The Alphas Wonder Land Phoenix Mountain Book 9

Chapter 31


The council chamber was eerily quiet as I slipped in.

Ash was talking quietly with Mateo. Darcy was trying to make Brody feel better. Peter pounded back a shot and talked with Hunter. Owen was talking with Jake. Zane is leaning on the table with his ear buds in. He’s not talking to anyone.

I walked to my side of my table. I couldn’t help it. My hand hit the back of Grahams chair as I came up to it. It slowly slid across it. I close my eyes. ‘See you soon, buddy.’ I think. We will. When I finally get shoved in front of those gates, he better be there because I’m bringing the beer.

I walk past Hunter and clap him on the back. Peter gives me a side clap as I head to my seat on the other side Zane at the front. I scrub a hand down my face and pull my seat in. This meeting better be good.

After a while, Zander walks in. He looks like complete shit. Weakened. As much as I hated the arrogant ass, I can’t stand seeing him like this. Not only does it hurt as a friend, but I know if he continues to feel this way, he’s running to Eternity. We can’t let that happen.

He stands at the podium and looks down. He swallows and clears his throat. He’s searching for words. I see his eyes flick to Grahams chair and back down.

He puts his hands in his pockets and lifts his head not high, but high enough. “I know going forward is going to be difficult for all of us, but I know he wouldn’t want us giving up. He’d wants us to move on. It may be a little fast, but we all know, time isn’t on our side right now. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to ask that we sent aside our time with Graham and focus on this mission. After, we will grieve properly. Agreed?” He looked around the table as the room grumbled.

He nods. “Ok. I called this meeting because Faith says she has something important to tell us. She should be here…”

“I’m here.”

We look to the door and Faith walks in with Azriel.

“Hello.” She gives a small smile as she walks in

We follow her up to Zander.

She twists her fingers. “First. I’m so sorry for your loss. With the little time I had with Graham, I could tell he was a good man.”

Our heads fell at her words.

“Second. I have to apologize to all of you.”

Our eyes met hers. She looks to Azriel and he nods to her. He gives her a motion to continue.

She clears her throat and looks quickly to Jake. “Um…What I’m about to tell you will come as a shock to all of you.” She looks between Zander and Jake. “But please understand. I was sworn to secrecy. For not only the protection of Jake, but the protection of Miracle.” Her eyes move fast around the room.

“Miracle? Mom, what?” Jake leans on the table.

Zander turns to her. “Miracle? He’s real? Here?”

She presses her lips together and nods. “He is.” She smiled. “Hiding.”

“Hiding where?” Zander asks.

Her eyes began to well as she turns to Jake.

He sits up. “What? Why are you looking at me?”

A tear slips out of her eye. “Miracle surface.” She said quietly.

Jakes head fell and it lifted. His eyes were solid black.

“Wait. What?” I say.

“What’s going on? Cal?” Darcy says moving back.

Owen looks surprised. “Jake.”

“Open the link, Miracle.” Faith nods.

‘Hello, Zander.’ Jake looks to Zander. We can all hear it.

‘Cal. What’s going on?’ Zander asks.

‘Search me.’ He says.

Zander slowly walks over to Jake. He places two fingers on Jakes temple and closes his eyes. After a bit of silence, Zanders face gets a look of shock on it. “No.” He whispers.

Jake smiles. ‘Yes.’

‘How? How is this possible?’ He asks.

“What is it? Zander?” I growl.

Zander steps back a bit. ‘He’s my brother.’ Zander looks him over and shakes his head. ‘What’s going on? It’s not…My mother killed herself. She wasn’t pregnant…’

“I can answer that”

Our heads turn and Fate is in the room.

“What did you do?!” Zander growls.

She holds up her hand with a smug look on her face. “What I had to, to save your brother.”

“SPEAK!” Zander yells.

“Understand, this is not what I had planned, but I had no choice.” She starts as she walks into the room. She looks at Jake. “You were a last resort. I was desperate.”

“Fate!” Zander growls.

She turns and scowls at him then turned back to Jake.

She watched the floor as she walked to Faith’s side. “One thing you must know is that when cosmic beings break the rules and make children with mortals, they give pieces of power to them. Weakening the being significantly. Given enough time, that power comes back, but until then, the being is much like a crab without a shell. Vulnerable.”

She looks between Faith, Jake and Zander.

“Your father wanted ultimate power. More power than any one of us could imagine. He made the loop hole so his children could gather enough power for him.” She lifts her chin. Her slit eyes move around the room.

“Why?” Zander asks.

She turns to him. “To kill you and take back the power he gave you, the power you get from cosmic blood and add it to his own.”

Zander shook his head. “That son of a bitch.” He mutters. “Ok. So why is he so weak now?”

She nods. “The prison.” She supplies. “We found out something. Something that changes everything.”

“What?” Zander asks.

‘Me.’ Miracle links.

Fate nods. “Your father visited the guardian. Forced her to reveal his future. By this time, Eternity made another. Your mother was with child. Your brother, Zander.”

Zanders concerned face turned to Jake. “What did she say?”

“That your father would fail. He’d be beaten back and imprisoned…by his sons. He was told that Miracle would mean his ultimate defeat.” She folds her arms and looks to Jake. “I had to save you. Hide you. Your father came for you. He tried to kill your mother. I saved her, but not before ripping you from her.”

She turned to Zander. “I’m sorry, Zander. I caused your mother’s death. In the process of removing Miracle, the human soul was destroyed due to the delicate nature of the intertwining of them. It’s not an operation that should be rushed, but I was out of time. Her soulless baby drove her to insanity. There was nothing I could do.”

Zanders fist balled as he looked between Jake and Fate. He nodded and lowered his head. Fighting to understand.

She looked around the room. “Eternity attacked. I held into Miracle as we fought. I almost lost my life, but I managed to escape him. Falling onto a road on a dark night.” She glanced at Faith. “I had a plan. An infant picked out ready to receive Miracle, but Eternity soiled that plan. I landed in front of a car, beaten and bloody. A kind, very pregnant woman stepped out onto the road to see if I was OK. I took it as an opportunity. I knew her baby had a wolf, but like I said, I was desperate. I shoved Miracle into her and told him to hide the child’s wolf. I didn’t know what the effects would be, frankly, at the moment, I didn’t care. Miracle was safe. Hidden. The prophecy upheld. Then I stole another soul and Eternity found me. We fought again and he killed the wolf. When he didn’t get the power, he knew Miracle was gone. Never to be found until now. Shortly after, he was imprisoned by us and the time he spent there, weakened him to such a degree, it would take a millennia for him to become his former self, unless he successfully takes both your powers. You can not let that happen.” She arches her brow at both Jake and Zander.

‘I’m sorry for hiding from you, Zan. I couldn’t reveal myself until I knew it was safe. Unfortunately, being in this body with Riker, my Zeta powers aren’t as strong as yours, but they can be. If you still want me by your side, I need your help.’ Miracle links.

Jake gets up and walks to Zander. ‘If there was another way, I’m sure Fate would have taken it, but I really believe I’m like this for a reason. Regardless, I’m your brother and I hope you can see me as one too.'

Zander eyes him and a small smile tugs at his lip. “See…I told you were special.”

‘Yeah, ya did.’ Jake smiles.

Zander pulls Jake in for a hug. Jake hugs him back. “Welcome home, brother.” Zander mumbles on Jake’s shoulder.

Zander pushes him back. ‘Wait…If you’re a Zeta, how are you linking me right now?’

‘I borrowed Rikers brain. He’s drooling in a corner right now.’ Jake smirks.

Zander laughs and hugs him again.

“Ok. So what does that mean?” Peter asks.

Zander takes a deep breath. “I guess we have even more power to beat my father…” He looks to Jake. “Our father.” Jake nods.

I lean on the table. “So, what’s the plan?”

Zander leans on the table. “We need your piece. Did you get it from Damica?”

“No, but.” I open a chest pocket and pull out the mirror piece. “I got the next best thing. I grin.

“Where did you get that?” Zander asks.

I shrug. “I stole it from the Falcons. Figured I wouldn’t have to rip off my girlfriend.” I grin.

Zander stands and crosses his arms. “Fire it up.”

I pull out my knife and jab the tip into my finger. I drip a drop on the railway tie. Nothing happens.

I look at it confused. I drop another drip. “It should work. It’s the same piece.”

Darcy leans forward. “Unless it’s not.”

Hunter nods. “It may look the same, but it’s properties and who it’s tied to maybe different. You weren’t meant for that one, Sawyer.”

“So, who’s it belong to?” Owen leans back on his chair with his fingers folded on his chest.

All heads turn to him. He gets a goofy grin on his face. “What?”

“You’re the only Alpha left.” I say and toss the piece to him.

He snorts. “What? I don’t think so. No way.”

Jake looks at him. “Yes, you are.”

“Come on, Owen. Just prick those manicured fingers and get your vision.” I slide my blade to him.

He sits up. “I’m not doing that. I don’t want to be apart of this.” He looks around the room.

Jake puts Miracle away. He turns Owen’s chair and leans on the arms. “You are a part of this now bleed on the piece.”

Owen points a finger in his face. “I didn’t sign up for this.” He grits.

“Too bad!” Jake growls. “Do it.”

Owen stares him down. “Fine, but you owe me. Big time.”

I don’t know what’s going on with those two, but it’s really freaking weird.

Owen presses his lips together and picks up the blade. He spins it around and holds the tip over the pad of his finger. He hesitates.

Dropping the blade, he looks at us all. “Does it have to be blood? Like, can’t I just lick it?”

I lean forward and point at him. “Drop the blood now or I’ll stab you myself.” I growl.

“Alright. Sheesh.” He looks at Jake. “Is he always this angry?”

“Owen!” Jakes eyes flare as he barks.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

“Alright!” He picks up the blade and stabs his finger. “OW!” He winces.

He holds his bleeding finger to it and a drop hits it. Nothing happens.

Darcy leans over. “Huh. Maybe they gleamed it already.”

I pull out my phone and text Damica. “Maybe. I think we should still hang onto it. Just in case.” I say as I eye Owen suspiciously.

Zander leans on the podium. “Good idea. In the meantime, we need that piece.”

I drop my phone on the table. “Done. Dami is preparing for Washington as we speak. We'll have it by tonight.”

“Ok. Now, I have a billion questions. Fate…” Zander turns.

Faith smiles. “Oh, she called us boring and blinked out about 15 minutes ago.” She thumbs over her shoulder.

Zander shakes his head. “Figures.” He mutters.

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