forever.

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