The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 63: Deborah

I strolled down the hallway annoyance visible on my face. What is Michael planning? Why will he involve the police?.

Aurora greeted me as I stepped into the elevator but I ignored her. I need to go see Austin and warn him about the police. Why can't Michael be in love with me? Why does he always choose the hard way which is Nina? This is all her fault. I need to tell Austin to finish her off before the police find out about us. I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the stairs to the parking lot where my white Formatic Classic Benz was parked. I got into it and pulled out of the Thompson's Empire with one thought on my mind, how to make Nina pay?

The sound of my phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts as I turned to switch on my earphones. With the earphone fully placed in my ear I answer the call.

"Deborah! Where are you?" My dad's scared voice called out to me from the other line. I guess he had heard the news of Nina's kidnapping and had figured out that we did it.

"I'm just leaving the Thompson's Empire right now. Any problem?" I asked him even though I knew why he was scared.

"Why? What did you go to do there?" Dad asked in a hushed whisper. I guess he's hiding from mom. She is the only one who isn't in support of us. That's why I hate her the most.

"I just went to there to remind Michael about the prenuptial agreement he signed instead I met him conversing to an inspector"

"What? You mean Michael involved the police just because of that girl" Dad screamed from annoyance. Even I was annoyed. I mean how can he do that?

"You and Austin need to be careful. I know you both have a hand in what's going on" Dad told me as I nodded, my eyes immediately went to the rearview mirror where I noticed a red Sedan car which has been following me for a while now... "Hello Dad! Let me call you back, I think I'm being followed" I called frantically into the phone. My dad screamed as I hung up the call and quickly dial Austin's number.

The Austin that picked the call wasn't the regular Austin I knew. He was the second personality in DID. He was the one who raped Mia and was also the one responsible in the kidnapped and planned murder of Nina.

The real Austin is kind and caring and would never agree to any of my plans to marry Michael. I'm so thankful that it was the second Austin that picked the call.

"Hello Angel" Austin called into the phone, his voice softening a bit. No matter who was on display, they both loved me unconditionally which is what I'm thankful for. I can manipulate them any way I want.

"Austin, please help, I think I'm being followed" I shouted into the phone scared about what to do?

"Calm down, follow my lead. Nothing will happen to you" Austin said his voice hardening with anger. I could feel the anger in his voice when he directed me on where to go next.

"Take a deep breath. Look around you, is there a turning on the left or right?" Austin asked me as I searched frantically around.

"No, I don't think there's any, maybe at the next twenty miles," I reply as I turn to look at the car which was following me closely.

"Good. Keep going, make sure there's a car or two between the both of you" He told me, I nodded and pulled out of the back of the car in front of me. I maneuver the car into the front of two more cars in front of me leaving four cars in between us. "Done" I told Austin, smiling, my eyes caught the rearview mirror to see that my follower was also doing the same. I got scared again.

I stepped on the gas and drove off while listening to Austin's instructions on the phone. I turned to the left as soon as I got to the turning and paused to see my follower. He was also about to turn but was blocked by a truck who was passing through the road, putting on a diversion between the both of us.

"I lost him" I told Austin on the other line with a smile on my face. I can't believe I just did that.

"That's good. I will be expecting you at the site" Austin told me and hung up. I could hear the relief in his voice. I smiled and drove down to the Beacon where the cabin was located.

I pulled into the parking lot of the abandoned cabin where Austin, Michael and I used to play when we were kids. The place wasn't far from Austin's parents house. I'm sure Michael would never have imagined that this is where Nina could be...

Austin rushed out of the door to hug me" Are you okay? Where you startled?" He asked me, leading me into the house.

I turned to look back to see if I was being followed but no one was there only Xavier was trying to park my car into the garage.

I smiled in Austin's arms as he led into the room" I'm okay, though I was startled at first but with your help I was able to lose him effortlessly" I told him with a smile on my face.

I sat down on the couch opposite Austin who wouldn't stop glaring at me" I told you not to come here always, what if something had happened to you?" Austin screamed, I couldn't help rolling my eyes at him. The only man I want worrying about me is Michael and no one else.

"Calm down Austin, I'm okay, nothing happened to me" I told him reaching out to stroke his hands across the table.

"Moreover, I overheard Michael at the office today, he had to involve the police. You need to be careful, I wanted to come and relate it to you" I told him, Austin wasn't a bit fazed when he heard about the police. I like this Austin more. The real Austin was weak, always worrying about what his fans would think...

"Even at that, you shouldn't have come. That's why you have a cellphone, you could have called" I ignore him, there was no need making him see reasons with me. He was adamant on scolding me, let him do that then.

I stood up about to leave the room when Austin's voice stopped me at the door" Where are you going to?" Austin asked me, raising his eyebrows at me.

"To see Nina of course" I replied and stepped out of the door. I could hear his voice protesting vehemently in the room but I ignored him, I couldn't come all the way here without seeing that witch of the west.

I opened the door and stopped short, Nina was sitting on the chair at one corner of the room with her head bowed. She raised her head and I took a step back. She looked like a monster, I couldn't recognize her any longer as Austin had beaten her blue black... "Are you happy now, I guess you should be jumping up in excitement that your nut job of a boyfriend had done his job well right, Deborah?" Nina looked at me with her tilted to the left, she spat on the floor and I couldn't help puking because of the blood in it.. "Wow!! Austin was really a psycho, how could he do this without any feeling?" I mumble to myself as I walk around Nina trying to survey the damages he made on her skin.

Something Michael said got to me as I turned to look around the room "Where could that be?" I questioned softly.

"Where's what?" Austin's voice asked me from the doorway where he stood with Xavier beside him.

"I don't know but I overheard Michael saying that something had to be switched on before they could be able to track her" I said as I turned to stare at Nina, I saw a flicker of recognition passed through her face before she masked it.

"That wouldn't be happening, I've collected her phone and there's not a chance that it could ever be on as I had smashed it on the floor" Austin replied as I smiled at Nina. There's no need for me to worry about Michael finding her then, she will be here with us until Austin decided to kill her.

"Why are you doing this? Why are the both of you tormenting me? What have I done to you?" Nina screamed loudly at us, her eyes blazing red from the blood on her face.

"You really want to know" Austin asked her "That's because Michael killed my sister. I hate you so much for that" Austin replied staring at her angrily.

I turned to stare at Austin shocked. After all these years, he still didn't know the truth. Michael didn't kill Mia but Austin did though, I'm not planning to tell him that. It is better for him to hate Nina than himself.

"That's not true, Michael did not kill your sister Mia" Nina screamed trying to make Austin see the truth in front of him.

I guess Michael had told her the truth then, though I still don't know why Michael decided to take the fall for Mia's death even when he knew that it would tarnish his image.

I could see Austin's expression softening a bit as he gazed at Nina. I need to do something fast, I can't have the real Austin coming out now.

"Don't listen to her, Austin. Michael killed Mia. Remember, she used to work in his office. That's where he slept with her and got her pregnant" I told Austin in a loud voice, he turned to look at me. I smiled as I saw the monster returning slowly. Yes, that's exactly what I needed.

"Yes, that's true. Nina is lying" Austin exclaimed slapping Nina loudly across the face. I wince in fear, how does she endured all of that?

Nina turned to glare at me, probably trying to tell me to enjoy while it lasts. Yes angel, I plan to enjoy it forever. I muster in my mind and smile as soon as I remember that I will be getting married to Michael this Saturday.

"And Austin while you are out on it, I want you to remember that it is because of Nina that's why you can't be with me and your baby" I told him refueling the monster in him. I knew how Austin loved his baby boy. "How is that my fault?" Nina screamed at me, she was looking into my eyes begging me to let go of this.

I wish I could do that to her but I'm enjoying this especially as I saw Austin charging toward her. Yes Austin, beat her until she's dead!

"Yes, you are the reason. I hate you so much, I hate you the more after knowing how much Michael loves you" Austin screamed. I was more than excited, my words were yielding the kind of result I had wanted.

"Yes Austin, remember it because of Michael that's why your parents doesn't love you anymore. That's why they look at you like a nobody" I told him again even when I knew the truth that Austin's parents were not in love with him ever since the onset but Austin wouldn't know that it was a lie.

"I hate your kind," Austin spat on the floor as venom laced his voice. I could see his eyes turning red in anger.

"You'll seem innocent and naive at first but later you all are monsters in angel's skin. I hate you Nina, why does it have to be Michael? Why can't you pick another man and be happy with him, why Michael?" "No, Austin please don't listen to her, she's lying to you" Nina screamed, she was fidgeting on the chair.

Wow! This will be lovely to watch! I turned and walked back to the chair where I sat and watched the million dollars movie in front of me starring my sworn enemy, Nina and my puppet, Austin...000000000☐☐☐☐☐

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