The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 62: Michael

I strolled down the hallway into my office. After the signing event yesterday, I couldn't wait to drop Nina off because Vino had called to tell me that he and Victor were around. I'm so happy that my brothers are at my side.

"Good morning, Mr. Thompson" Aurora greeted me with a smile on her face.

I smiled back at her as I strolled down to her table and greeted since I was in a good mood this morning" How are you, Aurora? Hope there's no problem?"

Aurora raised her eyebrows at me, shocked, it had been a while since I'd stopped at her office to chat with her" I'm fine sir. There's no problem" She replied.

I acknowledged her answer with a nod and turned to open the door into my office. I walked straight to my chair and sat down while eyeing Andrea with a bored look.

I wonder what he was doing in my office so early in the morning. And he looked unkempt. I continue staring at him with my back to the chair and my hands folded across my chest.

"Are you okay, Andrea? What's going on?" I asked him, motioning over to the chair across from me.

Andrea sat down heavily on the chair and turned to stare at me" There's bad news Michael" He said after sometime causing me to sit up on my seat.

"What bad news? What happened?" I asked him, urging him to give me the news with a hint of impatience in my voice.

"I received a call this morning from Nina's father, Mr. Tom Miller" That seems to caught my attention as I turned to focus on Andrea. My inside tightening with dread. I hope all is well with Nina.

"What about him?" I asked him, trying to calm my nerves. I'm sure all is well with Nina. I mean I would have known from the necklace if she was taken. I've been watching the feed all day with John and Don. "Apparently, Nina has been missing since yesterday night after she left Lush Beauty" Andrea dropped the bombshell.

I shot up from my chair immediately, my hands took the phone from my table and quickly put a call through to John...

"Hello, Mr. Thompson" John's tired voice called out to me from the other line. He hasn't been able to get some rest because he has been watching the feed all day since the day I gave the necklace to Nina.

"I need you to find the location of Nina for me" I told him Immediately pacing to and fro my office with a pounding heart in my chest.

"Miss Nina? Why? She's fine, I'm currently watching the feed right now" John replied nonchalantly like maybe I was trying to question his professionalism.

"Nina was kidnapped yesterday" I shouted at him" And you are telling me she's fine. How is she fine?"

"I'm sorry sir. I'm checking the status of the necklace right now" John replied. I waited as I could hear his finger running rapidly through the keys on the keyboard.

"I_sir__Miss Miller___ the necklace is not activated" John stammered through his words as I swore under my breath.

That stupid woman! If I had known this was going to happen. I wouldn't have agreed to her foolish idea in the first place. Why couldn't she switch on a fucking necklace for God's sake.

"Get Inspector Peller into my office immediately" I commanded into the phone and hung up.

Andrea turned to stare at me with guilt filled eyes" What are we going to do now? Mr. Miller threatened to sue Lush Beauty if we don't provide his daughter in three days"

"Three days?" I exclaimed in shock. If only I could take her away today. If only I had dropped her off, none of this won't be happening..

"Yes, you can imagine how shocked I was. I didn't even wait to shower, I rushed into the car immediately and drove here like a maniac" Andrea replied, taking in his dressing from the glass door behind him.

"You can use the shower to get ready. Help yourself to some of my clothes in the closet" I told him, waving him off to the other room as I got ready for my meeting with the inspector.

Andrea nodded and turned to walk into the room. I took the intercom to dial Aurora's number" Yes, Mr. Thompson"

"Get the conference room ready. I will be having a meeting with some people in an hour" I called into the intercom.

"Yes, sir" Aurora replied as I hung up. I took my phone and opened it. Nina's face greeted me on the screen saver as I ran my hands through her beautiful face.

I hope she's okay. My stubborn beautiful love. After everything, I'm going to propose to her and ask her to marry me. I hope she'll accept to be my wife.

I heard a knock on the door. I straightened on my chair and called 'Come in' to the person thinking that it was Inspector Peller.

But it wasn't inspector Peller nor John rather it was my two naughty brothers who I am more than angry with. I mean, it's because of them Nina was kidnapped. Why did they choose yesterday to show up and not any other day? "What's wrong with you Michael?" Vino asked me, he sat down in front of me with his legs crossed taking in my hardened face.

"You both happen to me?" I replied angrily causing Victor to shoot up from the couch where he was planning to watch a movie on the television.

"Both of us? But how? I thought you were excited to see us yesterday. Even mom was, she wouldn't stop saying how glad she was that her three boys are complete again and I

"Victor, you talk too much. I'm sure you are not planning on making Michael angry right?" Vino glared at Victor, making him shut up immediately, he raised his hands playfully in a surrender before going over to his seat on the couch. Vino turned to stare at me after Victor had gone" What is it? Why are we both the cause?"

"Nina was kidnapped yesterday" I replied frowning. My eyes took in the time on the silver wall clock from me. It's an hour, where the hell is Inspector Peller and John!

"Nina?" Vino questioned me with a confused look on his face" That same Nina who was dating Austin Walker. What has gotten into you. I thought you are getting married to Deborah, why are you still after that girl?"

"You don't understand, I still love her and moreover, Austin kidnapped her" I told Vino who was staring at me like I was insane. I went on to narrate all that had happened to me causing both Vino and Victor to swear furiously... "That psychopath. I warned you not to help Mia but you refused, see what she had done to you" Victor lamented bitterly pacing around my office.

The door to the other room opened and Andrea walked in. He was dressed in my navy blue shirt and a dark slack trouser. Andrea exchanged pleasantries with both Victor and Vino before turning to look at me. "Here" He handed me a brown envelope. I collected it from it, turning it in my hands confused as to what was in it.

"What is this?" I asked after sometime as the suspense was killing me...

"That's the exclusive pictures from yesterday just as you've requested. I forgot to give them to you earlier" I nodded as I dropped them into the drawer.

I couldn't bring myself to look at them without feeling guilt. I was the cause of this and I'm going to rectify it.

Aurora walked into my office without knocking, I'm sure it was important though I didn't even bother to ask her "Sir, John and another man are waiting for you at the conference room" Aurora told me.

I nodded at her before turning to pick up my bag and walked into the conference room with Andrea, Vino and Victor following closely behind me.


"I have briefed Inspector Peller on what has been going on" John answered as soon as we walked into the conference room.

Andrea and inspector Peller exchanged pleasantries as he was his uncle "That's good, John" I told him, causing John to nod at me, hiding a smile on his face.

"Now, that you've heard everything Inspector Peller, what do you suggest we do. I can't guarantee Nina safety with Austin Walker, he's a psychopath" I told inspector Peller with my hands folded on the table.

"There's nothing we could do for now than to wait hoping that Miss Miller will switch on the necklace to ascertain her location" Inspector Peller told us.

"Wait? That will be so difficult, what if something happens to her before we could get to her?" I told him angrily banging my fist on the table in frustration.

Why is it that everytime something happens to Nina, I'm not always capable of helping her? Why?

"Calm down, Mr. Thompson. I give you my words, Miss Miller will be found alive. In the meantime we could retract our step and ask about the taxi driver who took her from Lush Beauty"

"Sure, inspector Peller. Andrea will take you to Lush Beauty where you could take a look at the CCTV cameras there" I told him gladly that there was a solution.

Andrea nodded to me and Vino and turned to follow his uncle out of the conference room with John going over to escort them to the car.

"I can't believe Austin is capable of doing this. I mean, you both were really close when you were young" Vino lamented bitterly. Both he and Victor had been quiet while merely observing us.

"I'm surprised too. I mean I went to strike a deal with him but he wouldn't budge even after knowing that I knew about him" I told Vino and Victor. Victor opened his mouth to reply but he paused as John walked in with Deborah behind him. "What is she doing in my office?" I asked John seething in anger. I had warned all of them not to allow her into my home or office.

"I caught her eavesdropping on us, Mr. Thompson" John replied. I turned to look at Deborah who was smiling at both of my brothers.

"Woah, look who's here Victor and Vino. When did you get back?" She asked the both of them but none of them were saying anything as they both glared at her.

"I didn't know your stomach was this big. I mean isn't it supposed to be five months, it looks like eight month" Victor called sarcastically to her. I know he was trying to taunt her and I'm glad.

"tsk! Look who's talking. What do you know about women and pregnancy?" Deborah hissed at Victor earning a glare from Vino. I love watching my brothers take my side. I'm so excited that they are here right now with me.

"He might not know a lot about pregnancy but what we both know is that you won't be getting married to Michael. No, never. The Thompson's wealth is not for a greedy woman like you" With that both Vino and Victor walked out of my office. I smiled behind their back. I know they are going over to the club tonight. I wish I could go with them but I still need to find Nina.

Deborah glared at John and I before marching furiously out of the conference room. I laugh wholeheartedly. Good riddance! "What should we do now? I'm sure she must have heard everything we've discussed?" John asked me with concerned eyes.

"I think that's for our good. I'm sure she will lead us to Austin's hideout" I told John as I stood up to go home.

I make a mental note to call Don when I get home. I'll need him to monitor Deborah as she was the only one that could lead us to Nina.

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