The Alphas And The Orphan

Chapter 62

Tuesday 23 rd January

Liam POV

With both Fergus and Aaron staying with their mates, Astéri offers my two friends rooms in their suite.

After getting them settled Cam and I retire to our room, I think we all need to think about what the witches have told us. I sit on the bed and sigh.

“Liam I think it’s about time to call in the cavalry, let’s give Blair a call. time for us to get our whole team back together we also need to bury Archie, he would want to be scattered at home on the highlands.”

“Your right, we need reinforcements, get the old boys together again, I’ll ring Blair now.”

I dial the number that used to be mine, and waited.

BLAIR: Alpha Blair Danvers.

LIAM: How’s my favourite nephew.

BLAIR: uncle Liam how are you? And how is that beautiful cousin of mine? Mamo and pappy have passed her photo around like nobody’s business.

LIAM: That’s why I’m calling, we are in trouble, The people behind the attack on Paxos are after her, and they have amassed an army of rogues to fight for them. The staged an organised attack on two fronts yesterday, we lost Archie son.

BLAIR: f**k I’m sorry, what do you need?

LIAM: I am sendin Fergus and Aaron home with their mates, they will bring Archie home to be buried, the boys and I will say our goodbyes to him here, can you organise that for me?

I am going to ask my old team to head down to us, is that ok?

BRIAR: of course uncle, I am sure Dad will be wanting to come as well, leave it with me, I’ll text when we have a plan ok. Take care uncle Liam.

LIAM: Thanks son, speak soon.

After hanging up I lean my head on Cam shoulder and he k****s his forehead.

A hesitant knock at the door followed by a quite, “dad? Cam?”

I open the door to my gorgeous daughter, she smiles at me, “grab your coats we are going to look at houses, the triplets are sure you have sent for reinforcements, so we need to get the Danvers properties sorted.”

Cam’s chuckle behind me makes me turn, “we can’t get anything pass this one can we? Let’s go.”

Following My daughter, and her mates out of the pack house, I notice the protective stance the boys have taken, no one is getting close to Astéri,

When I first found out my daughter was mated to the three boys I was worried, I know multiples are more than likely to share a mate, but these boys are just that, boys.

Seeing them in action though, having the three of them means that my Astéri will always be able to be a priority for one of them, leaving the other two to protect the pack.

And goddess they love her, I see it every time they look at her.

about five minutes from the pack house we enter a wooded clearing, there are seven large houses in a cul-de-sac. Astéri strides up the steps of the closest property, and opens the door.

We follow her in and the house is beautiful, my Ma may never want to leave.

Astéri, looks at the clipboard she is carrying, “OK 7 Foxglove Avenue, 5 en-suite bedrooms, 3 reception rooms, I think this could be a winner,”

She looks around the entrance hall, “plenty of space for visiting warriors to keep their outerwear, coats shoes and whatnot.” Then she briskly walks into the first reception room, waving her hands in different directions she explains her vision.

“widescreen TV on that wall, a large corner sofa here,” she looks at the three boys, “is one of you going to right this down? We do not have a lot of time, come on guys.”

They look at her with blank expressions, she lets out an exasperated sigh and opens the big bag on her shoulder. I hear her muttering, “knew I should have brought Luna and the girls,” She pulls out a stack of notebooks, and throws one to each of us, then a pen follows.

“ok, Ace, living rooms, Lexi, dining rooms, Ash, kitchens, Dad, bedrooms, and Cam, bathrooms. Now Ace write the address on the first page, neatly! Done? Then write room one,” bossy littl bugger, she grabs a book of post it’s and writes ‘LV 1’ and sticks it on the door.

“Ace, widescreen TV, large corner sofa, one large coffee table, two end tables, four floor lamps, one large rug. Have you got that Ace?”

His very sheepish, “yes love,” makes me chuckle, her glare stops all further chuckles in my throat, even Cam looks scared of her.

“Ok let’s give Ace a break for a minute, Kitchen next, Ash make sure you put the address.” I hear him whisper to Ace, “what’s the address?.” Ace stares at him wide eyed and mouths ‘I don’t know’ cam writes the address on the first page of his book and shows the boys, they smile with relief, “the only way we are getting through this without my step daughter killing us all is to work together, I knew there was a reason the goddess made me gay.”

Ash let out a bark of laughter that he managed to turn into a cough, Astéri glared at us, “are you coming?”

An hour later we leave the house, she has decided to turn this house into a barrack type of dwelling, each bedroom can hold two sets of bunk beds, so the house can hold ten visiting warriors.

“Ok next house is two doors down, the layout is different to the last it only has two reception rooms, but they are bigger, it still has five bedrooms and I think we will do the same as the last house, that will give us room for ten visiting warriors in each property.”

We add two more properties after that, in the same street.”

Astéri, then leads us to the back garden of the 3rd house we looked at, there is a roughly cut path through the trees, we walk for about 10 minutes, then the view opens up to reveal a spectacular mansion, there is scaffolding up and men are working on renovations.

“Three years ago, after a rather nasty altercation with Clementine, I was walking through the woods feeling sorry for myself, when I stumbled onto this house, I have been coming here ever since, when things got too much for me. When I first looked at the house I saw the roof from the third house we looked at, I called Luna and we took our wolves for run through the undergrowth.”

The forman rushes over to Star. “Luna, you are just in time, the kitchen have sent us our afternoon treats, the boys really appreciate it thank you.”

She grins at him, “Steve, you and your men work so hard to keep roofs over our heads, you deserve the treats. Can we go in?”

He bows and waves her through the front door, “wow you have got so much done in just a few days.”

One of the workmen passes us, “anything for you Luna,”

Astéri, turns to me, “Amanda did some research and she told me it had been built for the triplets great-great grand-parents, but the couple died in a fire in the old school house, they saved all the children, but the Luna had gotten stuck under a been, the Alpha of course would not leave his love, and the both perished. This house has never been lived in.

She strokes her hand down the beautiful banister of the main staircase, “her bones are solid, and she stands strong after years on neglect, Steve and the boys are just giving the old girl a bit of a facelift. Amanda and I have named her ‘Loriette” after her former mistress.”

She smiles at the boys, then looks at me, Loriette had a large family in France, so this house was built to entertain, ten bedrooms, twelve and a half bath, a large catering kitchen, seven reception rooms, and what will be a beautiful garden. Your new home from home dad, what do you think?”

I am struck dumb, my daughter is making a statement to her people with this house, letting them know that we are family and here to stay. I hug her so tight whispering my thanks and how much I love her.

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